"Rulers are not a
terror to good works, but to the evil."
-Romans 13:5-
Dominican Republic --signs a Concordat
declaring Roman Catholicism the official religion of the State, (June
Domitian --boils the Apostle John in oil,
and the subsequent exile of, to the Isle of Patmos, (Jan.27); restrains
the Immorality of the theatre and checks public prostitution, (Sept.18);
his persecution of the Church (Sept.18); demands worship as "Dominus et
Deus", (Sept.18); his murder by his family, (Sept.18)
Donatists, (Jan.4)
Donne, John –(Mar.31)
Doolittle, Thomas --conversion of, (May 24); his meetinghouse seized and
his subsequent flight, (May 24), Death of, (May 24)
Doppers –(Feb.10)
Dort, Council of --convenes (Nov.13);
adopts the Belgic Confession, (Apr.29); the petition by the
Remonstrants in the form of the Five Points of Arminianism is rejected
as unscriptural, (Nov.13); see: (Oct.10)
Doshisha University --founded (Jan.23)
Douglas, George --his plot for the escape of Mary Stuart from Loch Leven
Castle, (May 2); cf. (Feb.8)
Douglas, Robert –(Jan.1)
Douglas, Willie --assists Mary, Queen of Scots in her escape from Loch
Leven Castle, (May 2); cf. (Feb.8)
Downgrade Controversy –(Oct.28)
Drake, Edmund --flees Devon, (Jan.25)
Drake, Sir Francis --the defeat of the
Spanish Armada, of. (Jan.25); carries Foxe's Book of Martyrs,
Bibles and Prayerbooks aboard his ships, (Apr.18); enforces
Religious ser-vices aboard ship, (Jan.25); lands on the California
coast, (Jan.25)
Draskovich, George --imports Jesuits into
Hungary, (June 22)
"Draw Me Nearer" –(Mar.24)
Drisius --denies Lutherans have the right to worship, (June 6)
Drusius, Johannes --with Philips Van Marnix completes the Dutch
translation of the New Testament, and the Dutch revision of the
Septuagint, (Oct.10)
Dubourg, Mr. Anne --argues in the French
Parliament with Henry II on account of his persecution of the Church,
(Dec.23); his arrest and subsequent Death, (Dec.23)
Duchesne, William --el. (May 20)
Dudley, Thomas –(July 30); of. (Apr.7)
Duff, Alexander --Birth of, (Apr.12);
student of Thomas Chalmers, (Feb.12); shipwrecked, (Feb.12); labors in
India, establishing a school in Calcutta, (Feb.12); withdraws from the
Church of Scotland to join the Free Church, (Feb.12)
Duffield, George –(Sept.1)
Duffield, George, Jr. – (Mar.30)
Duncan, John ("Rabbi") --student of
Robert Haldane, (Feb.26); the conversion of by Caesar Malan, (Feb.26);
brings Alfred Edersheim to Christ, (Feb.26)
Dunster, Henry --flees the tyranny of the
Church of England, (Feb.27); changes his views on Baptism, and his
subsequent resignation from the Presidency of Harvard College, (Feb.27);
revises the Bay Psalm Book, (Feb.27); Death of, (Feb.27); of.
(Feb.11), (Feb.19)
Duplessis, Armand -Jean du --(See:
Cardin-al Richelieu)
Durer, Albrecht --Birth of, (May 21); the
"Praying Hands," (Apr.6); a friend of the Reformation, (May 21); Death
of, (Apr.6)
Duprat, Anthony --of. (Aug.18)
Dutch East India Company --founded, of. (May 15); settles Capetown,
South Africa, (Apr.6)
Dutch Guiana --a refuge for those fleeing religious persecution, (May 1)
Dutch Reformed Church --the first
national synod on Dutch soil, (June 2); the first General Synod,
(Oct.4); sends Guido Herman Fri-dolin Verbeck to Japan, (Nov. 7); in
Cape Colony, founded, (Apr.6)
Dutch West India Company --instructs the
Governor of New Netherlands to engage the Indians in the event of an
attack from New England, (Aug.15)
Dwight, Timothy --Birth of, (May 14);
ordination of, (Nov.5); President of Yale College, (May 14); assists in
the founding of Princeton Seminary, (Aug.12); teaches Lyman Beecher,
(May 14); the Second Great Awakening, (May 14); marries the daughter of
Jonathan Edwards, (May 14); preaches his last sermon, (Nov.3); Death of,
(Jan.11); of. (Jan.7)
Dyar, Mary --Death of, (Oct.27)
Dzhugashvili, Joseph Vissarionovich --(See: Joseph Stalin)
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