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Text: Zechariah 4:6 The enemy has come in like a flood, but the enemy is ourselves. Socialism is the offspring of ungodly men to offer mankind an alternative to the blessings of God. As it is the incarnation of humanism, it cannot tolerate the God of creation. So-called "Christian" Socialism is therefore a myth for it surrenders the blessings of God for the blessings of man, and instead of teaching people to look to God for help, it teaches them to depend upon the government. Americans have exchanged life for abortion and euthanasia: Godly education for government funding of education. They have chosen pornography over crèches, profanity over piety, and paper over specie. They have forsaken the rule of God for the rule of men. They have exchanged Heaven for earth. While socialism has designed the welfare state, it nurtures crime, taxes and death; and as these become more rampant in the policies of government, so are they adopted in the policies of society. For instance since the advent of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, socialism has gendered graft and corruption on a horrendous scale if only evidenced by bribery and treason. After extorting oppressive taxes from its citizens, our government then squanders our money to "buy" 18-dollar hammers for 70 "dollars" and commode seats for 400-500 "dollars." But if the government can get by with it, why not society? The legal profession has turned America into the most litigious society in the history of mankind. Between 60-90 percent of the operations performed by the medical profession unnecessary, depending upon the kind of surgery. Why should auto mechanics be any different? They charge 45 "dollars" an hour, and copier servicemen charge 40 "Dollars" an hour. All attempt to obtain wealth by taking advantage of people in their distress. The insurance scam charges people all they dare, but will often drop a person when they have an accident. How many people pay these bandits more money each month than they pay for their home! Since states require auto insurance in order to drive, the insurance industry amounts to extortion. The ungodly welfare scandal rewards unmarried people who live together, and encourages women to have a large brood of illegitimate children. And, to accomplish this, the socialists have resorted to income taxes that twice were ruled unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. The camel "Income Tax" first stuck his nose into our tent by introducing a one-percent tax on incomes below 200,000 "dollars" and 2 percent on incomes ranging from 20,000-50,000 "dollars." He has now moved into our tent. In society, the tax for doing business is called "interest." It is properly known as "usury," and for charging it people used to be excommunicated from churches. Now, bankers and their ill-gotten gain are entrenched in the churches. Socialism, because it is inherently evil, has fostered death in its appeal for "pro-choice" and its flirtations with euthanasia. In Society, this death mentality has been manifested by the horrendous increase in brutal slayings of the elderly, of women, of children, and of parents. Who Is Responsible? Some argue that the degeneration of America is to be blamed on the Black segment of our population. Others blame the Masons and see a plot conceived by the Illuminati in the 1700’s. Still others blame the Jews. To Whom Should We Go For Help? The answer to the nation’s woes is variously given. The Romans used brute force to solve their problems. Caesar might be deposed if one was popular with the army, or if be had a quantity of poison at his disposal. People, who consider "race" the cause of society’s woes, think the answer lies in the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nations, or in the Identity Movement, which is transplanted British Israelism. Many people believe our hope lies with the intelligentsia. The Nazis combined the brutal force of Rome with genetic engineering. This is the reason behind sperm banks, and why Nobel Peace Prize recipients have been paid 20,000-50,000 "dollars" for a donation to the "bank." By far the most popular view for ridding our nation from its woes is by legislation. Most believe that if the right candidates can be voted into office, the government can be changed. Consequently they spend a great deal of time and money and may exhaust themselves campaigning for the "lesser of two evils." They write their congressmen and senators again, and again. But where is God in all of this? Now this writer is not against the electoral process, and he has written his share of letters to his legislators, but do we look to man to deliver us? Is our confidence in the flesh? As an echo from the past comes the Word of the Lord, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." Can we not hear it? God is sovereign. He is Lord of Heaven and earth. He is therefore in control. He teaches that it is "not by might." The Septuagint translates it, "not by an army" and it signifies collective power or the work of many. Here God teaches us that righteousness is not accomplished by the strength of many. It is "not by might...but by My Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts." "Nor by power." Righteousness is not effected by the prowess of a single individual. We are not to look for a hero among men who will deliver us, but we are to look to God and to Him alone. Our deliverance does not depend upon the combined might of men laboring to help each other, nor is it by the might of a single hero. We are not to look to the wealthy, the talented, the brilliant, or the popular, because "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong." (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Admittedly, socialism is ungodly by its very nature, but the so-called Patriot groups are no better because the god they profess teaches that it is by might, and that it is by power that righteousness is accomplished. "But by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." Israel was camped at Pihahiroth before the Red Sea. The army of Pharaoh was in pursuit. The message God gave to Israel was, "Stand still and nee the salvation of the Lord." (Exodus 14:15) Israel did not fight the Midianites in the days of Gideon. After God turned every man’s sword against his neighbor, Israel simply "mopped up." In the days of Jehoshaphat when the Ammonites, the Moabites and the people of Mount Seir invaded the land, God said to the people of Israel, "Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord." (II Chronicles 20:17)-- but then "all Judah stood before the Lord with their little ones, their wives and their children." (13) Note first, we are the enemy to ourselves. Socialism is the scourge God has brought upon us. Second, to resort to "might" as an army, or to "power" as in looking for a man to save us, makes us no better than the Philistines who are causing our problems. Third, to resort to means devoid of the Spirit of God makes us to fight against God who has brought this government upon us. Until we are intent upon making altars of our homes, we will never see a reversal of the trends in society. Our conversation must be repentant, for although the Charismatics see a cure-all in the offering of praise, yet God does not accept praise from people when they continue to live like the ungodly. TO WHAT DEGREE? Text: "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have pot on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, THERE IS NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:26-28) The Significance of The Passage The words of the Apostle are very significant. In Israel a man might shave his head, but a woman was not allowed to do so. A man might impose a vow upon his son, but a woman could not do this on her daughter. In time of mourning, a man might rend his clothes, but a woman was not permitted to do so. And, even today, women cannot assemble with men in the synagogue, but are relegated to galleries where they cannot be seen. The Reason for The Passage The apostolic teaching is that in Christ there is neither "male nor female." The reason for the passage is first, that our souls are not male or female, but are neuter in gender. Second, Christ is no respecter of persons: He does not accept men only to turn up His nose at women. Third, all persons need Christ, and all are welcome regardless of sects, social standing, or gender. They form one body. One day when I was passing out Gospel tracts in Norfolk, Virginia, I met a woman who was convinced no woman could be saved because the Bible said, "If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to Him and will sup with him and he with Me." (Revelation 3:20) The principle of sonship is common to all believers. Fourth, the passage teaches that everyone is responsible to comply with the laws and government of the Kingdom. But when the Scripture says, "there is neither male nor female", are there no limitations established as to the meaning? The Limitations of The Passage When we are converted to Christ, our physiology does not change. The fact that a woman was converted did not allow her to express sorrow or grief by rending her clothes. The Apostle still commands us to distinguish the sexes by our dress and by our grooming for he says, "Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering." (I Corinthians 11:14,15) Also, women, not men, are exhorted to dress modestly. (I Timothy 2:9) Women, and not men, are commanded to keep silent "in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak: but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law." (I Corinthians 14:34) It is by apostolic injunction that women are forbidden "to teach or to usurp authority over the man" and not rather that men should be in silence before women. (I Timothy 2:12) The fact that God receives "male and female" is not to be construed so as to alter the family unit. The husband is still held by the apostle to be the head of the wife, for he says, "I would have you to know that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man." (I Corinthians 11:3) regardless of what Alice Cooper says. Conversion does not change us physiologically, nor does it change us socially. The fact that a son is converted does not make him equal to his father or allow him to set household rules for him. Conversion does not remove the distinction in society between as employer and the employee. If the reader thinks otherwise let him try moving into the boss’ office. Conversion does not make us equal within the church. To paraphrase the words of Martin Luther, If the women would act like men, there will be nothing but confusion in the church as there now is in society just as Rock ’N Roll has been accepted into the church, so the Women’s Liberation Movement has been accepted into the church. But women will have their way. God will bring it to pass as a judgment upon His people because He says "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them." (Isaiah 3:l2} And, the day will come as the prophet declares when the havoc they have caused will be so great in society that "in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying, "We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach." (4:1) __________________________________________________ SEPTEMBER 1, 1782--Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On account of the recent war with England, Bibles could not be imported. Mr. Robert Aitken undertook the feat of printing an edition of the King James Bible. Today, Congress requests the two chaplains of Congress to examine the work. It will become the first Bible to be printed in the New World. 13, 1628 --Massachusetts. Governor John Endecott arrives in the Bay as the first Governor. He founds the oldest town in the colony soon to be called "Salem." The propagation of the Gospel is by the free profession of the colonists their aim in settling the plantation. Therefore, the original seal of the colony will depict an Indian standing with an arrow in his hand, and bearing the words, "Come over and help us." (Acts 16:9} 29, 1676 --Massachusetts. King Philip’s War draws to a close. Samuel Hubbard writes, "God has been long waiting with patience, by several signs and warnings these forty years as I can witness; but we in our turnings have not so turned to the Lord as ought to be, and His displeasure is broke forth on the country by the natives who were forced thereto, assome of them said (and in very deed I judge truly). (You need "Of Whom The World Was Not Worthy." -3 Vols. -$45.)
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