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FOOD: CLEAN AND UNCLEAN Text: "Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the Word of God and Prayer." (I Timothy 4:4,5} It is only to be expected that in an age when the Law of God is discarded that some good people would over-compensate and return to a posture resembling first century Judaizers. Take, for example, the late Lester Roloff. Godly people must stand in thankful wonderment at the marvelous way God blessed this man’s efforts with young people. Through this chosen vessel he transformed degenerate youth into Psalm-singers. Yet, "the best of men are only men at best"; and although he was doctrinally an Arminian, yet he had "True religion" because his was religion of the heart. But Lester Roloff maintained all the Old Testament laws are binding upon New Testament believers with the only exception I know of being the Sabbath Day observance. He taught, for instance, that dietary laws that God gave to Israel are binding upon believers today. He therefore refused to eat pork, shrimp, catfish; and lobster to name only a few. 3 Kinds of Law There are three kinds of Law in the Old Testament: the Moral Law, the Civil Law, and the Ceremonial Law. Certainly the Moral Law, otherwise known as the Natural Law, is binding upon all men everywhere. This is the "light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world." Consequently, it is as wrong today to lie, to steal and to blaspheme as it has ever been. Civil and Ceremonial Law, however, were given to the nation of Israel. For instance, the United States is not governed by a king. Therefore, while God declared the king has to read His Word every day (Deut. 17:14-20), the law was not addressed to the President of the United States now, nor to the king of Philistia then. It is wisdom, however, for any leader of the people to ‘Seek out the book of the Lord and read." This same is true of all the Civil Law. But to return again to the Moral Law: it is still an abomination for men to wear that which pertains to a woman, as well as for woman to wear that which pertains to a man; and it is still wrong to sow a field with "Divers seed" because it will result in hybrids that cannot bear "after their kind". Such constitutes perversion of the created order. The Ceremonial Law pertained to Israel’s worship, and for this purity was essential. Christians do not carry a shovel with them for such times as when "they ease themselves abroad." (Deut. 23:23,24) Neither do we consider ourselves "unclean until the evening" because we come in contact with the dead. (Lev. 11:24,25) Dietary Laws Dietary Laws were part of the Ceremonial Law God gave to Israel. Do these same laws govern Christians? Note the text: "For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the Word of God and Prayer." Although my father calls me his son, I dot profess to be bright, but it would seem to be that the word "every" in this context would mean "all" as when the Scriptures tell us "Every Word of God is pure." (Prov. 30:5) At the sate time, it would seem to me that the words "nothing to be refused" would mean, "no-thing is to be refused." The sole criterion for partaking is expressed by the conditional phrase, "if it be received with thanksgiving." The person who is not grateful enough to give God thanks for his portion is not fit to devour the food of angels. (See: Ps. 78:25) Shame on all the hypocrites who pretend they want to do their praying in private, when the truth is, they are ashamed to be seen to pray in public. The manner in which we are to render thanks to God who gives us all things is here said to be by the use of the "Word", and by "Prayer." These two are said to "sanctify" "every creature." Some people take the use of the Word to mean the reading of the Bible ought to be incorporated at the dinner table. I take it rather to mean that our table should be filled with holy conversation. Be that as it may, our soul ought to be nourished at least as often as our body. I have no wish to eat chocolate-covered ants, locusts, or rattlesnake meat. I have no relish to dine on dog as the Filipinos, or on rat-tails as the Chinese. Nevertheless, "To the pure, all things are pure" (Titus 1:15), but some people, I fear, may not learn to be grateful until they are reduced to such a diet. ___________________________ "OF WHOM THE WORLD WAS NOT WORTHY" "Thank you for your extended labors to publish OF WHOM THE WORLD WAS NOT WORTHY. It is a very valuable work, and I can see that it will be of wonderful use to us in the education of our children, as well as ourselves. You have done the Christian world a great service. ...I am enclosing a check for $45. Please send the Griffins a copy.... There are just too many choice items to relate by telephone." –Carris Kocher "Please tell me what the cost is for OF WHOM THE WORLD WAS NOT WORTHY. I want to purchase the set. My friend, June Griffin, gave me your address and allowed me to read one of her books. I read it with great joy." "Thanks for making it available to those of us who love the truth." –Ruth Ann Stewart In this season of giving, why not give a gift that will benefit a person spiritually, educationally and eternally? 3 vols. --$45 REGARDING CATHERINE --Catherine in doing much better, her tumors have shrunk by at least 2/3rds, and she is stronger now than she has been for several years. We are encouraged in the Lord. A CITY: ITS UNBELIEF AND ITS JUDGMENT Text: "And He could there do no mighty work, save that He laid His hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And He marvelled because of their unbelief. And He went round about the villages teaching." --(Mark 6:5,6) The Lord had visited Nazareth before. It was the city where he had spent His childhood. The last time He had come, the people had attempted to kill Him (Luke 4:28}. Time has passed, but not their unbelief. Therefore, "He could there do no mighty work save He laid His hands upon a few sick folks and healed them." Had the Son of God no power to work miracles here? Does this passage teach the power to work miracles is dependent upon man’s faith? He healed some who had no faith. (Luke 22:5), but has the unbelief of these people made the Almighty impotent? The people were offended by our Lord’s humanity. Their unbelief was great, but their contempt for Him was greater. The reasons for this contempt were chiefly two. The first stemmed from the fact that He came from a family of commoners. His father was a carpenter. And second, He lacked professional training. "Whence hath this man this wisdom?" (Matthew 13:54) He was not accredited by the schools of Egypt or of Asia. He had not been certified by the Rabbis at Jerusalem. Jesus had in fact done some miracles, but miracles do not produce faith, and the people were offended by those He had done. As Matthew’s account reads, "And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief " (vs. 58) He did not refuse to heal any who came to Ham, but their unbelief prevented them from seeking Him. The Hebrews often say a thing cannot be done when a thing will not be done. (Genesis 19:22; 37:4; Jeremiah 44:22) In like manner, the Lord would no longer bear them on account of their evil ways. The Judgment of God Consider how grave was their sin. The Lord of God have removed their unbelief, but He did not The people were unworthy of any favor done to them. He therefore takes leave of these ungrateful, unworthy people. It is not recorded that He ever returned to visit again with these people. They had sinned away the day of grace. He now turns His attention to the common folk who dwell in the towns and villages around Nazareth. The unbelief expressed by the people did not disarm the Almighty. He "could there do no mighty work" because He judged them unworthy. More miracles would only aggravate their condemnation. So it was that our Lord passed them by to call upon others. That very night he prayed, I thank Thee, first, because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse, they did not take my life: third, because although they took my all, it was not much: and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, and not I who robbed. ____________________________________ THEOLOGY TAPES Bibliology—The Doctrine of Scripture Tape One—- A. The Existence of God B. Divine Revelation Tape Two-- A. The Authority of Scripture B. The Inspiration of Scripture Tape Three—A. A History of Liberalism B. The Inerrancy of Scripture Tape Four –A. Evidences of Divine Origin: Medicine Astronomy--Prophecy B. The Preservation of Scripture Tape Five— A. A History of the English Bible B. "All Scripture is Profitable." Tape Six-- A. "Take Heed How Ye Hear." These are tapes of this year’s classes in Theology. They are quality tapes in a binder. WE offer these for $20. |