25, 1527 --England. Thomas Bilney is arrested and
confined in the Tower of London for his denunciations of the invocation
of saints and relic-worship. Convinced the doctrine of Justification by
faith is Biblical, he has espoused the Reformation and has influenced
Hugh Latimer to join the ranks, lie will be brought to trial and will
deny having knowingly taught the doctrines of Luther, but will in a
moment of weakness, yield. When he is released in 1529, he will return
to Cambridge, and being remorseful for his abjuration, he will resume
his preaching. He will again be arrested and will be burned at the stake
at Norwich, August 19, 1531.
25, 1742 --Pennsylvania. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg arrives in
Philadelphia. He has been sent by the Halle Pietists, and Michael
Ziegenhagen, a Lutheran court preacher in London. Within six weeks we
will be recognized as the pastor of the Philadelphian Lutherans.
Pietism has acted as a check to the adultery and
drunkenness common among Lutheran pastors. It has combated worldliness
and has viewed the world as a thing which every Christian must shun. He
has maintained every child of God must renounce worldliness.
25, 1748 --England. At the age of seventy-five years, Isaac Watts dies.
He is renown as a hymnwriter. He will be buried at Bunhill Fields near
the grave of John Bunyan. His hymnbook for children will save Sir Walter
Scott from suicide.
His physical appearance leaves much to be desired. Once
when in an inn with some friends he overheard a gentleman contemptuously
remark, "What! Is that the great Dr. Watts?" In good humor he turned and
quoted lines he had composed --
Were I so tall to reach the pole,
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I must be measured by my soul,
The mind's the standard of the man.
His epitaph reads, "Our Shelter
from the Stormy Blast."
25, 1944 --Mexico. At Vera Cruz, Papists burn the
Protestant Church of La Gloria. Also singled out for burning are nine
houses belonging to Protestants. Of the seven people who die in the
blazes, five are children. The Romanists will expel sixty families who
are associated with the Church of God.
26, 579 --Italy. The Lombards besiege the city of Rome.
26, 1095 --France. Pope Urban preaches to a great throng at the Council
of Clermont and succeeds in instigating the First Crusade to rid the
"Holy Land" from the Moslem infidels.
26, 1504 --Spain. Isabella, daughter of King John II of Castile and
Isabella of Portugal, his second wife, dies today. In 1469 she married
her cousin, Ferdinand who in 1479 became king of Aragon, thus creating
the kingdom of Spain out of several petty states. It was Isabella who
established the Spanish Inquisition and made it a state institution.
26, 1731 --England. William Cowper is born at Berkhamstead to a minister
of the Church of England. He will be dubbed the "greatest poet of his
time" and will leave such poems as "God Moves In A Mysterious Way, His
Wonders To Perform"; "There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood," and "O,
For A Closer Walk With God." These will later be set to music.
26, 1758 --United States. The English colonists in America mark today as
a General Thanksgiving Day observance.
26, 1760 --Austria. Franz Joseph Haydn is married. His wife will not
share his life's work and will think nothing of using her husband's
manuscripts to line her pastry pans or to curl her hair.
A prolific songwriter, he will pray for ideas when they
do not readily come. His oratorio, "The Creation," was inspired by a
stirring presentation of Handel's "Messiah." During the composition of
the work, he confessed, "Daily I fell on my knees and thanked God for
strength." The text is taken from the Bible and the works of John
In 1808 he will be carried on a stretcher to hear a
presentation of it in Vienna. When the audience bursts forth with a
thunderous applause at the chorus, "And There Was Light!" he will raise
his trembling hand and confess, "Not from me. It all comes from above."
The Austrian National hymn, "Glorious Things of Thee
Are Spoken" was composed by Mr. Haydn, the words of which were written
by John Newton.
"Who knows if God has not chosen me, and called
me, and if they ought not to fear that in despising me they may be
despising God Himself? ...Moses was alone on coming out of Egypt
--Elijah alone in the time of King Ahab --Isaiah alone in Jerusalem
--Ezekiel alone in Babylon . . .. God never chose for a prophet
either the high priest or any other great personage. He usually
chose persons who were low and despised --on one occasion He even
chose a shepherd (Amos). At all times the saints have had to rebuke
the great --kings, princes, priests, the learned --at the risk of
their lives . . .. Ambrose in his day was alone . . .. After him,
Jerome was alone; later still Augustine was alone . . .. I do not
say that I am a prophet, but I say they ought to fear just because I
am alone and they are many . . .."
-Martin Luther-
26, 1863 --United States. President Abraham Lincoln
proclaims Thanksgiving Day for this year's harvest. Thanksgiving Day
will now become a national tradition for the people of the United
States, and will become the only such nation to celebrate an annual
Thanksgiving Day.
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