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THE JEWS: Their Identity and Their Curse -Part IIText: " ...Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Know ye therefore, that THEY WHICH ARE OF FAITH, THE SAME ARE THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM." (Gal. 3:6,7) Paul: An Israelite, A Benjamite, A Hebrew, A Jew The Apostle Paul, writing by Divine inspiration identifies himself as an Israelite, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews. (Phil. 3:5) Again, in II Cor. 11:22, the Holy Spirit testifies that Paul is a Hebrew and an Israelite. Then, in Acts 21:39, Paul flatly says "I am a man which an a Jew of Tarsus"; and in chapter 22 verse 3, he again testifies "I am verily a man which am a Jew." Sheldon Emry, the late pastor of the Lord’s Covenant Church in Phoenix, Arizona, brazenly contradicted the Word of God and said that Paul was not a Jew. HE also scoffed at the idea that Satan is a person, and he mocked at the reality of Hell choosing rather to believe in conditional immortality. They act like fools who believe any man is wiser than the Holy Spirit who resided over the writers of Scripture. At the heart of all false doctrine is the denial of the reliability of the Bible. How can Christians accept the authority of a book over a man like Pastor Emry? In Christian circles it is called "Faith." Other Jews in the New Testament In Acts 4:36, Barnabas is identified as a Levite; and in chapter 10 verse 28. Peter identifies himself as "a Jew." Again, in Acts 16: 19,20, Paul and Silas are identified as "Jews", while in chapter 18 verse 24, Apollos is said to be "Jew." Either these were Jews, or they were not; but if they were not Jews, and are said to have been Jews, then the Bible is unreliable. Jesus was a Jew In Luke 2:36, Anna is identified as being "of the tribe of Asher"; and in Hebrews 7:14, we are told "It is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah..." Note: The belief of some that during the Babylonian Captivity, Israel lost her identity is utterly without foundation. And, since our Lord sprang out of Judah, then according to the flesh, Jesus was a Jew. It is an undeniable fact that Jesus was a Jew, Scripture tells us that He was "made under the Law." (Gal. 4:4) The fact He kept the Passover Feast shows that this refers not simply to Roman Law, but to Jewish Law, otherwise known as the Law of Moses. Consider again, that at the heart of every argument, whether theological or philosophical, is the authority of Scripture. The Jews said Jesus was "of Nazareth" when in fact He was "of Bethlehem" They did it in order to conceal any possibility that He was the Messiah. If it be argued that Peter called Him "Jesus of Nazareth" the reason is because Jesus was crucified under this name. (Jn. 19:19) OBJECTION: "The Jews No Longer Exist." Some will object saying "The Jews were destroyed in 70 AD, and no longer exist." We would ask, "Hath God cast away His people which he foreknew?" (See: Rom. 11:1,2a) Certainly there is a spiritual application here that teaches God has not cast away "His people" on who He set His affections; but the primary meaning is that God has not cast away the nation of Israel. Some will argue that the people who today profess to be "Jews" are imposters because in John 8:33 we read how the Pharisees contended, "We were never in bondage to any man." Note, however, not everything in the Bible is true. When Satan contradicted the Word of God and told Eve, "Ye shall not surely die" –it was a lie, and was not the truth. (Gen. 3:4) So here in John 8:33, the fiercely nationalistic Jews were not willing to concede they had been conquered. This, however, was not the truth, and Jesus never agreed with them. The Origin of the Word "Jew" It has been maintained by some that the word "Jew" came from Babylon. Although the word appears with greater frequency following the days of the Babylonian Captivity, since Judah was the last of the Divided Kingdom to be taken away, yet the term was in use at least as early as 700 BC. (See: II Kings 16:6) Warning! We play the fool if we give access to our eyes, our ears, or our time to just anyone. The Jews: 1.) A Nation, 2.) A Religion, 3.) A Spiritual People When we speak of "The Jews", we may be speaking of a nation, what Scripture calls "Jewry"; or of a religion, as Paul said, "I profited in the religion of the Jews above many mine equals" (Gal. 1:14) or of a spiritual people. The Holy Spirit teaches us "He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and no in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God." (Rom. 2:28-29) In 722 BC, the Assyrians captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The people had become so wicked that God favored the heathen Assyrians, and raised them up to punish Israel. Then 136 years later in 586 BC, Babylon captured Judah, the Southern Kingdom. Neither God’s judgment upon Israel, nor the space of 136 years moved Judah to repent and to turn from her evil ways. The study of the prophet’s vision of the Valley of Dry Bones (Ezek. 37) and the apostle’s instruction in Romans chapter 11 are critical to a proper understanding of God’s dealing with national Israel. "Can these bones live?" "God hath not cast away His people which He foreknew." The Jews as Blasphemers of Christ It is certain the Pope and the popish system is wicked, and the roads leading to Rome have flowed with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, but the Jews in the Babylonian Talmud (Soncino Edition) declare that Jesus Christ is in Hell in boiling excrement. (Git. 56b-57a) (See: The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1901-05 edition, and p.172) The Jewish Encyclopedia calls Jesus a bastard, and on p. 170 says his mother Mary "was known to be an adulteress". And, The Talmud says, "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." (Sanh. 106b) Again, in Sanh. 43a, The Talmud declares Jesus practiced sorcery; and in Sanh. 107b in the unedited edition, Jesus is said to have been excommunicated for the thought of seducing a woman and that in his ensuing grief and confusion he began to worship a brick. (See: The Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 170) Yet, there are many frothy-headed ministers who teach that the Jews are "God’s chosen people." The Jews as Haters of God They who rise the highest may fall the lowest. It is therefore to be expected that since God gave the Law through the mediation of the Jews that it is possible for them to be the worst violators of the Law. And, since it is from the Jews that mankind has received the Word of God, Jews can be the worst defilers of the Word. And, since from the Jews, according to the flesh Christ came, it is possible for Jews to hate the Son of God more easily than other men, but "unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." (Lk. 12:48) Most evangelicals ignore the fact that Marx, Trotsky and Lenin were Jews. In a French publication that appeared March 6,1920 it was stated that of the 25 leading Bolshevik officials in the Russian Revolution, 24 were Jews. This is the reason Rabbi Wise declared "Some call it ‘Marxism’- I call it ‘Judaism.’" (The American Bulletin, 5-15-35) Communism was begotten by apostate Jews. Are these the people of God? Christianity and the ancient landmark of morality are under attack. Lawrence Tisch who controls CBS and William Palcy its president are Jews. CBS publishes Women’s Day magazine. Leonard Goldenson heads ABC; Brandon Tartikoff heads NBC Entertainment, and Lawrence Grossman is president of NBC News. All are Jews. Jews also head the Public Broadcasting System, Fox, and National Public Radio. Only apostate Jews would allow profanity and immorality as an acceptable lifestyle. Katherine Graham owns Newsweek, and the Washington Post. Walter Annenberg owns TV Guide, and Seventeen; while Gloria Steinem began Ms magazine. Mortimer Zuckerman owns the Atlantic Monthly. The US News and World Report, Vogue, Home and Gardens, and Mademoiselle are all Jewish owned. Is it any wonder Christianity is unjustly portrayed in the media?
Why are Hollywood actors and actresses so involved with communism and socialism? Why are so many moral prostitutes? The Jerusalem Post reports that US movie producers and directors and about 75 percent of the Writers Guild are Jews. Consider only a few. Norman Lear, Roman Polanski, Steven Spielberg, Oliver Stone, Kirk Douglas, Jill St. John, Cary Grant, Lorne Green, Tony Randall, Peter Falk, Henry Winkler, Richard Dreyfuss, Paul Newman, Ed Asner, Sharon Gless, Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler, etc. All are Jews. Singers such as Barbara Striesand, Simon and Garfunkel, Barry Manilow, and Bob Dylan are Jews. Comedians such as Jerry Lewis, Billy Crystal, Rodney Dangerfield, Don Rickles, Rosanne Barr, Woody Allen, Buddy Hackett, George Burns, Pee Wee Herman, Peter Sellers, etc. are all Jews. Talk Show Hosts and regulars who are Jews include Joan Rivers, Sally Jesse Raphael. Dr. Ruth Werstheimer, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Larry King and Carl Sagan (the high priest of evolution who says "God" is the sum of forces as magnetism, electricity. gravity, etc.) Studio magnates such as Samuel Goldwyn and Louis Mayer, Warner Brothers, and Low Wasserman of Universal Studios. No wonder the latter was so willing to make the recent blasphemous movie on the life of Jesus. Authors Isaac Asimov, Herman Wouk, Norman Mailer, Stephen King, Gore Vidal, James Michener, Sidney Sheldon and Julie Collins are all Jews. So is Dr. Benjamin Spook. Politically speaking, Henry Kissinger, James Schlesinger, Casper Weinberger, William Safire, Robert Strauss, Sol Linowitz are all Jews. This latter negotiated away the Panama Canal. Thc American Communist Party was co-founded by Armand Hammer’s father and Gus Hall. Both are Jews. The latter said he would not be content until the blood and guts of all Christian preachers flowed in the streets of America. It is a true saying that they who rise the highest may fall the farthest; so many of mankind’s greatest blessings have come by way of the Jews, but so have the greatest curses that plague mankind. Should We Hate the Jewish People? Should godly people hate the Jews? This question should not even need to be addressed. Nevertheless, some think it is righteous, and even an evidence of spirituality to do so. For their sakes we answer that when God puts His Spirit in a man, that man loves mankind because God who is love gives that man bowels of mercies, If we were supposed to hate all non- Christians, there would be no need for missions. Are we, then, supposed to love all men without any exceptions? Absolutely not. David, king of Israel, came before the Lord saying that he hated them who hated God, and that he hated them "with perfect hatred," and counted them his enemies. (Psalm 139:21-22) And, King Jehoshaphat was reproved by the prophet who chided him saying, "Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord." (II Chronicles 19:2) The people of God should be like God who "hates the workers of iniquity." (Psalm 5:5) --To Be Continued. Next Month: "Do we have the right to indiscriminately allegorize the Word of God?" _______________________________ A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM Regarding The "Permissive" and The Perfect Will of God -- "If God’s perfect will is not done, then God is not perfect." (Anna Judson Fellows, 14 years of age.) _____________________________ Letter -- Mr. Fellows 1. Please cancel "Thc Angelus", evening prayer to Mary. 2. I am not KJV only. You are just like the Catholics and their Latin Vulgate... You must love sodomites because KJ was one, and you defend him. If KJV is God’s inspired Word, why are the OT quotations in the NT different from the KJV OT? 3. Why do you beg? Can’t your Sovereign deity pay for your newspaper? 4. See Translator #159. It will explain why I don’t accept your legalism from Calvin’s Puritans. May you grow up! --Ed Vrell _______________________________ My Gracious Brother: Thank you for your letter of encouragement. Your kindness exceeded your meekness. The fruits of the Spirit exhibited in your letter including love, joy and peace are a real example for us. |