"The Lord hath made all things for Himself:
yea, even the wicked for the Day of Evil."
-Proverbs 16:4-
MacArthur, General Douglas --declares the
Separation of Church and State in Japan, (July 26
Macartney, Clarence E. --attacks the Liberalism of Harry Emerson Fosdick,
(May 24)
Macedonians --forbidden ordination and religious assembling in Turkey,
(July 25)
Machen, J. Gresham --presents the
Presbytery of New Brunswick with evidence of modernism within the
Presbyterian Board, and his favoring the forming of an Independent
Board, (April 6); the founding of the Presbyterian Church of America
(the Orthodox Presbyterian Church), (April 6); his trial by a Church
court and his subsequent de-frocking, (April 6); of the resignation of
Harry Emerson Fosdick from the First Presbyterian Church, (New York),
(May 25)
Machlachlan, Margaret --the arrest of,
(April 13)
MacIlvaine, Charles P. --brings Leonidas Polk to Christ, (April 10)
Mackay, Alexander (Jan.30)
Macmillan, John --assists in the founding of the Reformed Presbytery,
Macrianus --goads Valerian into reviving persecution, (Aug.10)
Macrina (Jan.1)
The Madiai Family --the persecution of, (Aug.23)
Madison, James -- the Bill for
Establishing Religious Freedom, (Jan.16); promises the addition of
personal freedoms to the United States Constitution, (June 21; the
"Re-monstrance Against Religious Assessments, (Dec.24)
Magdelena, Anna --(Mrs. Johann Sebastian
Bach) (Oct.17)
Magna Carta --King John is forced to sign, (June 15); cf. (Apr.8)
Magyars --their defeat at the Battle of Lechfeld, (Aug.10)
Maier, Walter A. (Oct.2)
Maillard, Mademoiselle --proclaimed the goddess of the Feast of Freedom
and Reason, (Nov.10)
Maitland, Lord (July 1)
Majal, Mathieu --his arrest and the resulting riot, (Dec.12); his
innocence declared, the charge of treason dropped, and his treacherous
murder, (Dec.12)
"Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned" (Aug.24)
Makemie, Francis --his arrest for preaching without a license, (June 3)
Malan, Caesar --Birth of, (July 7);
taught by Robert Haldane, (Feb.28); expelled from his pulpit, (May 13);
the conversion of Charlotte El1iott, (May 9); brings John "Rabbi" Duncan
to Christ, (Feb.26); Death of, (May 18)
Malan, Peter (July 7)
Maligny --his attempt to seize the city of Lyons, (May 7)
"Man Of Sorrows, What A Name -- (Dec.29)
The Man Who Never Sleeps (Feb.18)
"Man's Chief End Is To Glorify God And To Enjoy Him Forever"(Jan.4)
Manganhela, Rev. Zedequias (June 13)
Manichaeanism (Nov.13)
Manifest Destiny (Jan.3)
Manning, James (Sept.8)
Manton, Thomas --at the Westminster
Assembly, (Oct.18); chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, (Oct.18); preaches the
funeral of Christopher Love, (Aug.22); the imprisonment and Death of,
Maranos (Oct.31)
Marburg, Conference of (Oct.1)
Marcellina (Apr.4)
Margaret of Navarre --cf. (Oct.5)
Maria, Henrietta (Oct.28)
Maria, Theresa --condemns the assertion Pap-al authority is sovereign
over secular authority, (May 25)
Marian Martyrs (Feb.4)
Marnix, Philips Van --demands the
recognition of equal rights for Roman Catholics and the Reformed,
(July15); defends the Civil and Religious liberties of the Dutch,
(Sept.19); with Johannes Drusius completes a Dutch translation of the
New Testament, and a Dutch revision of the Septuagint, (Oct.10)
Marriage --the "Fleetwood Marriages",
(June 6); Germany recognizes only Civil marriages, (Feb.6); Prussia's
recognition of only Civil marriages, (May 10); the French Revolutionary
Assembly transfers the registry of births, marriages and deaths from the
Church authorities to the Civil authorities, (Sept.20); the Roman
Catholic Church issues a conditional blessing upon mixed marriages,
(Mar.25); Civil marriage made compulsory in Yugoslavia under Marshal
Tito, (Nov.29)
The Marrow Controversy (May 20)
The Marrow of Divinity (May 20)
The Marrow Of Theology (Nov.14); cf. (Oct.28)
Marrowmen (May 20)
Marsden, Jeremiah --his trial, (Jan.16); his Death, (Mar.20)
Marshall, John (Dec.8)
Marshall, Stephen (July 1)
Marte1, Charles --defeats the Saracens in
the Battle of Tours, (Oct.10); battles Radbod, (Nov.6); assists the
missionary enterprises of Willibrord, (Nov.6)
Martin V (July23)
Martin (Friar) --the confession of, (Dec.21)
Martin (Pope) --exhumes the bones of John
Wycliffe, and after burning them, scatters them, (May 4); issues a Bull
proclaiming a Crusade against Bohemian Hussites, (Feb.16);
Martin, William Alexander Parsons --his
capture by pirates, (Apr.10); the advisor to the Chinese government in
International Law, (Apr.10)
Martinitz (May 23)
Martyn, Henry --Birth of, (Feb.18); the influence of David Brainerd, and
William Carey, (Oct.16); sets sail for India, (July 17); translates the
New Testament and Psalms into Persian, (Oct.16); Death of, (Oct.16); cf.
(May 17)
Martyr, Peter (of Verona) --his cruelties
as Inquisitor and his subsequent murder by the Cathari
Martyr, Peter (Reformer) --his forced
exile, (May 1); his influence upon the Second Prayerbook Of Edward VI,
(June 9); assists in the preparation of the Second Helvetic
Confession, (Sept.17)
Martyrologium (May 25)
Mary of Lorraine (Scotland) --her determination to uproot Protestantism
in Scot-land, (May 10); asserts the right to break her promises to the
Scottish people, (May 10); outlaws Protestant preachers, (May 10); cf.
Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) --Birth of,
(Dec.8); flees to England at the preaching of John Knox, (June 19);
arrives at Leith, (Aug.19); her debate with John Knox, (Aug.19); her
defeat at Carberry Hills, (Feb.8); her subsequent imprisonment, (June
16); her abdication of the throne in favor of her son, (June 16); her
new Army defeated by the Regent of Moray, (Feb.8); her imprisonment and
subsequent escape from Loch Leven Castle, (May 2); her political
intrigues and subsequent Death, (Feb.8); John Knox of, (Aug.19)
Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) --Birth of,
(Feb.18); ascends the throne, (July 6); revives the act known as De
Haeretico Comburendo, (Feb.18); her execution of Thomas Cranmer, Hugh
Latimer and Nicholas Ridley, (Feb.18); exhumes the remains of Paul
Fagius and Martin Bucer, and burns them after depriving them of their
university honors, (Feb. 5); cites John Rogers and John Hooper, (Feb.9)
Maryland --Caecilius, Lord Baltimore's
instructions to the Governor and Commissioners before the first voyage,
(Nov.13); pro-vides a refuge for those fleeing Religious persecution,
(May 1); the first Protestant Governor appointed, (Apr.21); a Religious
test required for public office, (July19); recognizes Religious
toleration, (Apr.21)
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