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Featured Articles "How Have the Mighty Fallen"--Harvard Cassian Vs. Pelagius--Part II, No.7
"HOW HAVE THE MIGHTY FALLEN!" The Story of Harvard University Within the first few years of its founding in 1636, Harvard College had so astounded the world that Old England had more ministers from New England, than New England had from Old England. Such was the observation of Cotton Mather. What was the reason for this fledgling institution’s signal impact on the world in so short a time? There were two reasons: the first was the rules and precepts observed by the college, and second, the curriculum itself... Part One --The Rules and Precepts served by Harvard (1643)
The PILGRIM'S BIBLE CHURCH has the opportunity of purchasing a beautiful church and residence in prime location. We still need about $15,000. Has the Lord impressed you to make a LOAN to the PILGRIM’S BIBLE CHURCH? Now is the time to step forward and offer your help. "If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we reap your carnal things? –I Corinthians 9:11 Have you a question? Telephone us collect, Area Code 404-793-3553. -"May God Smile On You." –Johann Sebastian Bach 3. Everyone shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein, both in theoretical observations of the language and logic, and in practical and spiritual truths, as his tutor shall require, according to his ability: seeing "the entrance of the Word giveth light: it giveth understanding unto the simple." –Psalms 119:130 4. That, they, eschewing all profanation of God’s name, attributes, Word, ordinances and times of worship, do study with good conscience carefully to retain God and the love of is truth in their minds. Else, let them know that (notwithstanding their learning) God may give them up "to strong delusions" – II Thessalonians 2:11,12— And in the end "to a reprobate mind." – Romans 1:28 5. That they studiously redeem the time, observe the general hours appointed for all the students, and the special hours for their own classes; and then diligently attend the lectures, without any disturbance by word or gesture. And if in anything they doubt, they shall inquire as of their fellows, so (in case of "non-satisfaction,) modestly of their tutors. 6. None shall under any pretense whatsoever, frequent the company and society of such men as lead an unfit and dissolute life. Nor shall any, without his tutor’s leave, or (in his absence) the call of parents or guardians, go abroad to other towns. 7. Every scholar shall be present in his tutor’s chamber at the seventh hour in the morning, immediately after the sound of the bell, at his opening the Scripture and prayer: so also at the fifth hour at night, and then give account of his own private reading (as aforesaid in particular the third), and constantly attend lectures in the hall at the hours appointed. But if any (without necessary impediment) shall absent himself from prayer or lectures, he shall be liable to admonition, if he offend above once a week. 8. If any scholar shall be found to transgress any of the laws of God or the school, after twice admonition, he shall be liable, if not "adultus" to correction; if "adultus", his name shall be given up to the overseers of the College, that he may be admonished at the public monthly act. Is it any wonder Harvard rose so rapidly to such grandeur? It should come as no surprise that the "Old Deluder, Satan" had his eye enrapt with this powerful threat. Has this citadel for God risen to lofty heights? Then, if it should fall, how great will be the fall of it! And where should we look for the cause of its fall? Rarely, if ever, do such fortresses of faith succumb to assaults from without: they crumble from within. -TO BE CONTINUED- Life of Augustine His Influence, No. 7 CASSIAN AND SEMI-PELAGIANISM III Cassian had taught that in the matter of salvation, "Man has the natural ability to make the first step." This first error naturally led to his second. "This first step", he declared, "MERITS the help of God." To "merit" something is to earn it and therefore to deserve it; but the Scriptures plainly tell us salvation is not earned but instead is the gift of God; (Romans 6:23), that it is by grace we are saved through faith "and that not of ourselves." --Ephesians 2:8,9 In the third place Cassian taught that "God wishes and helps all to be saved." This is not true, for if God "wishes and helps all to be saved," the fact that "Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be that go in thereat, but narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Compare Matthew 7:13,14) --the fact that such is so makes God a failure because He did not effect what was His purpose to effect. It makes God’s will unfulfilled. It renders His work imperfect. Furthermore, since God knows "the end from the beginning", why did He not refuse to create those men whom He knew would die and go to Hell, that is if God wants everyone to be saved? The answer is obvious God does not will all men to be saved. The "exceeding riches of His glory" can be seen only by the exceeding poverty of the damned; and the height of His glory can only be grasped when compared to the depth of guilt and shame of the condemned. Have you an eye to look to Him? "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world!" "Look and Live!" Christ is your sacrifice for sin and uncleanness! "Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." "Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He saved us.... " |