Dabney, Robert --Birth of, (Mar.5);
chaplain to General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, (Mar.5); pens The
Defence Of Virginia And Of The South, (Jan.3); defends the
institution of slavery, (Mar.5); Archibald Alexander of, (Jan.3); Death
of, (Jan.3)
Dagobert I --introduces Christianity into
the Frankish kingdom, (Nov.5)
Daille, Jean – (Jan.8)
The Dairyman's Daughter –(Dec.21)
Dale, R. W. --succeeds John Angell James, (Oct.1); the Liberalism of,
Danish East India Company --persecution of missionaries by, (May 12)
Dante, (Dante Alighieri) --his opposition
to Rome, (June 15); cf. (Jan.27); pens the Divine Comedy, (June
15); his condemnation and sentence of death, (June 15); his sentence of
death renewed under King Robert, (Nov.6)Death of, (Nov.6)
Darby, John Nelson --Birth of, (Nov.18);
the influence of Edward Irving, (Aug.4); founds the Plymouth Brethren,
in Europe, (Nov.18); persecution of in Switzerland, (Nov.18);
Darbyites --persecution of in
Switzerland, (Nov.18); the controversy between the Exclusives, and the
Bethesda, (Nov.18)
"Dare To Be A Daniel" –(Dec.29)
Dartmouth College --founding of, (Nov.16); cf. (July 14)
Dathenus, Petrus –(June 2)
Daun, Marshal --cf. (Dec.5)
Davenport, John --at the Westminster
Assembly, (July 1); cf. (Aug.30); flees the Laudian persecution, (June
26); his Creed, (June 26); assists in the founding of
Connecticut, (June 4); the Plantation Covenant, (June 4)
Da Vinci, Leonardo –(May 2)
Davis, President Jefferson --proclaims a
day of fasting and prayer for the Confederate States of America,
(Mar.10), (Mar.27), (Apr.8)
Davis, Nicholas --Death of, (Oct.27)
Day of Barricades –(May 18)
De Haeretico Comburendo --its Tenets,
(Feb.18); issued by Henry IV, (Feb.18); expanded under Henry V,
(Feb.18); first repealed by Henry VIII, (Feb.18); repealed by Edward VI,
(Feb.18); reinstated by "Bloody" Mary Tudor, (Feb.18); repealed by Queen
Elizabeth, (Feb.18); final re-peal under Charles II, (Feb.18). Thomas
Cranmer suffers under, (Mar. 21)
"Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind"
"Death, Be Not Proud" –(Mar.31)
"Death's Duel" –(Mar.31)
Declaration of Breda –(Apr.14)
Declaration of Independence --(also, The
Declaration By The Representatives Of The United States of America In
Congress) –(July 4); cf. (Nov.15)
Declaration of Indulgence for Tender
Consciences --First: passed by Charles II, (Mar.15); withdrawn by
Parliament, (Mar.8). Second: passed by James II, (Apr.4)
Declaration of Rights --assented to by
William and Mary, (Feb.13), cf. (Nov.5)
Declaration of the Rights of Man –(June 12)
Declaration of Sanquhar –(June 22)
Decretals --burned by Luther, (Dec.10)
The Defence Of Virginia And Of The South – (Jan.3)
Defiance Campaign –(Dec.5)
Defoe, Daniel --of Thomas De Laune, (Nov.29)
Delaware --religious test required for public office, (July 19)
Delawares --influenced by David Zeisberger not to aid the British during
the War for Independence, (Nov.17)
Delitzsch, Franz –(May 5)
Denmark --invested by Imperial forces
following the defeat of Protestant forces under Christian IV by Tilly,
(Aug.27); acknowledges the liberty of Evangelicals to preach, (July14)
Deogratias --elected bishop of Carthage,
Dexter, Henry Martyn --draws up the Nebraska Protest to Congress,
Diaz, Juan --his murder by his brother, (Mar.27)
Dickinson, Dr. A. A. cf. (Sept.6)
Dickinson, Jonathan –(Apr.22), (Oct.7)
Dickson, David –(Dec.21)
Dickson, Isabella --(Mrs. Andrew Bonar) – (Apr.4)
Diderot, Denis --an Encyclopedist,
(Oct.5); his part in the instigation of the French Revolution, (Oct.5);
cf. (May 30)
Digby, Everard –(Nov.5)
Diocletian --passes three edicts of persecution against the Church,
(Feb.23); Death of, (Dec.3)
Directory for Public Worship –(Jan.3), (Dec.21)
Disciples of Christ --formation of, (June 28)
Disputation of Baden –(May 21)
Disputation of Leipsic –(June 27)
Disruption of 1837 –(May 19)
The Divine –(Apr.6)
The Divine Comedy –(June 15)
The Divine Cordial –(July 28)
Divine Right of Kings --subscribed to by William Laud, (Oct.7)
"Divini Redemptoris" --Plus XI condemns Bolshevism, (Mar.19)
Dober, Leonard --labors in Denmark, (Aug.21); labors among the Negro
slaves in Africa, (Dec.13)
Doctrines of Grace –(Nov.13)
Deddridge, Daniel –(July 17)
Doddridge, Philip --Birth of, (June 26);
death of his father, (July 17); the influence of his Rise And
Progress Of Religion In The Soul upon William Wilberforce, (Aug.24);
writes, "O Happy Day", and "Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve,"
(Oct.26); Death of, (Oct.26); cf. (Jan.11), (June 1)
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