Ladislas II (Mar.21)
Ladislas IV --calls the Converence of Thorn, (Aug.28); acknowledges
freedom of conscience to Protestants, (Aug.28)
Lalli --his murder of Henry of Upsala, (Jan.20)
Lamb, Charles --cf. (Mar.)
Lambert (July 1)
Lambeth Articles --drawn up,
(Nov.20); espoused by John Whitgift, (Feb.29); disapproved by the Queen
and the subsequent withdrawal, (Nov.20); adoption into the Irish
Articles, (Nov.20)
Landsknechts their capture of Rome and
the Roman Pontiff, (May 6)
Langton, Stephen (Apr.17)
Latimer, Hugh --his conversion to
Protestantism through the influence of Thomas Bilney, (Nov.25);
convinced of Calvinistic doctrine by Thomas Cranmer, (Sept.13); his
imprisonment, (Sept.13); his second imprisonment under Mary and his
confinement with Mr. Ridley, Mr. Bradford, and Mr. Cranmer, (Sept.13);
his reaction to Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon, (Oct.16);
Death of, (Oct.16); cf. (Feb.18)
Latvia --invaded by Russia and the
resulting persecution, (June 16); Russians driven out by the German army
and the continuing persecution, (June 16); the return of the Russians,
(June 16)
Laud, William --Birth of (Oct.7); his
doctrinal errors, (Jan.10), (Oct.7); pens a liturgy for introduction
into the Church of Scotland, (July 23); silences Thomas Shepard,
(Dec.16); the persecution of the Puritans, (Jan.10), (Jan.30); the
persecution of William Prynne, (Feb.7); Death of (Jan.10)
Laune, Thomas de --writes his Plea for
Non-Conformity, and his subsequent arrest, imprisonment and death,
Law, William --his refusal to take the
Oath of Allegiance and the Oath of Abjuration, (Apr.9); tutors Edward
Gibbon, (Apr.9); writes A Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life,
(Apr.9); the Bangorian Controversy, (Mar.31); Death of, (Apr.9)
The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
"Lead, Kindly Light" (Aug.11)
Lectures On Revivals (Oct.1)
Lectures On Revivals of Religion (Oct.1)
Ledoyt, Biel --conversion of, (May 26); Providentially escapes three
times from liers in wait, (May 26)
Lee (Archbishop of York) --of William Tyndale, (Dec.2)
Lee, Richard Henry --his proposal to
endow George Washington with dictatorial powers, (May 28); of voluntary
taxation, (Oct.8)
Lee, Robert E. --Birth of, (Jan.19); a
scene in his retreat from the Battle of Gettysburg, (Jan.19); his orders
concerning Sabbath observance in the Confederate Army, (Feb.7); the
wounding of General Thomas ("Stonewall") Jackson, (May 3); renders
thanksgiving to God, (May 6); enjoins a day of fasting, (Mar.30)
Lefevre, Jacques --brings William Farel to Christ, (Oct.12); publishes
the Gospels into French, (Oct.30); completes the New Testament in
French, (Nov.6); completes his French translation of the Bible,
(Oct.12); Merle D' Aubigne of, (Oct.30)
Leger, Jean --his condemnation to death,
and his subsequent flight, (Jan.12)
Leland, John --Birth of, (May 14); drafts
a re-solution condemning slavery, (Aug.8); drafts a letter for Virginia
Baptists to President George Washington expressing their fear Religious
liberty is not adequately provided for in the National Constitution,
Lenin, Nikolai --his professed position
on Religious liberty and his utter disregard of it, (May 16)
Leo I ("The Great") --receives the decree from Emperor Valentinian III
recognizing the Primacy of Rome, (June 6)
Leo IV --his consecration, (Apr.10)
Leo X --publishes the Bull "Exsurge
Domine" against Martin Luther, (June 15); Roland Bainton of, (June 15);
Francis I delivers up Prance in a Concordat, (Aug. 18); affirms his
succession from St. Peter and his ability to remit sin, (Nov.9)
Leo XIII --condemns the Masonic Order,
(Apr.20); denounces Protestantism, (Aug.1); grants the faithful an
indulgence of three hundred days to read the Scriptures daily for
fifteen minutes, (Aug.22); issues the Encyclical, "Providentissimus
Deus" promoting Biblical studies, and restating the consequences of
Divine Inspiration, (Nov.18)
"Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
Letters of Instructions --sent to Russian pastors for the
government control of Russian churches, (Apr.16)
Lex Rex (Mar.30)
Libanius --cf. (Sept.4)
Liberia --the founding of the Providence
Baptist Church of Monrovia, (July 26); an attack by the Spanish, (July
26); the first independent black, African republic, (July 26)
"Liberty of Conscience, Or No King But
Christ In His Church" (Nov.16)
Licensing Act (Nov.8)
"Licet Ab Initio" --commences a general persecution, (May 1); remodels
the Roman Inquisition, (July 21)
Licinius, Licinianus --his defeat of Maximinus, and the establishment of
Religious liberty, (Apr.30); persecution reinstated, (Mar.9)
The Life And Times Of Jesus The
Messiah (Feb.26)
Life of John Knox (Aug.5)
Liggins, John --labors in Japan as the first Protestant missionary
there, (May 11)
"The Light Of The World Is Jesus" (Dec.29)
Lightfoot, Bishop John (July 1)
Linck --- (Feb.8)
Lincoln, Abraham --defeats Peter
Cartwright to win a seat in Congress, (Sept.25); proclaims Thanksgiving
Day as a national celebration, (Nov.26)
Lind, Jenny --leaves the Opera to
dedicate her singing of Oratorios, (Nov.5); Felix Mendelssohn dedicates
"Hear, Ye Israel" to her, (Nov.5)
Lisle, George --the first negro Baptist
to be ordained in America, (May 20); his freedom granted to allow him to
preach, (May 20); his flight to Jamaica to avoid re-enslavement, (May
20); his success as a preacher, (May 20)
Lithuania --invaded by Russia and the
subsequent persecution, (July 13); the German Army expels the Russian
forces, (July 13); the re-turn of the Russians and their outrages
committed against the Church, (July 13); the settlement of twenty
thousand Lutherans exiled from Austria, (Oct.31)
Lives of the Scottish Covenanter
Livingstone, David --Birth of, (Mar.19);
commissioned as a missionary, (Dec.8); the influence of Robert Moffat,
(Aug.9); found by Mr. Stanley, and his subsequent conversion, (Oct.28);
raided by the Boers, (Dec.8); attacked by the Mafitu, (May 1); his
opposition to the institution of slavery, (May 1); Death of, (May 1);
his Piety, (May 1); cf. (Mar.19)
Livingstone, Janet --petitions the Lord
Chancellor for freedom from molestation for the dissenting ministers,
(June 4)
Livingstone, John --five hundred ascribe
their conversion to a sermon he preached, (June.21); his flight from
Scotland, (Apr.9)
Livingstone, William --his views of the
general citizenry being the Lord's anointed, (Oct.8)
Loci Communes --their influence upon Heinrich Bullinger, (Sept.17)
Loe, Thomas --brings William Penn to Christ, (Oct.14)
The Log College (May 6)
Lollards --the act known as "De Haeretico
Comburendo", (Feb.18); the Constitutions of Arundel, (Feb.18);
the imprisonment of Sir John Oldcastle, (Jan.11); his escape, (Oct.10);
his condemnation, (Dec.14); their influence upon John Huss, (July 6),
(Dec.31); Alexander V empowers Archbishop Sbinko to proceed against the
Bohemian Wycliffites, (Dec.20)
Lombards --beseige Rome, (Nov.26)
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