


Dear D. W.                                                                                                       March 4, 1987

      ...Let me clarify what I said in my earlier letter. I did not say God would damn your child on account of your sin, but only that it would be a tragedy if you have brought a child into this world only to be damned. Unless you rear the child in the fear and admonition of the Lord, that will undoubtedly be his destiny. That prospect does not thrill me. But, if on the other hand you were to teach and to train him as a godly, praying mother, who knows whether the Lord may wonderfully use your son for His honor and glory.


Dear D. W.                                                                                                        March 4, 1987

       ...I do not think you have ever gotten over the trauma of your first marriage. You did not marry in the Lord then, and it had a horrible affect on your life. Then, one thing after another occurred in your life without you ever confessing and forsaking your sin. I question whether even now, you can sense how extremely evil it is for a person to live in complete disregard to the Law of her Creator.

     God is Almighty. He rules in the heavens, and does what He will among the inhabitants of earth. We walk upon His earth. We breathe His air. It is His life that courses our veins. Our heart is an involuntary muscle that is under His control. For such a creature as man to shake his puny fist in the face of the Almighty is absurd. "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision" (Psalm 2:4).

     What will He do to people who existing by Him, yet still continue to live in complete disregard of His will? What will He do to such people seeing He has sent His only begotten Son into the world to suffer, bleed, and to die for sin?

    We will pray for you, and trust the Lord will now bring about a change in your life, and that L. will want to be a good, and a godly man— a man who is not ashamed of the things of God. "May God Smile On You"—Bach.


Dear C. G.                                                                                                         April 15, 1994

     I was appalled by your audacious segment this Friday morning in which you equated "homosexuality" (what the Bible calls "sodomy") with normalcy. Your wishful thinking does not make it so.

     "AIDS" is an unnecessary disease. It is the judgment God has ordained for conduct that is contrary to natural law. How long will you continue to pervert the right ways of the LORD?

     (Editor's note: the wicked, and perverse sin of "sodomy" has been re-named "homosexuality;" and the disease known as "AIDS" or "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" was first called "GRID," or "Gay-Related Immune Deficiency." Sin, and Judgments that God brings upon sin, may be re-named to make them less offensive, but while the thought of a horrible death may make men afraid, the thought of offending Almighty God does not.)


Dear B. S. M.                                                                                                 February 4, 1990

    I received a letter from one of your members in which he enclosed a tract where you offer a "$100 Reward ...for a Bible text proving any of the following statements." He asked that I write you.

     First, you ask for a text that proves God has changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Second, you ask for a text that proves we should keep Sunday in honor of Christ's resurrection. Third, you ask for a text that proves either Christ or His apostles ever kept Sunday holy. Fourth, you ask for a text that proves the Law found in the Ten Commandments ended at the cross. And Fifth, you ask for a text that proves that being "under grace" frees us to violate the Law found in the Ten Commandments of God.

     You then make the assertion that "Sunday keeping ...came in with church apostasy"; and that professed Christians "did not keep it until after the last of the Bible was written."

     First of all, let me make it clear that I do not believe you have any intention of giving anyone $100. I am, therefore, writing not for personal gain, but only that I may "give a reason of the hope that is in (me)" (I Peter 3:15). However, neither do I entertain any hope that you have an ear to hear, for—

A man convinced against his will                                                        Is of the same opinion still.

     Unless you acquire your knowledge of God's Word from people like Hollywood's Cecil B. DeMille, you should know that God-fearing Christians over the past 2 millennia have maintained that the book of I Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul shortly before Pentecost, from the city of Ephesus, during the 3rd Missionary Journey about the year 57 A.D.; and that the book of Acts was written by Luke the "beloved physician" about 65 A.D., and covers a period of 37 years, and was penned before 70 A.D.

     The books written by the Apostle John comprising the Gospel that bears his name, his 3 Epistles that also bear his name, were written about 90 A.D.; while his book of Revelation was written about 95 A.D. as the Apostle died shortly thereafter.

     Therefore, your premise that Sunday worship came in with church apostasy is absolutely false. Now, when it comes to a faithful exposition of the Word of God, remember the warning of Martin Luther: "Whom God intends to destroy, He gives leave to play with Scripture."

I. Did God indeed change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? No! The "Sabbath" is a covenant God made with Israel, and not with His Church. In Exodus 31:12-17, God states 5 times that the Sabbath is His covenant with Israel. "Speak thou also unto the children of Israel" and then follows the commandment to keep the Sabbath (verse 12). "(For) it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations ..." (verse 13). "Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you," and then follows the death penalty for those who defile the Sabbath (verse 14). "Wherefore, the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant" (verse 16). "It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever" (verse 17).

      In verse 17, God tells us this Sabbath commemorates His creation of heaven and earth. Question: "Since you are arguing for keeping this Sabbath when God clearly tells us it is to be observed by Israel, of which tribe are you a member?"



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