Mason, John –(May 1)
Mason, Lowell --Birth of, (Jan.8);
composes the music for "My Faith Looks Up To Thee", (May 29); receives
the first doctorate of music conferred in the United States, (Jan.8)
Massachusetts --the arrival of John
Endecott as the first Governor of the Bay settlement, and the founding
of Salem, (Sept. 13); the purpose for the settling the Bay plantation,
(Sept.13); the origin of the Seal and Motto of the colony, (Sept.13);
Governor Hutchinson on the powers of government, (Mar.6); the
Legislature on the limitation of government, (Oct.25); prolonged drought
at Plymouth evokes a day of prayer, and the subsequent rain, (July 16);
Isaac Backus on Religious oppression, (May 18); the General Court
banishes Anabaptists, (Nov.13); the persecution of Rev. John Smith,
(Mar.13); banishes Quakers upon pain of death, (July 20); (Oct.21); the
founding of Harvard College, (Oct.28) the establishment of a school
system that is to be a servant of the Church, (Oct.28); approves the
Half-Way Covenant, (Oct.8); the king of England demands liberty of
conscience be allowed to all Protestants, (July 24); the founding of the
First Church of Boston, (July 30); passes legislation for a tax to
support ministers, (July 30); Boston proclaims a public fast, (Dec.13);
a warning issued of the dangers of an illiterate ministry, (Dec.28); a
Religious test required for public office, (July 19); declares the right
of worship to be an unalienable right, (July 19); a refuge for those
fleeing Religious persecution, (May 1); contributes liberally to assist
exiled Huguenots in the establishing new homes, (Mar.29); the Providence
of God witnessed at Martha's Vineyard, and the subsequent conversions,
(Dec.26); a letter is sent to Charles II upon the recent Restoration of
England to monarchy, (Dec.19); Charles II demands the charter of,
(Nov.30); Increase Mather encourages the people of to stand by their
charter, (Nov.30); the charter of judged forfeited, (Nov.30); a second
charter granted, (Oct.7); the first state to operate its government
independently of the king, (July 19)
Massacres --St. Bartholomew Day,
(Aug.24); of Vassy, (Mar.1), (Apr.15); of Vernoux, (Dec.12)
Massillon --of government, (Dec.5)
Matamoras –(Aug.23)
Mateer, Calvin –(Jan.9)
Mather, Cotton --Birth of, (Feb.12); his
defense of the witchcraft trials, (June 10); his observation of Harvard
College, (Apr.21); introduces inoculation against Smallpox, (Feb.12);
his definition of the Church, (Oct.8); his servant of, (Apr.21); Death
of, (Feb.13)
Mather, Increase --marriage of, (Aug.23);
his role in the Happy Union, (Apr.6); flees England under the cover of
darkness to escape arrest for his criticism of Religious intolerance,
(Apr.7); serves as moderator of the Second Synod of Boston, (May 12);
encourages the people of Massachusetts to stand by their charter,
(Nov.30); of the tyranny of Governor Edmund Andros, (Dec.20); receives a
letter from John Richardson, (Dec.); assists in the ordination of a
Baptist eider, (May 21); Death of, (Aug.23); cf. (June), (Sept.)
Mather, Richard --dismissed from his
church on account of his Puritanism, (May 23); arrives in Boston after
suffering near shipwreck, (Aug.17); marries the widow of John Cotton,
(Apr.22); the Cambridge Platform drafted, (Apr.22); the Cambridge Synod,
(June 8); defends the Synod of 1662, (June 22); assists in the
preparation of the Bay Psalm Book (Feb.27); Death of, (Apr.22)
Matheson, George –(June 6)
Matoaka --(See: Pocahontas)
Matthew, Thomas --(See: John Rogers)
Matthew's Bible –(Feb.4)
Matthews, Katherine --(Mrs. Philip Henry)—(Oct.28)
Maurevel --attempts the murder of Admiral Gaspard Coligny, (Aug.24)
Maurice of Saxony --captures the city of
Halle, (Oct.9); re-captures the city of Halle (Oct.9); responsible for
the temporary breakup of the Council of Trent, (Dec.13)
Mauritius --surrounds the Lateran and
instigates Isaac to banish the chief clergy from Rome, and to seize the
treasury, (Oct.12)
Maxentius --his defeat by Constantine in
the Battle at Milvian Bridge, (Oct.28)
Maximilian 1 (Duke of Bavaria) –(Nov.8)
Maximinus, Caius Julius Verus --his persecution of the Church, (Feb.16);
Constantine advises a cessation of persecution, (Apr.30); his defeat by
Licinius, and the renewal of persecution, (Apr.30); opposes Origin,
(June 17); an earthquake and the resulting persecution, (June 17); Death
of, (June 17)
Maximus --opposes the Typus of
Emperor Constans and its Monothelitism, and his subsequent arrest and
Death, (Aug. 13)
Maximus, Galerius --sentences Cyprian to
Death, (Sept.14)
Maxwell, Margaret –(Apr.13)
The Mayflower --leaves Southampton carrying the Pilgrims,
(Aug.5); the Governor of the Plymouth colony and other representatives
go ashore in Massachusetts, (Dec.11)
The Mayflower Compact --drawn up
and signed, (Nov.9); cf. (Dec.11)
Mayhew, Jonathan --Birth of, (Oct.8);
opposes the Society for The Propagation of the Gospel In Foreign Parts,
(Oct.8); of government, (Oct.8); his Liberalism, (Nov.21); of Frederick
William I of Prussia, (Dec.5)
Mazarin, Cardinal Jules --renews the
edicts favoring the Huguenots, (May 21)
McAll, Robert Whitaker –(Jan.17)
McAuley, Jeremiah (Jerry) --his
conviction of highway robbery, his innocence proved, his subsequent
pardon, and resulting conversion, (Mar.8)
McCabe, Chaplain Charles Cardwell --his
capture at Gettysburg, and his subsequent imprisonment, (June 16)
McCheyne, Robert Murray --Birth of,
(May21); taught by Thomas Chalmers, (Nov.24); assists John Bonar,
(Nov.24); visits Palestine with Andrew Bonar, (May 29); licensed to
preach, (July 1); ordination of, (Nov.24); his influence upon Alexander
Whyte, (Jan.13); Andrew Bonar completes his Memoir, (Dec.22);
Death of, (Mar.25); cf. (Feb.2), (Aug.15), (Sept.25)
McCrie, Thomas --pens The Life Of John
Knox, (Aug.5); withdraws from the General Associate Synod and
organizes the Constitutional Associate Presbytery, (Aug.28); his merger
with the Synod of Original Seceders, (Aug.28); the excommunication of,
(Aug.28); Death of, (Aug.5)
McCulloch, Pastor_______--the Cambuslang
Revival, (Feb.15), (July 11)
McCully, Edward –(Jan.8)
McGuire --George Alexander –(Sept.2)
Mclntyre, Carl --favors forming the
Independent Presbyterian Board on account of Liberalism, (Apr.6); the
beginnings of the Presbyterian Church of America (the Orthodox
Presbyterian Church), (Apr.6); his trial by a Church Court and his
subsequent de-frocking, (Apr.); founds the American Council of Christian
Churches, and the lnternational Council of Christian Churches, (Apr.6);
(Aug.22); withdraws from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church to found the
Bible Presbyterian Church, (Apr.6)
McKinley, President William --cf.
McNemar, Richard --the Kentucky Revival, (June 28)
McRoberts, Archibald --cf. (May3), (May7), (Sept.10)
Mead, Matthew --cf. (June 23)
Mead, William --arrested with William Penn, (Aug.14)
Medhurst, W. H. –(July 8)
Meditations –(Nov.13)
Medulla --(See: The Marrow of Theology)
Megalopolensis --denies Lutherans have the right to worship, (June 6)
Melancthon, Philip --Birth of, (Feb.14);
his influence upon Heinrich Bullinger, (Sept.17); completes the Augsburg
Confession, (May 11); the letter to Elector Frederick, (Feb.8); his
approval of the execution of
Michael Servetus, (Oct.27); Death of,
Melville, Andrew --Birth of, (Aug.1);
charges James I (VI of Scotland) with being an Anglopistopapistical,
(June 19); imprisonment of, (Aug.1); Theodore Beza of, (Aug.1); his
rebuke of John Craig for his policy of vacillation, (Dec.12)
Mendel, David --(See: Johann August
Wilhelm Neander)
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