6. None shall under any pretense whatsoever, frequent
the company and society of such men as lead an unfit and dissolute life.
Nor shall any, without his tutor's leave, or (in his absense) the call
of parents or guardians, go abroad to other towns.
7. Every scholar shall be present in his tutor's chamber at the seventh
hour in the morning, immediately after the sound of the bell, at his
opening the Scripture and prayer: so also at the fifth hour at night,
and then give account of his own private reading (as aforesaid in
particular the third), and constantly attend lectures in the hall at the
hours appointed. But if any (without necessary impediment) shall absent
himself from prayer or lectures, he shall be liable to admonition, if he
offend above once a week.
8. If any scholar shall be found to transgress any of the laws of God or
the school, after twice admonition, he shall be liable, if not "adultus"
to correction; if "adultus" his name shall be given up to the overseers
of the College, that he may be admonished at the public monthly act.
The Time and Order of Studies observed at Harvard (1643) are as follows:
Monday and Tuesday --read lectures as followeth:
1st year --8:00 A.M. --Logic, the first three quarters;
Physics, the last quarter
2nd year --9:00 A.M. --Ethics and Politics
3rd year --10:00 A.M. --Arithmetic and Geometry, the
first three quarters; Astronomy the last quarter
1st year --2:00 P.M. --Disputes
2nd year --3:00 P.M. --Disputes
3rd year --4:00 P.M. --Disputes
Wednesday --read Greek:
1st year --8:00 A.M. --Etymology and Syntax
2nd year --9:00 A.M. --Prosodia and Dialects
1st year --2:00 P.M. --Practice the precepts of grammar
in such authors as have variety of words 2nd year –3:00 P.M. --Practice
in Poesy
3rd year --Perfect their theory before noon, and exercise style,
composition, imitation, epitome, both in prose and verse, in the
Thursday --read Hebrew and the Eastern tongues:
1st year --8:00 A.M. --Grammar
2nd year --9:00 A.M. --Chaldee
3rd year --10:00 A.M. --Syriac
1st year --2:00 P.M. --Practice in the Bible
2nd year --3:00 P.M. --Ezra and Daniel
3rd year --4:00 P.M. --Trostius' New Testament
Friday --read Rhetoric to all at 8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M. --Declamations; every scholar declaiming once
a month
10:00 A.M. --Rhetoric --through the rest of the day
Saturday --read Divinity Catechetical at 8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M. --read Commonplaces
1:00 P.M. --read History --in Winter
read Nature of Plants
--in Summer
The sum of every lecture shall be examined before the
new lecture be read.
The Requirements for Degrees issued Harvard in 1645 read --
Bachelor's Degree: (First Degree)
Every scholar that on proof is found --
1. Able to read the originals of the Old and New
Testament into the Latin tongue, and to resolve them logically, withal
being --
2.Of Godly life and conversation,
3. And at any public act hath the approbation of the
overseers and master of the College --
is fit to be dignified with his first degree.
Master's Degree: (Second Degree)
Every scholar that --
1.Giveth up in writing a system or synopsis, or summa
of logic,
2. Natural, and
3. Moral philosophy,
4. Arithmetic
6. Astronomy,
and is ready to defend his theses or propositions withal skilled in the
originals as aforesaid,
7. And of Godly life and conversation, and so
8. Approved by the overseers and master of the College
at any public act --
is fit to be dignified with his second degree.
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