"When parents do not
educate their children in the ways of the Lord, there is such a
perversion in nature as when fire does not burn or water wet."
-Martin Luther-
Kalopothakes, Michael Demetrius --Birth
of, (Dec.20); opens the first Sunday School in Greece, (June 29);
assists in the founding of the Greek Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, (June 29); establishes a system of colporteurs,
Kamehameha II (Hawaii) --permits
Congregational missionaries, (Mar.30); abolishes the Taboo, (Oct.24);
destroys idol temples and expresses diabolical powers of the priesthood,
Kamil, Sultan –(Feb.18)
The Karens --their strange Tradition, (June 27)
Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton --cf. (Dec.5)
Keach, Benjamin --Birth of (Feb.28); at the framing of the London
Confession of Faith, (July 11); institutes congregational singing,
(Feb.28); the trial and conviction of, (Oct.8); Death of, (July18)
Keil, Johann Friedrich Karl --ignores the
claims of Higher Criticism, (May 5); collaborates with Franz Delitzsch
on his Old Testament commentaries, (May 5); Death of, (May 5)
Kempis, Thomas a --pens the Imitation
Of Christ, (Aug. 8); Death of, (Aug.8); cf. (Mar.10)
The Kentucky Revival –(June 28)
Kepler, Johannes --Birth of, (Dec.27); his con-version, (Dec.27); pens a
Bible course for his children, (Dec.27); his Prayer, (Dec.27)
Keswick Convention --first meeting of, (July 17)
Khmer Rouge --his murderous outrages in Cambodia and the suppression of
Religion, (Apr.21)
Khruschev, Nikita --succeeds Joseph Stalin as leader of the Soviet
people and the Religious oppression under, (Apr.16)
Killing Times –(Feb.28)
Kimball, Edward –(Mar.12)
Kimball, Solomon --invites Hezekiah Smith to preach in his home and the
resulting disorder, (May 9)
King James Version -- (Authorized Version)-- "prophecied",
(Oct.6); genesis of, (Jan.16), (July 22)
King, Long –(May 29)
King Philip's War –(Sept.29)
King of the Cutthroats –(Apr.17)
King of the Holy Land –(Mar.17)
King of Wales --orders the arrest of Howell Harris and his subsequent
conversion, (Apr.8)
King of Zion –(Feb.10)
Kingdom of Jerusalem –(Mar.24)
King's College --(See: Columbia University)
Kinnaird, Mrs. Arthur --founds the Young Women's Christian Association
of Great Britain and Ireland, (Jan.22)
Kirk, John --cf. (Jan.20)
Kirkland, Samuel --Birth of (Dec.1); serves as a Congregational
missionary to the Six Nations, (Dec.1); persuades the Oneidas and
Tuscaroras to remain neutral during the War for Independence, (Dec.1)
Kitto, John –(Dec.4)
Klarenbach, Adolph --his unpopular
condemnation, (Sept.28); the Plague and its interpretation, (Sept.28);
his doctrine, (Sept.28); Death of, (Sept.28)
Knapp, Mrs. Joseph –(July10)
Kneeland, Abner --renounces his Baptist
affiliation for Deism, (Apr.6); founds The Investigator, (Apr.6);
his trial for Blasphemy and his subsequent imprisonment, (Apr.6)
Kneeling Controversy –(Aug.14)
Knight George –(May 5)
Knights of Malta --cf. (Sept.2)
Knollys, Hanserd --imprisonment of,
(Sept.19); his escape from prison and subsequent flight to New England,
(Sept.19); his return to England, his ordination as a Baptist, and his
subsequent imprisonment, (Sept.19)
Knox, John --conversion of by the preaching of George Wishart, cf.
(Mar.1); pens his First Blast Of The Trumpet Against The Monstrous
Regimen (t) Of Women, (Aug.19); his debate with Mary, Queen of
Scots, (Aug.19); certain writings of judged to be false, seditious, and
heretical by the University of Oxford, (Dec.8); consigned to the
galleys, (July 31); his life as a galley-slave, (Nov.9); warned by
Archbishop Hamilton not to preach in St. Andrews Cathedral, (June11);
the flight of Mary to England, (June 19); marries Margaret Stewart,
(Nov.9); his return from exile, (May 2); his attempted assassination,
(May 5); preaches his last sermon, (Nov. 9); confined to his room,
(Nov.9); lies dying, (Nov.23); Death of, (Mar.12); Richard Ballentine
of, (Nov.24); the Earl of Mortoun of, (Nov.24)
Koch, Jodocus --(Justus Jonas) --at the
bedside of the dying Luther, (Feb.18); preaches the funeral of Luther,
(Oct.9); flees before the army of Maurice, (Oct.9); his second flight,
Komaromi, Gyorgy Csipkes --translates the
Bible into Hungarian, its seizure, and subsequent burning, (Nov.1)
Koniasch, Anton --boasts his burning of sixty thousand books, mostly
Bibles, (Oct.29)
Korea --its annexation by Japan and the
at-tempt to force Shintoism upon its inhabitants, (Apr.26); Russian
troops set up a "Socialist Paradise" in North Korea, and the renewed
persecution of the Church, (Apr.26); Syngman Rhee assumes the Presidency
of South Korea, (Apr.26)
Korean Revival –(Jan.14)
Krishna Pal --the conversion of, (Dec.28)
Krummacker, F. W. --cf. (Aug.23)
Kuyper, Abraham --secedes from the
Netherland State Church, (Oct.29); effects the Restoration of the
Reformed Church in Holland, (Oct.29); assumes the position as Prime
Minister of the Netherlands, (Oct.29); unites the Christian Reformed
Church with the Seceders forming the Reformed Churches in the
Netherlands, (Oct.29)
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