Saint, Nate --his murder by Aura Indians,
(Jan.8) his son and daughter baptized by one of his converted murderers,
The Saints' Everlasting Rest –
Saladin --captures Jerusalem, (Oct.2);
his conflict with Richard the Lion-Hearted, (Oct.2); defeats the
Christian forces, ending the Third Crusade, (July 5)
Salisbury, Lord –(Nov.5)
Saltonstall, Richard --cf. (Apr.7)
The Salvation Army --founded by William Booth, (July 2); its beginnings
in America, (Oct.5); Rodney (Gipsy) Smith, (Mar.31)
Sampson Agonistes –(Nov.8)
"The Sands Of Time" –(Mar.30)
The Sandy Foundation Shaken –(Dec.12)
Sankey, Ira --arrives in England with Dwight Lyman Moody, (June 17)
Sapor --expels the Arian bishops in the East, (Jan. 10)
Sarpi, Paolo --his resistance to the Jesuits and the resulting attempt
to murder him, (Oct.5)
Sattler, Michael --formulates the
doctrinal position of the South German Anabaptists, (May 20); banished
from Zurich and Stauffen, (Nov.18); imprisoned with his wife and their
subsequent deaths, (May 20)
Saturninus – (Mar.7)
Saturninus, Vigellius --his persecution of the Church, (July 17)
Saturnus --Death of, (Mar.7)
Saumur --School at, (Jan.8)
"The Saviour of Church Music" – (Feb.2)
Savonarola, Girolamo (Jerome) --Birth of,
(Sept.21); enters the Dominican Monastery, (Apr.24); his Prayer,
(Apr.24); the effects of his preaching in St. Mark's Church, (Aug.1);
his Creed, (Aug.1); declares the Pope may err, (Feb.11); the Burning of
Vanities, (Feb.17); summoned to Rome by Alexander VI and his subsequent
refusal to go, (July 25); forbidden to preach, (Sept.8); his second
prohibition to preach, (Oct.16); challenged to an ordeal by fire, (May
23); his ex-communication, (May 12); the assault made upon St. Mark's
Church, and his subsequent arrest, (May 23); Death of, (May 23); his
influence upon Raphael, (Apr.6); cf. (May 17), (Sept.8)
Savoy Confession --the conference
meets, (Apr.15); drawn up, (Sept.29); approved, (Oct.12); adopted by the
Boston Synod, (May12)
Sawtre, William – (Feb.12)
Saybrook Synod –(Sept.9)
The Scarlet Letter –(July 4)
Schaff, Philip --of Monica, mother of Augustine, (Nov.13); of Platonism
and Neo-Platonism, (Nov.13)
Schauffler, William Gottlieb –(Jan.26)
Schmalkald League --formation of by
Protestants, (Nov.19); defeated by Charles V, (Apr.24); Maurice captures
the city of Halle, (Oct.9); the city of Halle is recaptured by Maurice,
(Oct.9); the defeat of, (Feb.28)
Schmalkald War --(See: Schmalkald League)
Scofield, Cyrus Ingerson --Birth of,
(Aug.19); serves under General Robert E. Lee during the War Between the
States, (Aug.19); appointed United States Attorney by President Ulysses
S. Grant, (Aug.19); conversion of, (Aug.19); his Reference Bible,
Schomberg, Count Menard de --the Battle of the Boyne and his subsequent
Death, (July 1)
Schonerer, ___________ --his appeal to Germany to secede from Rome,
Schwartzerd, Philip --(See Philip Melancthon)
Schweidnitz, --cf. (Dec.5)
Scotland --the surrender of St. Andrews
garrison, (July31); passes an act repealing all former acts of
Parliament contrary to the Word of God and the Confession of Faith,
(Aug.24); abolishes the authority of the Pope within Scotland, and
prohibits the Mass, (Aug.24); the Five Articles of Perth; their adoption
and subsequently voided, (Aug.25); the Solemn League and Covenant sworn
to, (Sept.25)
Scots Worthies –(Nov.14)
Scott, James -- (Duke of Monmouth)--the Battle of Sedgemoor, (July 6)
Scott, Orange --organizes the Wesleyan Methodist Connection in America,
(May 31)
Scott, Roger --condemned and whipped for sleeping in church, (Feb.28)
Scott, Thomas --Birth of, (Feb.4); the
influence of John Newton, (Dec.21); succeeds John Newton, (July 24); his
influence upon William Carey, (July 24); his influence upon William
Cowper, (Dec.21)
Scott, Sir Walter --saved from suicide by
Isaac Watts, (Nov.25)
Seabury, Samuel --Birth of, (Nov.30); founds American Episcopalianism
and becomes the first bishop of the
Protestant Episcopal Church, (Nov.30);
his arrest and detainment as a Loyalist during the American War for
Independence, (Nov.30); refuses to ordain James Freeman, a Socinian,
The Seal of the Fathers –(June 27)
Seamans, Job --founds the first Baptist
Church in New London, New Hampshire, (Jan.29); his letter to Isaac
Backus, (Jan.29)
Seceders --from the Church of Scotland
establish the Associate Synod, (Mar.6)
Second Conventicle Act --ratified, (Mar.10), the impact of felt, (May
Second Declaration of Indulgence – (Apr.4), (Nov.5)
Second Great Awakening –(May 14); the conversion of Peter Cartright,
Secret Rapture Theory --proposed by Edward Irving, (Aug.4)
Sedgemoor, Battle of –(July 6); aftermath of, (Sept.1)
Seehofer, _________--(Sept.20)
Seguier, Pierre –(July 23)
Seidlitz, ___________--cf. (Dec.5)
Selden, John –(July 1)
Selina, Countess of Huntingdon –(Jan.11)
Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life – (Apr.9)
Servetus, Michael --his denial of the
Trinity and his deliberate attempt to corrupt by his teachings,
(Oct.27); his arrest and imprisonment, (Oct.27); his execution amidst
the tearful pleadings of John Calvin, (Oct.27); his Death approved of by
Philip Melancthon, (Oct.27)
The Seven Pillars –(June 4)
Seventh-Day Adventist Church --founding of, (Mar.21)
Seventh-Day Baptists --a group of establish the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, (Mar.21), (Oct.22)
Severinus --succeeds Honorius I, (Oct.12); the Army under Mauritius
surrounds the Vatican, (Oct.12)
Severus. Alexander --cf. (June 17)
Severus, Septimus --Birth of, (Apr.11);
persecution under, (Mar.7); the murder of Irenaeus, and subsequent
flight of Clement, (Apr.11)
Sewell, Samuel --his public confession of
guilt for his part in the witchcraft trials, (June 10); the Discipline
of his son, (Nov.6); concerning the seeing of his daughter, (Oct.13)
Shakespeare, William --his allusion to
the death of Henry IV, (Mar.20); Sir John Oldcastle and Falstaff,
Sharp, Archbishop James --his betrayal of
the Covenanters, and the cruelty of his persecution against them, (May
3); his assassination, (May 3)
Shepard, Thomas --Birth of, (Nov.5);
awakened by John Preston, (Nov.5); conversion of, (Aug.25); silenced by
William Laud, (Dec.16); his embarkation for America and his forced
return when a storm arises, (Dec.16); at the Cambridge Synod, (Nov.5);
Death of, (Aug.25)
Shih-Tsai, Shen --persecution under his
governorship, (June 3)
Shintoism --its doctrinal tenets, (July
26); the murders of thirty-seven thousand Roman Catholics, (July 26);
established as the foundation for state education in Japan, (Aug.3); the
Emperor of Japan confesses he is not a god, (Jan.1)
Shirley, William –(May 1)
Shorter Catechism –(July 1)
Sibbes, Richard --pens The Bruised
Reed And Smoking Flax and its subsequent influence upon Richard
Baxter, (July 5); Death of, (July 5); cf. (Oct.20)
Sidney, Algemon --his opposition to the
trial of Charles I, (Jan.30)
Sigismund, Emperor --brother of King
Wenceslaus of Bohemia, (Nov.1); summons John Huss to Constance,
(Oct.11); the Council of Constance convenes, (Nov.1); betrays the safe
conduct promised to John Huss, (Oct.11); the Hussite Wars, cf. (May 29)
Sigismund III --the Jesuits gain the
ascendancy in Poland, (Aug.28)
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