


Dear A. R.                                                                                                 September 8, 1985

      ...We are living in the most exciting time in history, and undoubtedly the next generation will be even more so. Part of President Reagan's tax reform calls for every individual in the country to have a social security number. While we do not say adamantly the Social Security number is the "mark of the Beast," yet, it is most certainly the presager of it. While my views on eschatology are not thoroughly defined, I believe Scripture teaches the coming of an Antichrist. John told us in his First Epistle, "Even now are there many antichrists:" yet, this man will be THE Antichrist, The Man of Sin.

      I believe Scripture also teaches the coming of world tyranny under his dominion. It is awesome when we have a piece of legislation like the "Genocide Treaty" on Sen. Bob Dole's desk which is very clearly an international piece of legislation, and one that would supercede our own Constitution. "Genocide" such as that occurring in Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Africa, Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China would be protected by this Treaty, but any American charged with "causing mental harm to members of a group," and "inflicting on the group conditions of life," could be tried in an international court!

    In theory, any Christian attempting to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an unbeliever could be charged with "genocide," and tried in the World Court. Since all Senators, and members of the House swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States, it is curious that not one of the Congressmen who supported the Treaty has been impeached for violating his oath of office.

    Last November, a Harvard economics professor wrote in the journal Foreign Affairs, "I suggest an alternative scheme for the next century: the creation of a common currency for all of the industrialized democracies with a common monetary policy, and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy."

    It is again most curious that Christian parents see living testimonials every day regarding government education, yet, they continue to send their children there instead of sending them to Christian schools, or teaching them at home. Parents send their children to public institutions, and see them returned rebellious, on drugs, or pregnant. Last year, our area School superintendent held a closed meeting with teachers in which he said, "There will be no mention of God in the classroom. End of sentence. No discussion." The Apostle Paul urged, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, ...and not after Christ" (Colossians 2:8). It is interesting, too, that Paul wrote that epistle from Laodicea!

     While my Social Security card reads, "Not for identification," yet it is on my driver's license, my hunting license, the checks I write, etc. And, amid all the rumblings, how many municipalities across our land are calling for "consolidation" of city and county governments, and for "regionalism." President Woodrow Wilson said, "The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it. When we resist, therefore, the concentration of power, we are resisting the process of death, because concentration of power is what always precedes the destruction of human liberties."

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "We have to get over the notion that the revamping of government is for economic reasons: the reason is for control."

    Eighty percent of the hotels and motels nationwide are owned by Asian Indians. The National Baptists are building an emporium in Atlanta which will be run by "Communist Chinese." How many acres of urban and rural land have been sold to Arabs? The point I am making is that there is an insidious trend toward internationalism, rather than toward the Biblical concept of "bounds and limitations" from which people everywhere may seek after the Lord.

    I am certain such thoughts as these sound radical at the moment; nevertheless, I believe the United States is caught up in an international conspiracy. While some would say it is a conspiracy of the Jews; and, others, of the Masons, or, of the Illuminati, of the Pope, or the Trilateralists, I believe it is rather a conspiracy that had its roots in Babylon, and in the rebellion of Nimrod. I believe we are where we are after 4000 years of conspiracy! and that it will result in a regathering to Babel.

    I believe there is no hope for our Republic. Americans have lost the will to do what is right. They have no heart to repent for having shattered the just laws of a good God. Americans sleep while they are at hand that do betray them. All who would retain some measure of freedom to worship, and to do right, are going to have to work themselves free from the entanglements of a system that is anti-God, and anti-Christian. I trust you folks are well. Our prayers are with you. Love in Christ.



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