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RIGHTEOUSNESS: The Missing Ingredient in Modern Preaching What is the reason that people who profess to be Christians are often worse to do business with than many sinners are? Why is their work so often shoddy, and the prices they charge as oppressive as those charged by the children of this world, whose portion is only in this life? It is because the gospel being preached in our day is a gospel that makes it easy to count professions, but it is a gospel that is not much interested in righteousness. The Gospel According to David In Psalm 15, David asks a rhetorical question: "Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?" He then proceeds to answer the question first in a general, and then in a specific manner. First, "He that walketh uprightly." This is the conduct by which he governs himself. Second, "(He that) worketh righteousness" This is the conduct he exhibits toward others, And, Third, "(He who) speaketh the truth in his heart." The Psalmist then proceeds to deal with 8 particulars. 1. "He that backbiteth not with his tongue" 2. He that does no evil to his neighbor. 3. He that does not take up a reproach against his neighbor. 4. "In whose eyes a vile person is condemned." 5. "(He that) honoreth them that fear the Lord." 6. "(He who) sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not." 7. He that does not put out his money for interest (usury). 8. And, he who will not take a bribe against the innocent. The Gospel cannot be divorced from doing that which is right. This is what is commonly called "righteousness," and it is the fruit and the essential evidence of the imputed and imparted righteousness of Christ. The Gospel According to Isaiah In similar fashion, Isaiah summarizes the Gospel with two phrases found in the first chapter of his prophecy. With them, he lays the foundation for the next 65 chapters: "Cease to do evil" and "Learn to do well." (Vs. 16,17) Many sinners "cease to do evil." by reforming their manners, but this alone does not evidence saving faith. The prophet therefore enjoins, "Learn to do well." Again, in chapter 58, Isaiah lays bare the complaint by Israel that God paid no attention to her times of fasting God responds by saying some of the people continued seeking their pleasure and exacting "all (their) labors" on the day of their fast. The fast God has chosen is not simply that a man bow his head as a bulrush, or spread sackcloth and ashes under him: it is rather 1. to loose the bands of wickedness; 2. to undo the heavy burdens; 3. to let the oppressed go free; 4. to break every yoke; 5. to deal bread to the hungry; 6. to bring the poor who are cast out to his house; 7. to cover the naked. 8. and to be sure not to hide himself from his own flesh. How spiritual is that man who allows his children to go the way of the world? At the heart of the Gospel is this: that true faith results in ceasing to do evil and learning to do well. This theme of righteousness woven throughout the Old Testament emerges as the theme of the New Testament. The Gospel According to Paul In Ephesians chapter 4, the Holy Spirit speaking by the Apostle Paul exhorts Christians not to walk "as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind’ (17) but to walk so as they have learned Christ --if they have indeed been taught by Him. (20,21) He then exhorts them: 1. to put away lying, and that everyone of them speak truth with his neighbor; 2. to be angry, and to sin not by allowing the sun to go down upon his wrath; 3 to cease from stealing, and to labor working with his hands that which is good The reason given by the Apostle is that he may have to give to them who are in need; 4. to refrain from communication that is of a corrupting influence, and instead to speak so as to minister grace to them who hear; 5. to put away bitterness and wrath, anger and clamor, and all evil speaking, and all malice They are here instructed to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God has forgiven them for Jesus’ sake; 6. to be followers of Christ as dear children and to walk in love; (5:1,2) 7. to cease from all fornication, uncleanness, and covetousness, along with all filthiness, including filthy jesting because it is the talk of fools. The reason for such exhortation is well known: no whoremonger or unclean person, or covetous man has any part in the Kingdom of God. Covetousness is Idolatry because it regards possessions to be more desirable than the things of God. "The righteous Lord loveth righteousness" (Psalm 11:7), and Peter tells us that Noah was "a preacher of righteousness." (II Pet, 2:5) It is evident the Gospel of God cannot be divorced from the righteousness of doing that which is right. Yet people today who profess to be Christians are often worse to work for than many who are heathen. They are often more hard-hearted in business than the unsaved. The reason why this is so is simple: the gospel being preached in our day is a gospel that is interested in counting decisions, but is not much concerned with righteousness. Reader, you say you are a Christian, but the only way others can substantiate and corroborate your profession is by observing how you conduct yourself in the affairs of everyday life. And, reader, if you would know how good a Christian you are, go out into the world and see. An Example On Labor Day, we took our eldest son to school. We no sooner stopped in front of the men’s dormitories when our timing chain went out on our 1976 Oldsmobile and left us stranded for two days. A Christian mechanic was recommended who is a member of a rapidly growing independent Baptist church in Greenville, So. Carolina. I have had timing chain troubles before, so I expected a bill for $150-300. But the Christian mechanic knew we were stranded, so after replacing the belts, the water pump, motor mounts, and the timing chain, we were handed a bill for $580, although $50 was discounted. Jesus condemned the scribes and Pharisees because they bound heavy burdens which were grievous to be borne, and laid them upon men’s shoulders; but they would not lift a finger to alleviate the burdens. "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law --judgment, mercy and faith ..." (Matt. 23:4,23) A Question Israelites were allowed by law to exact usury (interest) from strangers in the land, but by the same law, they were forbidden to exact usury from other Israelites: "Should Christians treat members of the household of faith as they treat the children of this world? Should Christians treat the people of God as they do the children of the Wicked One?" SAY "NO!" TO SOCIALISM -- REFUSE GOVERNMENT MONEY Dear Editor (The Augusta Chronicle-Herald): Socialism is not simply an alternative to a free market economy: it is inherent evil that is perpetuated by covetousness. It is owing to his depravity that man lusts for the things that belong to others. Socialism is the economics of Deceit. While it offers "free" and "easy" money, it has no wealth of its own. It must seize the fruit of the toil and dangers endured by others in order to have something to give away. Socialism is therefore self-destructive because it feeds upon itself. Citizens in a socialist society find themselves no longer responsible to pay their own way. It becomes the responsibility of everyone else to see they are housed, fed, educated and doctored albeit they are deadbeats. Since socialism reduces everyone to equality, no one can excel. Socialism attempts to protect business from failure, but no venture is secure in a free market. There can be no success where there is no possibility for failure. Protection of the medical industry has caused health care costs to rise oppressively, and if medical care is not to be left to price itself into extinction, the Federal government will have to take control. Under socialism, all businesses dependent upon the economy will be brought to ruin. It is robbery to prey upon the possessions of others; and it is to be a party to such robbery if we accept the property of others who have been coerced into giving it. It does not matter whether we accept it in the form of an education grant, low-income housing, a farm subsidy, food stamps, Social Security, or flood relief. People who will not assume the responsibility to pay their own way, but who are rather willing government seize it from their neighbors --such people choose the way of oppression and death. Americans will never again be able to control their lives until they are willing to say "NO!" to socialism by refusing government money. (Signed) HOW CAN YOU ESCAPE THE DAMNATION OF HELL? Your damnation will be a fearful thing. It will be lasting in its duration and sweeping in its consequences. Yet, you may never have been made conscious that your present state is needy so desperate. YOU ARE RIPE FOR THE JUDGMENT OF GOD because He has made you for Himself and you do not live for Him. Think of the multitude of things you have done that you knew were in violation of His will. Think also of those things that you knew God would have you to do but that you did not feel like doing. You have taken His name in vain, You have lied, With your mind, you have meditated upon uncleanness. In fact, if you will for a moment be honest with yourself, you will have to confess there is no health within you; that from the sole of your foot to the top of your head, you are filled with putrefaction. Because of your sins, you are a stench in the nostrils of God. How can you escape the damnation of Hell? YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO ESCAPE THE DAMNATION OF HELL. When you attend church services you sit smugly amusing yourself with thoughts of your goodness. After all, lots of people know you are a "good man," don’t they? But does the Judge of all the earth acknowledge society’s concept of "goodness?" Are you a "good man" in the sight of God? True you give money to charitable organizations, but it is also true that you are prejudiced against the Gospel of Christ. And if you will not come to Jesus Christ bringing your guiltiness, to whom then will you go? You are self-indulgent, and full of self-conceit. You pride yourself with being self-sufficient and are self-satisfied. You are full and swimming in self-esteem. You love yourself. Your god is your own belly. How can you escape the damnation of Hell? Your life is wrapped up in yourself. Your will is the guide of your conduct, You seek your own ends and not the purposes of Him in whose hand your breath is. WHO IS ABLE TO SAVE YOU FROM THE JUST PENALTY OF YOUR SINS? Has God provided another saviour to carry away your filth and pollution? If you will not come to Christ, where will you go when in terror you turn from the face of Him who sits upon the throne? You are helpless! You are hopeless! --UNLESS you can find a ransom sufficient for your never-dying soul. And, unless you know the hour of your death, you have no time for delay. YOUR DAMNATION DOES NOT SLUMBER: it will meet you at the moment of death. You are ripe for the Judgment of God. You certainly deserve to be damned. How can you escape? Escape is impossible with men, but the things which are impossible are possible with God. How is it possible? It is possible because of the suffering and death of the sinless Lord Jesus Christ. On the cross He by His death ransomed all who come to Him confessing and forsaking their sins. God the Father forgives repentant sinners for Jesus’ sake. Repent, therefore, and believe the Gospel. (Available in tract form) A History of Banking in the United States Presented from the Biblical viewpoint, the purpose of these tapes is to present the severe and far-reaching effects of our present economic system, the potential for disaster and the sole remedy—if God is pleased to grant it. Chapter One – An Economic History from King William’s War TO the Civil War (1690-1861) Chapter Two—An Economic History of the Civil War: The Confederacy (1861- 1865) Chapter Three – An Economic History of the Civil War: The Union (1861-1865) Chapter Four – An Economic History from Reconstruction to the Federal Reserve Act (1866-1913)
LEGALISM -- Have you ever noticed that people who want Jesus to be their Saviour but to mind His own business as to how they live, --have you ever noticed how such people regard the subject of obedience to be so much "legalism?" |