Sigismund, Johann (of Brandenburg)
--acknowledges freedom of conscience in matters of Religion, while
opposing strict Lutheranism, (Dec.18)
"Silent Night" –(Dec.24)
Sillman, Benjamin --of Yale, (May 14)
Silvias, Aeneas (Piccolomini) --(See: Pius II)
Simeon, Charles --preaches the funeral of John Berridge, (Jan.22)
Simons, Menno – (Jan.13)
Singer, Elizabeth –(July 17)
"Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God" –(July 8)
Sistine Chapel –(Mar.6)
Six Articles –(Jan.28)
Six Nations --cf. (Dec.1)
Sixtus IV --appoints Thomas de Torquemada as Inquisitor-General,
Sixtus V --promises aid for the equipping of the Spanish Armada,
(Aug.27); Death of, (Aug.27)
Slarvata – (May 23)
Slavery --the Synod of Orleans (511),
(July 10); prohibited in the colony of Georgia, (June 9); General
Oglethorpe refuses a petition re-questing the admission of slaves into
the colony of Georgia, (Oct.20); prohibited in Vermont, (July 2);
condemned by Virginia Baptists, (Aug.8); forbidden by Virginia in the
Bill For the Establishing Of Religious Freedom, (Jan.16); opposed by
Methodism, (Apr.24); the Methodist Anti-Slavery Convention meets,
(Jan.18); the First Continental Congress forbids the importation of
slaves into any of the thirteen colonies, (Apr.6); abolished by the
French National Convention, (Feb.4); abolished by England, (Mar.25); cf.
(July 29); the slave uprising in Santo Domingo; (July 29); the Nebraska
Protest sent to Congress, (Aug.13); the Missouri Compromise, cf.
(Aug.13); the Methodist Episcopal General Conference warns against the
modern abolition movement, (June 17); the sermon preached by Rev.
Benjamin Morgan Palmer, (Nov.29); the Declaration of Sentiments and the
Constitution of the American Anti-Slavery Society, drafted, (Dec.6);
opposed by David Livingstone, (Mar.1); opposed by General James
Oglethorpe, (June 9); the institution of slavery defended by Robert
Dabney, (Mar.5); defended by James Thornwell, (Mar.5); David Nitchmann
and Leonard Dober labor with Negro slaves in Africa, (Dec.13)
Smeaton, George --his recommendation of
Brownlow North, (Mar.14)
Smiles, Samuel --of the Encyclopedia, (Oct.5)
Smith, Eli --Birth of, (Sept.15); his
labors in the Near East, (Sept.15); his Arabic translation of nearly the
complete Bible, (Sept.15)
Smith, George Charles –(Mar.18);
organizes the first prayer meeting for Seamen, (June 22)
Smith, Hezekiah --founds the first
Baptist Church at Haverhill, Massachusetts, and his subsequent
persecution, (May 9)
Smith, Rev. John --the persecution of,
Smith, John --his capture by Powhatan and
his subsequent rescue, (May 6); writes The General History of
Virginia, (May 6); of the beginnings of Jamestown, (June 10)
Smith, Rodney (Gipsy) --Birth of,
(Mar.31); conversion of, (Mar.31); affiliates himself with the Christian
Mission of London, later known as the Salvation Army, (Mar.31)
Smith, Rev. S. H. –(Apr.8)
Smith, Samuel Francis --Birth of, (Oct.21); pens “My Country 'Tis Of
Thee", (Oct.21)
Smith, Shergold –(Jan.30)
Snyder, Siche Freerks –(Mar.20)
Socialism --condemned by Pius IX, (Dec.8); condemned by Pius XI, (May
Society For The Propagation Of The
Gospel--contributions made by Parliament, (June 9); its attempts to
establish Episcopacy in America, (June 16); invites Lutherans exiled
from Austria to settle in Georgia, (Mar.23); supported by Robert Boyle,
Society of Friends (Quakers) --cf.
Society for the Support and Encouragement
of Sunday Schools in England --(See: The Sunday School Society)
Society of Jesus --founded, (May 20);
resisted by Paolo Sarpi, (Oct.5); resists the circulation of the Bible
in Hungary, (Nov.1); expelled from Czechoslovakia, (Nov.8); persecution
of the Plymouth Brethren in Switzerland, (Nov.18)
Society People –(June 22)
Solemn League --drafted, (Aug.19); sworn to, (Sept.25); Henry Hallem of,
Soliloquies –(Nov.13)
"Sons of Light" –(Apr.25)
Soto, Ferdinand de --the storming of
Cuzco, (Apr.25); accompanies Pizarro, (Apr.25); his exploration of the
Mississippi River, (Apr.25); his claim to Divinity as the Child of the
Sun, (Apr.25)
Soubise, Prince de Rohan --cf. (Dec.5)
South Africa --the defiance Campaign and the Freedom Charter, (Dec.5)
South Carolina --welcomes exiled
Huguenots, (Mar.29); grants Huguenots full citizenship, (May 1);
receives the banished Acadians, (July 3); requires a religious test for
public officials as well as for voters, (July 19); demands an oath of
allegiance, (July 19); acknowledges religious liberty to all Christians,
except Roman Catholics, (Mar.10); seeks accommodation with Britain,
South Company --a charter is granted by
Gustavus Adolphus for the colonization and evangelization of the New
World, (June 14); Peter Minuit and the building of Fort Christiana,
(June 14)
The Sovereignty And Wisdom Of God
Displayed In The Afflictions Of Men --(See: The Crook In The Lot)
–(May 20)
Spafford, Horatio –(Nov.30)
Spain --an auto da fe takes place in
Seville, (Sept.24); Thomas de Torquemada, the
Inquisitor-General,(Sept.16); the burning of Julian Hernandez and other
Evangelicals, (Dec.22); a Concordat is concluded with Pius XII, (Aug.27)
Spangenberg, Augustus A. --his report on
the Moravian work in Pennsylvania, (June 11); his influence upon John
Wesley, (June 11)
Spanish Armada --defeat of, (Nov.29)
Spaulding, Henry –(Feb.25)
Speratus, Paul --assists in founding Protestantism in Prussia, (July 5)
Speyers, Diets of --(See: Spires, Diets of)
Spiera, Francesco --the tragic end of an apostate, (Dec.26)
Spires Diets of --The First Diet of, (Aug.27). The Second Diet of, the
Reformers first called Protestants, (Apr.24). The Third Imperial Diet,
opens, (Feb.9)
Spiritual Exercises –(May 20)
Sprague, William B. --the introduction into England of his Lectures
On The Revivals Of Religion, (Oct.1); cf. (Mar.22)
Spratt, John –(Feb.16)
Springfield Presbytery --the Dissolution of, (June 28)
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon --Birth of,
(June 19); conversion of, (Jan.6); baptism of, (May 3); marriage of,
(Jan.8); receives the first contribution for the building of the
Metropolitan Tabernacle, (June 19); the laying of the first cornerstone,
(Aug.15); the first service held in the Tabernacle, (Mar.18); the first
sermon preached in the Tabernacle, (Mar.25); affirms himself to be a
Five-point Calvinist, (Aug.15); preaches a funeral in the open air,
(July 10); founds the Pastor's College and the Stockwell Orphanage,
(Jan.31); edits the Sword And Trowel, and publishes Our Own
Hymnbook, (Jan.31); publishes his monumental work on the Psalms,
The Treasury Of David, (Jan.31); preaches in Wales, (July
20); censored by the Baptist Union, (Jan.18); withdraws from the London
Baptist Association, (Apr.11); withdraws from the Baptist Union,
(Oct.28); preaches his last sermon in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, (June
7); of Andrew Bonar, (Dec.30); Death of, (Jan.31)
Spurgeon, James --his labor to draw up a
declaration of evangelicalism for the Baptist Union, (Apr.23)
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