Conquest of Canaan --cf. (Jan.11)
Conrad of Marbury --a Papal Bull
authorizes him as Inquisitor-General to extirpate heresy in Germany,
(June 17)the assassination of, (July 30)
Constance, Council of --Emperor Sigismund
summons John Huss, (Oct.11); declares itself superior to kings and
popes, (Apr.6); declares laity may partake of but one element in the
Lord's Supper, (June 15); condemns the work of John Wycliffe, exhumes
his hones and burns them, (May 4); John Huss denied safe conduct,
(Oct.11); Huss is burned, (July 6)
Constans II --champions Monothelitism,
(Aug.13); issues the Typus forbidding discussion of the one or
two wills of Christ, (Aug.13); Death of, (Aug.13)
Constantine –(Oct.28); summons the
Council of Nicea, (May 20); advises Maximinus to cease his persecution
of the Church, (Apr.30); orders Athanasius to receive Arius into
communion, and banishes him when he refuses, (Nov.23); brings the sword
of persecution into the Church, (May 22); initiates State support of
ministers, (May 22); Death of, (May 22)
Constantino –(Dec.22)
Constitutions of Arundel –(Feb.19)
Constitutions of Clarendon –(Jan 30)
Constitutions of Stephen Langton –(Apr.17)
Conte, Bois le –(Jan.15)
Contessee, Gabriel –(Sept.4)
Continental Congress --(See: United States)
Coode, John --forms the Association in Arms for the Defense of the
Protestant Religion, and usurps the government of Maryland, (Aug.23)
Cook, Captain James --his influence upon
William Carey, (Aug.10)
Cooke, Henry --Birth of, (May 11); forces the anti-Trinitarians to
secede from the Synod of Ulster, (May 11)
Cooke, Mary --(Mrs. Adam Clarke)—(Apr.17)
Coolidge, President Calvin –(Aug.3)
Cop, Nicholas --with John Calvin flees France following his stirring
sermon, (Nov.1)
Corey, Martha --imprisoned for denying
the reality of witchcraft, (Mar.21); visited by Matthew Parris and her
subsequent excommunication, (Sept.22); Death of, (Sept.22)
Corguilleray, Philippe de –(Jan.15)
Cornbury, Governor --his harassment of Dissenters, (June 3)
Cornwallis, General Charles –his
surrender to General George Washington, (Oct.19); the Congress of the
United States renders thanks to God, (Oct.19)
Coronation Oath --broken by Charles II, (June 22); cf. (Feb.13)
Corporation Act –(Dec.24); cf. (May 24), (Aug.1)
Corporation For Promoting And Propagating
The Gospel Among The Indians Of New England --reestablished by Robert
Boyle, (May 20); supports John Eliot, (May 20)
Cory, Giles --condemned for witchcraft,
Cosby, Governor William --his tyranny, (Nov.17)
Cotton, John --at the Westminster
Assembly, (July 1); flees England and arrives in Boston, (Sept.4); cf.
(July 7); publishes the Creed Of John Davenport, (June 26); at
the Cambridge Synod, (June 8), (Dec.23); the Bloody Tenent of
Persecution controversy, (July 15); his Reasons for opposing Roger
Williams, (Sept.4); the prosecution of Roger Williams, (Oct.9); his
opposition of the Half-Way Covenant, (June 26); assists in the
publication of the Bay Psalm Book, (Dec.23); condemns the
Presbyterian government advocated by the Westminster Assembly, (Dec.23)
Cotton, Maria --(Mrs. Increase
American Council of Christian
Council of Basel (1433) –(Jan.4)
Council of Chalcedon (451) –(Oct.1), (Nov.25)
Council of Clermont {1095) –(July 7), (Nov.18)
Council of Constance (1414) --convenes (Nov.1); opens (Nov.5); See:
(Apr.6), (May 4)
Council of Dort (1618) --convenes (Nov.13); adopts the Belgic
Confession, (Apr.29)
Council of Ephesus (400) –(Feb.26); (431) – (June 22)
International Council of Christian Churches –(Apr.7)
Fifth Lateran Council –(Aug.9)
National Council of Churches --of India, (Apr.6)
Nicea (325) –(May 20)
Orange (529) –(June 3)
Oxford (1408) –(Aug.22)
Paris (1414) –(Feb.23)
Savoy (1661) –(Apr.15)
Toulouse (1229) –(Aug.22)
Trent (1545} --convenes (Dec.13); See: (Jan.26), (Apr.18)
World Council of Churches (1948) – (Aug.22)
Court, Antoine – ordination of, (Nov.21);
assembles the first Huguenot synod to re-establish the “Church in the
Desert”, (Aug.21); chosen General Deputy by the National Synod of the
Huguenot Church, (June 18); returns from self-imposed exile to restore
peace to a strife-ridden church, (June 2); Death of (June 15)
Courtenay, William—summons the assembly
to expunge “false doctrine” from the land, (May 21); John Wycliffe
summoned to appear before, (Feb.19); the occurrence of an earthquake,
(May 21)
Cousin, A.R. – (Mar.30)
Covenanters – Origin of, (Feb.28),
(Sept.25); persecution under Charles I, (Feb.28); the defeat of the
Royalists at Drumclog, (June 1); defeated by the Royalists at Bothwell
Bridge, (June 22); defeated by the Royalists at Rullion Green, (Dec.4);
the murder of Archbishop James Sharp, (May 3)
Coverdale, Miles – completes the
translation of the Bible from Dutch and Latin, (Oct.4); publishes the
first complete English Bible, (Feb.19); Superintends the printing of the
Great Bible, (Feb.19); cf. (Dec.17); edits
Cranmer’s Bible, (Feb. 19); Death
of (Feb. 19); cf. (Feb.4)
Cowper, William –Birth of, (Nov.26);
assists John Newton in his Olney Hymns, (Apr.25); the influence
of Thomas Scott, (Dec.21); his influence on William Wilberforce,
(Dec.21); Death of, (Apr.25)
Cradle of Liberty – (Mar.29)
Craig, John – conversion of, (Sept.29);
his imprisonment and subsequent escape, (Sept.29); succeeds John Knox as
leader of the Scottish Church, (Sept.29); rebuked by Andrew Melville,
(Sept. 29); Death of, (Sept. 29)
Craig, Lewis –(June 4)
Cranach, Lucas --witnesses Luther's marriage (June 11); depicts Rome as
Babylon, (Mar.28)
Cranfield, Governor Edward --attempts to extort taxes and to regulate
religion in New Hampshire, (Jan.14)
Cranmer, Thomas --Birth of, (July 2); the
influence of Nicholas Ridley, (Oct.16); the first Protestant Archbishop
of Canterbury, (Mar.30); pens the Forty-One Articles, later to be
reduced to Thirty-Nine Articles, (Oct.16); invites Martin Bucer
to England to assist in the revision of the Prayerbook, (Feb.28);
denounces the preaching of George Wishart, (Mar.1); witnesses the
martyrdom of Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer, (Oct.16); his
recantations and subsequent retraction of those recantations, (Oct.16);
his heroic Death, (Mar.21); cf. (Oct.16), (Feb.9)
Cranmer's Bible --cf. (Feb.19)
Crapsey, Algemon Sidney --his trial for heresy and his subsequent
unfrocking, (Apr.18)
"The Creation" --the first performance of, (Apr.29); cf. (Nov.26)
The Creed of John Davenport –(June 26)
Crimean War --cf. (Aug.23)
Cromwell, Earl of Essex --cf. (Dec.17)
Cromwell, Oliver --Birth of, (Apr.25);
his "Iron-sides", (Aug.30); the Battle of Marston Moor, (July 2);
submits the Heads of the Proposals to the king, (Apr.25); appointed as
Captain-General, (June 26); installed as Lord Protector, (Dec.16); cf.
(June 26); tries Charles I for treason and his subsequent execution,
(Jan.30); opposed by Sir Henry Vane, (June 14); rescues Waldensians from
destruction, and institutes a collection for them, (Aug.1), (Dec.16);
Death of, (Aug.30); Philip Schaff of, (Aug.30)
Cromwell, Thomas --advises Henry VIII to
break with Rome, (July 22); his intrigues and Death, (July 22)
The Crook in the Lot –(May 20)
Crosby, Fanny --Birth of, (Mar.24); blinded, (Mar.24); pens her first
hymn, (Feb.5); marries Alexander Alstyne, (Mar.24)
"Crossing The Bar" –(Aug.6); cf. (Oct.6)
Crowther, Samuel --(Adjar)--his capture and enslavement, and subsequent
conversion, (Dec.11)
Cruden, Alexander --Birth of, (May 31); pens his Concordance,
(Nov.1); Death of, (Nov.1)
Cruelty to Animals Act --passed in the United States, (June 29); the
Greek Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (June 29)
Crusades --the Council of Clermont
(1095), (Nov.18). THE FIRST CRUSADE: instigated by Pope Urban II and
Peter the Hermit, (Nov.18); the fall of Antioch to the crusaders (1098),
(June 3); defended against the Sultan of Mosul, (June 3); Jerusalem
falls to the crusaders (1099), (July 15); Edessa falls to the Emir of
Mosul (1144), (Dec.25); the effects of the First Crusade, (July 7); the
Death of Peter the Hermit, (July 7). THE SECOND CRUSADE: preached by
Bernard of Clairveaux, cf. (Aug.20). THE THIRD CRUSADE: the Normans of
Sicily capture Thessalonica from the Turks (1185), (Aug.15); Saladin
defeats the Christian forces (1187), (July 5); Frederick I, (Barbarossa)
drowns (1190), (June 10). THE FIFTH CRUSADE: a treaty with the Sultan
Kamil turns Jerusalem over to the crusaders (1229), (Feb.18). THE SIXTH
CRUSADE: Louis IX and his entire army captured by the Mohammedans, (June
3). THE SEVENTH CRUSADE: the Death of Louis IX, (June 3); Philip III
makes a treaty with the Emir, (June 3). The Results of the Crusades,
Cuba --open persecution of Protestants by
Communists under Fidel Castro, (May 13); Communist oppression of Roman
Catholics, (July 17)
Culpepper Minutemen –(Dec.8)
"Cum Tanto Divino" --Pope Julius II declares Popes may err, and
pronounces papal elections secured by bribery are nullified, (Feb.10)
Cummins, George –(Dec.3)
Curione, Cello Secondo --Birth of, (May 1); his escape into exile, (May
Cushman, Robert –(Dec. 11)
Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature –(Dec.4)
Cyprian --taught by Tertullian,
(Sept.14); his refusal to sacrifice to the Roman gods and his subsequent
condemnation, (Aug.30); his murder, (Sept.14)
Cyprian of Toulon –(June 3)
Cyril, Archbishop --defends Christianity to Julian the Apostate, (June
27); closes the church of the Novatians, (June 22); Death of (June 22)
Czechoslovakia --Wenceslaus establishes
Christianity as the state religion (935), and his treacherous murder,
(Sept.28); John Trocznowski and the Hussite Wars, (Oct.11); persecution
of the Waldensians, (July 25); the Code of 1541, (July 25); persecution
under Ferdinand, (May 23); limited Religious liberty granted by Rudolph
II, (May 23); Bohemia ceded to Matthias and the subsequent renewal of
restrictions, (May 23); the beginning of the Thirty Years War, (May 23);
Protestants elect Frederick V as king and expel the Jesuits,
(Nov.8); Thirty thousand Lutheran families exiled, (Nov.8); Joseph II
issues the Edict of Toleration, (Oct.29)
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