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THE WORST JUDGMENT GOD CAN BRING UPON PEOPLE THIS SIDE OF HELL Sin is a judgment God brings upon people. For this reason, The prophet Isaiah mourned, "0 Lord, why hast Thou made us to err from Thy ways, and hardened our hearts from Thy fear?" (Isaiah 63:17) While God punishes people for idolatry, immorality and sodomy, yet the Apostle Paul tells us when people become ingrates and do not glorify God as God, it is God who darkens their understanding. When people turn to idolatry, it is God who gives them up to immorality to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. When people become hedonists and worship pleasure, it is God Himself who delivers them up to commit sodomy ---and then He judges them for this by giving to them that recompense of their error which is so deserving; It is God who gives people over to a reprobate, or worthless, vile mind. Moses cried out "Thou turnest man to destruction!" because sin is a judgment God brings upon people. But it is not the worst judgment He can bring to bear upon them. "It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure," (Philippians 2:13) There is a political party the platform of which acknowledges sodomy as an acceptable lifestyle, while calling out to Americans to be tolerant toward murderers of children. It is a party without shame; a party that prides itself with the support of traitors and lesbians. It is a party comprised of the morally abandoned Yet, many Americans --women, blacks, Hispanics, and welfare recipients will close their eyes to such crying sins, and will sell their vote for selfish interests. Americans do not desire to do the will of God; and the reason why Americans have no desire to do God’s will is because God is not at work in them. It is this --not sodomy or murder that is the worst judgment God can bring upon a people this side of Hell. When God ceases to work in people to cause them to will and to do His good pleasure, and causes them to err from His ways, and harden their hearts to His fear; when God sends them strong delusion that they might believe a lie; when they can no longer blush, and God turns them to destruction --it is evident God has forsaken them. It is one thing to be left by earthly friends, or to be forsaken by father and mother, but when God forsakes us, what can we do? We would be left in an unspeakable horror if the Lord were to leave us to ourselves for one hour, but what if God should depart from us in order to fight against us! In America, the best of men have scarcely kept their testimonies in good use. They have followed cunningly devised fables, and have walked in the counsel of the ungodly. For instance, the Bible says, "What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder," but because we have looked upon marriage as a civil and not as a Divine institution, there is a profusion of divorces. The state has no authority to dissolve a Divine contract but it can a civil contract. What the state has joined together can be easily broken and torn asunder. Mental cruelty, incompatibility, or any number of other whims will serve as an excuse for breaking the covenant because God has not given us ears to hear unto this day. "The Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. And did not He make one? And wherefore one? That He might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that He hateth putting away." (Malachi 2:14-16a) It was because God sought a godly seed in the earth that He commanded Noah and his sons "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." (Genesis 9:1) This command has never been annulled. Nevertheless we have harkened unto the lie of the social planners who have told us the earth is over-populated, and we have accepted heir counsel that there is need to practice birth control. Thus instead of subduing the earth with a godly seed we have harkened to the cold calculations of men whose sole purpose is to control people. Neither has God yet caused the scales to fall from our eyes. This lie of the global designers has made abortion easier for the general public to swallow. The truth is the population of the entire world could be placed in the United States giving every individual one-half acre of land, and still have 60 million acres left over to say nothing of all the remaining land masses in the world.1 In fact, Bill Gothard declares, every individual in the world could be placed in one-half the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida and give every person regardless of age 2.0 square feet of land. Yet, unto this day, God has not given us eyes to see. Global designers have perpetrated the lie of a food shortage. Famine is not natural: it is the result of the curse God brings upon people for sin. India, for instance, takes food from 7 people to feed 1 cow because it continues to espouse the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation. "The suffering and hunger of the people is their own fault because they have chosen to reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ when missionaries brought to them the Word of God. Yet, the Lord has not given to us a heart that can understand. Population does not cause poverty. Japan has a population density of 798 people per square mile and a national product averaging $4,450 per person, while India with 511 people per square mile averages only $140 gross national product per person. 2 China’s poverty cannot be argued by its population because it averages 232 persons per square mile, and West Germany with 636 people per square mile, and Great Britain with 593 people per square mile are both prosperous countries. 3 "The reason for their prosperity lies in their being a free and not an enslaved people. This explains why Ethiopia with 65 people per square mile and abounding in natural resources is in economic misery, while Singapore with 10,000 people per square mile and with virtually no natural resources abounds with prosperity. 4 Oh, that God would give us eyes that can see and ears that will hear! Under the banner of controlling the world’s population, the United States government has been using our tax monies to fund social engineers who murder children under the lecherous excuse of promoting economic progress in the earth. Nor is this the worst: American taxpayers, quite without their knowledge, have been funding ghastly experiments on aborted babies. Dr. Peter Adam and his cohorts decapitated 12 aborted children and inserted a tube into the carotid arteries to keep the severed heads alive. 5 Such monstrous iniquity has been funded in this country and abroad by the American taxpayer. In the September 30, 1982 issue of the Congressional Record, an amendment was offered that would cut off federal funding of such atrocities. A total of 260 congressmen voted to cease funding such experimentations. However, 140 monsters voted to continue them. Among these was Claude Pepper, the representative from Florida who pretends to be so concerned about the elderly; Peter Rodino, Congressman Studds, who admitted to being a sodomite; Morris Udall, and Geraldine Ferraro. God has summoned America to judgment, and reader if you mock at such a thought, a lying spirit has seduced you. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. Social designers are using the welfare system, the tax and the banking systems to defraud this country and to redistribute its wealth. The Word of God declares that if any man does not provide for his family, he is worse than an infidel. (I Timothy 5:8) The care of parents is clearly the responsibility of children as the care of widows and orphans is the Divinely-ordained duty of the church. To treat the weak and infirm otherwise is base inhumanity, yet for two generations, many Americans have been willing that taxpayers should care for their responsibilities. It is not surprising that the children of them who have forsaken their parents should be the ones to forsake their children and pretend a right to abort them. Oh, Lord, why hast Thou made us to err from Thy ways, and hardened our hearts to Thy fear? The welfare system in our country is simple socialism. It is based upon the covetous nature of man, and feeds upon his desire to take from others who "have." It is therefore an able tool by which social planners would redistribute this country’s wealth. God gave the commandment that "if a man will not work, neither should he eat." Yet, under our welfare system a woman is rewarded who lies at home hatching an illegitimate brood of children. Where is the righteousness in seizing the fruits of the laborer to support such wickedness? If in my need, I were to take from one who "has", It would be immoral; and I would be branded a thief. Is it any less immoral, or any less a theft for the government to seize from them who "have" to give it to me? And, while our welfare system makes a mockery of the work ethic, it cannot exist without its support. What will happen when welfare recipients outnumber the laboring few? According to history, the result will be civil war. Oh, that God would again work in our hearts to will and to do His good pleasure! In an attempt to seize the authority of God, government has demanded 3,4 and 5 times the tithe God has requested. Government has no such right. These monies are used to support an educational system that professes to be training our children to become part of the global community and all the while rejecting the Author of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. God has set His face against us, and has turned us to face our advancing destruction. Taxpayers fund 45.63 percent of the homosexual budget, while the Internal Revenue Service has given sodomite organizations the 501 (C:) (3) tax exempt "church" status! Lord, in the midst of wrath, remember mercy. Have you ever wondered why you pay taxes on land you own? The simple reason is because you do not "own" it. Original land deeds such as those granted by the king of England were known as "allodial" land titles. The land was owned free and clear. When the Federal government made the Louisiana Purchase from France, the land was in turn sold to American citizens in the form of "warranty" deeds. In short, you will not ever have a clear title to your land. If you fail to pay the assessed taxes, the government will seize your property. They could not do it if you owned it. Another sobering question is "Who has the wealth of this country?" In 1928, a "United States Note" read, "Will pay to the bearer on demand "X" number of dollars." Thus it admitted it was not "X" number of dollars. A "Federal Reserve Note" read, "Redeemable in gold on demand ...or in lawful money"; and "Will pay to the bearer on demand "X" number of dollars." Hence it too admitted it was not "X" number of dollars. In like manner, the 1934 Series and 1957 Series of "Sliver Certificates" read, "X" dollars in silver payable to the bearer on demand." But in 1963, the day on which President Kennedy was buried, the United States released into circulation another kind of "Federal Reserve Note, It read "X" dollars. Every series since has laid claim to being "X" number of dollars. There is a mountain of difference between a note representing one dollar, and a note that claims to be one dollar. Daniel Webster emphatically declared banks are not revenue and "Paper is not wealth." They are "myth-makers" who say otherwise. All trade is barter, or the exchanging of one article for another of equal value. This is the science of money and to bank without utilizing this God-given standard is to bank on wind! A government mandate cannot make something "legal tender". That is reserved by the Law of God. Is there nothing of intrinsic value? Is there nothing that by the ordination of God is valuable? Yes there is, and it is illegal to pronounce that "legal tender" which is intrinsically of little or no value as tender. There is law behind banking. The Federal Reserve System of banking is based upon the rejection of this Law. Therefore, inflation and a gigantic deficit have resulted. This is the reason for the plans to emit new currency on the American people. Some say the value of the dollar is to be depreciated by 50 percent. That I would mean public and private debts could be paid with half the money agreed upon. This is dishonesty of the worst kind. Until God gives us an ear to hear, an eye to see and an heart to understand that the Law of banking is based upon God’s eternal Law of "a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure", all such paper money will be like so many compost piles --in various degrees of decay.
Another great lie perpetrated by global designers is the nuclear holocaust hoax. In a paper entitled "Some Sober Facts About Nuclear War" published by the National Institute for Economic Research in Los Angeles, Professor Petr Beckmann declared it would take 438 one-megaton nuclear bombs to destroy the Los Angeles metropolitan area. He pointed out that the day after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bridges were open to traffic. Only a few hundred of Hiroshima’s 70,000 dead were victims of radiation. 6 Life, liberty and all we hold sacred is in very real danger because Americans, and indeed the entire western world is "running scared" over the threat of nuclear war. All that is needed to gain considerable advantage over an adversary is to cause him to become fearful, because "The fear of man bringeth a snare." (Proverbs 29:25) When people become afraid, they lose the ability and the will to stand. The strength of a nation does not lie in nuclear stockpiles, however, but in the character of its people. In order for a nation to be strong, its people must be good. "The righteous are bold as a lion, but the wicked flee when no man pursueth." (Proverbs 28:1) But we have good reason to be afraid, for we have refused to be governed by the Law of God. It is idiocy, however, to run about in consternation on account of the nuclear threat. It would be far better to prostrate ourselves before the Lord of Heaven and earth, and "cease to do evil; and learn to do well." We should not fear what man can do unto us: we should rather fear the Lord of Hosts and make Him our dread. The kings of the earth may prepare themselves for battle, but "He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh. The Lord will have them in derision." But woe be unto us if the Almighty shall fight against us! The Lord Jesus Christ warns, "Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: ‘Fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into Hell;’ yea, I say unto you, ‘Fear Him.’" (Luke 12:4,5) Oh Lord, give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and an heart to understand. Be glorified by our repentance not in our death and destruction. Footnotes 1 Everett Sileven 2 Pat Gilleland, ed. Our Magnificent Earth, (Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1979), p. 168. 3 Brian Price, Rand McNally Pictorial World Atlas, (Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1980), pp. 24,78,159. 4 Pat Buchanan, "People Are The Ultimate Resource". Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, Georgia, 1984. 5 Congressional Record, June 22, 1973; 20946 --Mr. Roncallo. 6 Walter Williams, "Exposing Some Myths About Nuclear Horrors". Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, Georgia, November 22, 1982.
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