Eaglesfield, George –(Sept.27)
Early, Major General J. A. --cf. (June 16)
East India Company --its persecution of missionaries, (Feb.11);
(Sept.7); cf. (Aug.1)
Easty, Mary --hanged for witchcraft, (Sept.22)
Eaton, George –(Sept.27)
Eaton, Theophilus --assists in the founding of Connecticut, (June 4);
of. (June 26)
The Ecclesiastical History Of The EnglishNation –(May 25)
Eck, Dr. Johann --incorporates Emser's
translation of Scripture into his Bible, (Mar.28); the Disputation at
Leipsic, (June 27); of. (June 5)
Edersheim, Alfred --conversion of,
Edict of 202 – (Mar.7)
Edict of 1703—(Mar.2)
Edict of 1706—(Mar.2)
Edict of 1707 – (Mar.2)
Edict of Bavaria – (Mar.5), cf. (Sept.20)
Edict of Beaulieu – (Sept.15)
Edict of Julian – reversed, (Oct.5)
Edict of Nantes –penned, (Oct.17); signed, (Apr.15); Revocation of
and consequences of, (Oct.18)
Nuremberg Edict –(Mar.6)
Edict of Poitiers – (Sept.15)
Edict of Restitution –(Mar.6)
Edict of Toleration:
(313) – (June13)
(1781) – (Oct.29)
Edict of Words – Renewed, (Nov.18)
Edward VI—repeals the Act known as De
Haeretico Comburendo, (July 6); revises the Book of Common Prayer,
(June 9); Death of, (July 6)
Edwards, Jemima – (Mrs. David Brainerd) – (Oct.9)
Edwards, Jonathan --Birth of, (Oct.5); conversion of, (Oct.5);
ordination of, (Feb.15); marriage of, (July 28). Teaches Samuel Hopkins,
(Sept.17); teaches Joseph Bellamy, (Mar.6); preaches "Sinners In The
Hands Of An Angry God," (July 8); resists the "Half-Way Covenant", and
the liberalizing of restrictions for participating in the Lord's Supper,
(June 22); dismissal from his church and his subsequent letter to
Ebenezer Erskine, (June 22); publishes his Freedom Of The Will,
(Oct.10); death of his wife, (Oct.2); his influence upon Andrew Fuller,
(Feb.6); his influence upon John Newton, (Feb.15); the Death of David
Brainerd, (Oct.9); Death of, (Mar.22)
Edwards, Timothy --cf. (Oct.5)
Edwin --conversion of, (Oct.10); Death of, (Oct.10); cf. (Aug.5)
Egidio –(Dec.22)
Egmondanus --his persecution of the Church, (July 1)
Ejection of 1662 –(Aug.17)
Elias, John –(Mar.6)
"The Elijah" –(Apr.23); cf. (Apr.29), (Nov.5)
Eliot, John --Birth of, (July 31);
assists Thomas Hooker in his school, (July 7); flees the oppression of
William Laud, (Nov.4); prints the Moheecan Bible, (May 20);
assists in the preparation of the Bay Psalm Book, (Feb.27); Death
of, (May 20)
Elizabeth --grants asylum to French and
Spanish Protestants, (May 15); repeals the Act of De Haeretico
Combuerendo, (Feb.18); restores Martin Bucer and Paul Fagius their
University honors, (Feb.6); snubs the French Ambassador, (Aug.24); the
excommunication of, (May 15); resisted by the Puritans, cf. (Oct.5);
considers the acknowledging of Religious freedom to be subversive to her
monarchy, (Dec.11); refuses to grant Mary Stuart safe conduct, (Aug.19);
shelters her cousin, Mary Stuart, (Feb.8); signs her death warrant,
(Feb.8); cf. (June 19); the First Statute of , (July 1)
Elliot, Jim – his martyrdom, (Jan.8)
Elliott, Charlotte—conversion of, (May 9); pens “Just as I Am,” (May 9)
Ellsworth, Annie—(May 24)
Emir of Mosul – recovers the city of Edessa from the Crusaders, (Dec.25)
Emmanuel, Victor—marches into Rome, confines the Pope to the Vatican,
and unites Italy, (Sept.20)
Emser, Hieronymous – Birth of, (Mar.28); translates the Bible, (Mar.28)
The Encyclopedia – the beginnings of, (Oct.5); Samuel Smiles of,
Endecott, John –(Sept.13)
England --first English National Assembly
called, (Sept.24); the first Archbishop to whom the whole English church
made submission, (Sept.24); placed under Interdict, (May 18); the
Magna Carta, (June 15); cf. (Apr.8); sustains the pastors of twelve
Waldensian churches, (Aug.1); the Act of Six Articles and the subsequent
departure from Protestantism, (June 28); the Root and Branch Petition,
(Nov.3); the landing of Charles II and the subsequent Restoration to
Monarchy, (Aug.30); the Gun Powder Plot, (Nov.5); the Revolution of
1688, (Nov.5); conquers Canada and imposes English law including those
against Romanism, (Sept.17); its impressment of soldiers and the hiring
of mercenaries, (May 4); receives Roman Catholic priests banished from
France by the French Revolutionary Assembly, (Aug.23); passes the
Balfour Declaration, (Nov.2)
Engle vs. Vitale --the United States Supreme Court rules that to offer
Prayer in a public school is a violation of the First Amendment, (June
English Annotations on the Holy Bible
-- Spurgeon of, (Oct.2)
English Presbyterian Society --sends William Chalmers Burns to India,
(June 9)
Engster, Huldrich --(See: Johann Brenz)—(June 24)
Episcopacy – reinstated in England, (Dec.20)
The Episcopal Manifesto --denounces the Liberalism of the book
Essays And Reviews, (Feb.24)
Epworth League --founded, (May 15)
Erasmus, Desiderius --translates the
Bible into Latin, (July 12); his deceit as a logician, (July 12); pens
The Praise Of Folly and the attitude of Luther toward, (July 12);
his argument with Sir Thomas More on Transubstantiation, (July 12); cf.
(Feb.7); of Martin Luther, (Dec.5); Death of, (July 12)
Eric (Sweden) --his labor among the
Finns, (Jan.20)
Erskine, Ebenezer --Birth of, (June 22);
cf. (Feb.14); marriage of, (June 22); organizes a Secession Corps of
Volunteers in the Rebellion of 1745, (June 22); with three others
secedes from the Church of Scotland and forms the Associate Synod,
(Nov.16); excommunicated by the Church of Scotland, (Dec.3); preaches
"Unbelief Arraigned And Condemned At The Bar Of God," (Nov.16); founds
the Associate Presbytery, (Dec.3); turns from George Whitefield,
(Dec.3); the Marrow Controversy, (May 20); teaches John Brown of
Haddington, (June 19); Death of, (June 2); of. (Mar.6)
Erskine, Henry --brings Thomas Boston to
Christ, (Mar.15)
Erskine, John –(May 10)
Erskine, Ralph –(Mar.15); cf. (Mar.6)
Each --the First Martyr of the Reformation, (July 1)
Esher, John Jacob –(Dec.11)
Essays And Reviews --its denial of Biblical doctrines and the
subsequent controversy, (Feb.24)
Ethelburga –(Oct.10)
Ethelfrid –(Aug.5)
Ethiopia --missionaries of the Sudan
Interior Mission commanded to leave by the advancing Italian Army,
Eugenius IV --proclaims the Fifth Crusade
against the Hussites, (Aug.14); dismisses the Council of Basel, (July
23); flees Rome, (July 23)
Eugenius (394) --the defeat of, (Sept.6)
Eusebius of Samosata --the murder of, (June 22)
Eustace –(June 3)
Eutropius --expels the Arians from their towns, (Jan.10)
Evangelical Alliance --its formation and
accomplishments, (Aug.23); the Evangelical Alliance for the United
States formation of, (Aug.23)
Evangelical Association –(Oct.14); John
Jacob Esher, (Dec.11)
Evangelical Church --founded, (Oct.14); merges with the Church of the
United Brethren in Christ to form the Evangelical United Brethren
Church, (Nov.16)
Evangelical Test –(June 24)
Evangelical United Brethren Church
--formation of, (Nov.16); united with the Methodist Church to form the
United Methodist Church, (Nov.16)
Evelyn, John --of. (Aug.30)
Evangelische Bund --founded, (Oct.5)
Evans, Christmas –(Dec.25)
Evidences Of Christianity --of. (Jan.23)
Ewell, General Richard –(May 6)
Ewer, Bishop John –(May 28)
Exeter Assembly --origin of, (Oct.18); assents to the Happy Union, (June
The Existence And Attributes Of God –(July 27)
Existentialism --denounced by Pius XII, (Aug.12)
Explanations Of The Maxims Of The Saints On The Inner Life
Expositions Of The Discourses And Sayings Of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"Exsurge Domine" --("Arise, 0 Lord") –Leo X's Bull against Martin
Luther, (June15)
Extravagants --burned by Luther, (Dec.10)
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