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Featured Articles A Letter concerning Roman Catholicism |
THE PILGRIM’S BIBLE CHURCH 1731 Fenwick Street Augusta, GA 30904 Telephone: (404) 737-8570 Timothy Fellows Pastor Calvinistic Separated Baptist Dear Brother ------ COPY I apologize for not having written before now, but I have put it off seemingly endlessly. I am sorry. I trust you are in good health. I do care for you, and think of you often but I grieve at what has befallen you. Paul declares that not many wise men after the flesh are called. I pray the Lord will call you. If this insults you, you have taken it in a spirit other than the one in which it is delivered. You asked me to write what I considered the most unanswerable objections to Romanism. It is not possible to boil down a manmade system to a single issue; therefore I will give you several. Where in the Word of God are we exhorted to pray for the dead? It was unheard of until 300 A.D. Where in Scripture are we exhorted to make the sign of the cross? It too was unknown until 300 A.D. Where did God reveal in His Word that we ought to use wax candles? And where does God instruct us in Scripture to venerate angels, and dead saints? Where does He tell us to use images? The Mass did not become a daily ceremony until 394 A.D. Where does God instruct us to observe it? Where in Scripture is the word "Mass" even mentioned? The term "Mother of God" was not used until the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D. What is the Scriptural basis for such a term? Did not Mary pray and rejoice in "God her Saviour"? It was not until 500 A.D. that priests began to dress differently from laymen. What is the Biblical reason for doing so? And, what is the Scriptural basis for "Extreme Unction?" And why was it not used until 526 A.D.? What is the Scriptural source for the doctrine of Purgatory? And why was it not even a doctrine of the Church of Rome until 593 A.D.? What Biblical basis did Gregory I have for insisting Latin he used in worship and prayer? And, by what authority did he direct prayers be made to Mary? Where in the Word of God do we find the title of "Pope?" And, where in Scripture did Pope Constantine find the doctrine that the Pope’s foot should be kissed? Such a thing was not even heard of until 709 A.D. What right does a true bishop have of accepting temporal power? The meek and lowly Jesus did nothing of the kind. And, by what authority was it decreed in 780 A.D. to worship crosses, and images, and relics? Where in Scripture do we find "holy water?" And, by what authority was it decreed in 890 to worship Joseph? Where in the Bible can we find the basis for the College of Cardinals? Where is the Biblical basis for the baptism of bells? Fasting on Fridays? or during Lent? Why is attendance upon the Mass an obligation? Is this Biblical? What about the Rosary? By what authority did Hildebrand decree celibacy for the priesthood? Is there anything commanded in the Word of God even remotely like this? Our Lord reproved His disciples who would have destroyed unbelievers, yet in 1184 the Inquisition was instituted by the Council of Verona. What is the Biblical basis for the sale of Indulgences? Did the Son of God know anything about such transactions? If there is any truth in the doctrine of transubstantiation, why was it not the position of the church until Pope Innocent III declared it to be so in 1215? For over 1000 years it was not the official dogma of Rome. By what authority did Innocent III begin auricular confession to a priest in 1215? Is there any basis for such in the New Testament? And, why did Honorius III decree the adoration of the Host? Is there any Biblical foundation for such? What right did the Council of Valencia have in forbidding the Bible to laymen? Are we not exhorted to "Search the Scriptures?" And, is this not enjoined upon us by the Son of God Himself? By what authority did the Council of Constance refuse the cup to laymen? Is this what the Bible declares? And, what is the Biblical basis for the 7 sacraments? Does not Scripture tell us salvation is not by works but that Christ has finished the work of redemption? By what authority did the Council of Trent declare tradition to be of equal authority with the Word of God? Is this what the Bible teaches? Is it not rather contrary to the teaching of Scripture? And, are not fierce anathemas pronounced upon all who would presume to add to the Word of God? What right did Pope Pitts IX have in 1854 in proclaiming the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary? Is this what the Bible says? And, why in 1864 in the Syllabus of Errors, did he condemn freedom of religion? freedom of conscience? freedom of speech? freedom of the press? and condemn scientific discoveries which the Roman church disapproved? By what authority did the same Syllabus assert the Pope was sovereign over civil rulers? Is this a Biblical doctrine? Is it a Biblical doctrine that the Pope is infallible in matters of faith and morals? Is it Biblical to proclaim the assumption of the Virgin Mary? And, by what authority did Pope Paul VI in 1965 proclaim Mary the "Mother of the Church?" Is this Biblical? The Roman church is a manmade institution. It is not the Church that Paul addressed, but it has repudiated the Word of God in order to enslave the minds and bodies of men and nations. It is not a Biblical institution. Is this what you choose? Where in the Bible do we find monks? monasteries? convents? Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, and All Saints day? Christopher medals, assorted charms, etc., etc.? I love you in the bonds of Christ, and it is my prayer that God will not deliver you up to a stiff-neck and a calloused heart, but that He would grant you repentance through His blood. "May God Smile On You!" --Bach
Jan/Feb 1985 "The Trumpet" Page 3______________________ Dr.Everett SilevenHOW TO START AN UNREGISTERED CHURCH Much has been taught at Bible colleges and seminaries on how to start churches. That part which deals with personal soul winning and Bible teaching is good; however, much of what has been taught concerning church/state relations has been bad, even compromising. Young ministers are warned not to join local ministerial alliances, denominations, or other compromising organizations. However, they are no warned about joining the most corrupt organization in America today, the federal and state governments. Nor are they warned that joining their own fellowship or school association may in fact tie them theologically with the same corrupt government. Government Policy Is Theological Originally in America the theological position of government was pro-God, pro-Christianity, pro-Bible morality, pro-family, and pro-church. These views represent a Biblical, theological position for government. Government in America was neutral in regard to Christian denominations or sects, but it was not neutral towards all religions. It was pro-Christian. An atheist could live in America and believe in atheism, but he could not implement his beliefs into government policy. While he could leave a prayer meeting, he could not stop one. While he did not have to use coins with "In God we trust." he could not remove the slogans from the coins. While he did no have to believe the Bible he still had to take his oath of office on it. While he could close his eyes and not look at Bible verses on public buildings, he could not remove them. American government was pro-God, and there is no question about that! In those days, government accepted the local church as an embassy of God. It was co-equal, in separate jurisdictions, with government. Church courts settled church disputes; churches registered child births, marriages, deaths and baptisms. Government stayed out of the Church. Pastors refused to entangle themselves with government. No government officials interfered in the church school, inspected church buildings, or required churches to seek permission and approval to exist or operate through zoning codes, building permits or any other such type of activity. Ministers and churches trusted God for protection and provision. They did not seek government status or corporations for limited liability. Governments saw the church as sovereign under God and did not seek to tax it or the ministers. Ministers and churches recognized Christ as the only Head and the only rightful Taxer (requiring the tithe) of the church and its members, as sovereign, unincorporated, unenfranchised individual, you have freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. However, if you are a member or an officer of an incorporated church and if the legislature of your state passes a law limiting the activities of teaching, child care, etc., then, to the degree that your church enters one of these arenas of ministry and service, you cannot argue for Free Exercise Clause. You surrender free Exercise for the state-given privilege of corporate protection or privilege through limited liability. Therefore, all you can argue is entanglement. You may win, you may not; It depends on the disposition of the judge. Tax-exemption and I.D. Numbers Once you incorporate you are registered with the state. Then you must register with the Internal Revenue Service and with the state for tax-exemption. Corporations are not tax-exempt. They are taxable. If you had not incorporated, you would have retained your legal status as a sovereign church and remained tax Immune. Incorporating takes you out of tax-immunity. Now you must apply for tax-exemption. You are now once again at the mercy of the taxing authority. You must prove that you are a church to their satisfaction. This may or may not be an easy task, depending upon the people at the tax office. More and more the taxing authorities are only recognizing what you do at 11:00 Sunday morning as religious. If you are incorporated, you have given them the right to determine what is an acceptable religion for tax-exemption in your state. If you fall their test, no tax-exemption! Once you are registered with the state as a corporation, many states will not give you tax-exemption until you have been registered with the IRS on a federal level and have obtained your 501© (3) status. This is another form of registration and control. The IRS now has a fourteen-point test to see it you qualify to become a church. NO one can qualify. Therefore tax-exemptions are given out as a pure privilege as long as you are a "good boy" and live by the rules—in other words, staying out of the "political arena" This means staying out of the "political arena" as the states define it, not as you define it. They define abortion, homosexuality, pornography, and taxation as issues within the political arena; therefore, if you preach against these subjects or enforce rules on this line, you are breaking their policies and can lose your tax-exemption. Bob Jones University, along with many other churches and religious organizations, has lost its exemption. The government has the "right" to remove your tax exemption as long as you are incorporated because you have made an agreement to live by their rules. I don’t know about you, but I am unwilling to make that deal. Once you are given a 501© (3) status, you are given an employer I.D. number. You see if you are incorporated you are a business—a religious business to be sure—but a business. I want to keep my church as the body of Christ, a ministry and not a business. Government now sees the church as a business, a subject of government control and taxation. This change has happened primarily because Christians, pastors, and Bible teachers have failed to teach all the Word of God and failed to maintain proper separation of the church from government by practicing the Lordship of Christ over their churches. Ministers have willingly conceded their liberties for privileges, prestige, and acceptance. Government has now become anti-Christ, anti-God, and anti-church in favor of pro-atheistic, secular humanistic government policies. All of these new policies are still theological and religious; however, they are from a different religion. FORMER BIBLICAL THEOLOGY Pro-life Pro-family Pro-church sovereignty Pro- Bible education PRESENT ANTI-CHRIST THEOLOGY Pro-death (abortion) Pro-homosexual/child rights in the ERA (anti-family) Pro-church regulation (state sovereignty) Pro-secular education (atheism) The real question is, can you call yours a Christ-run church by avoiding liberal ministerial councils and ecumenical groups when it, in fact, has become a part of the government that is more hostile to your Bible, your church, and your God than many liberal, fundamental, and evangelical denominations and associations that you shun? When it becomes an entity of the state, are you not in fact in theological alliance with antichrist? How Are Churches Registered or Incorporated with Government? The greatest one single cord tying the church to government is incorporation. Incorporation is the bomb which bursts into thousands of entanglements with government. Corporations are created as fictitious persons; however, the creator is not God but the state. Since the corporation is a being created by the state, it is subject to all the legislative laws of the states. If it operates across state line, it even becomes subject to Federal Interstate Commerce Laws. Corporations only have such Constitutional rights as granted by the Legislature. These rights are generally very limited. Corporations have no first amendment right unless legislated. If you are a member or an officer of the corporation --including an incorporated church--your Constitutional rights are also limited in that area. All property held by a corporation in a particular state is creature of the state, is technically owned by the stale system, and is therefore subject to state control. Incorporations, state-taxes, federal tax numbers, federal I.D. numbers—then come building permits, licensure, certification, etc. All are forms of registration and control. Christ cannot be Head of the church or any organization with all of these ties to an anti-Christ organization such as corrupt American government. Well how do you stay unregistered and unentangled? You make no applications; you sign no government forms; you take no government privileges or subsidies; you say "No" to the bureaucrats; you simply continue with the ministry of the church and go forward. Someone says, "Well, you cannot own property or build buildings or have a bank account," Well, neither did the early church. I would rather have 50 people in a rented building with God’s blessing than 2,000 in a government entanglement-structure without God’s blessing. I would rather be persecuted for doing what is right than be praised for doing what is wrong. Persecution Since government has become anti-Christ, do not expect any favors from it. Expect persecution. Government will not give up easily; and even it you stay unregistered, you may be prosecuted and unjustly jailed or have property confiscated. You probably have a better chance of being prosecuted if your church is unregistered. The government, whose religion is atheistic secular humanism, will not long tolerate a church whose Lord is Christ. You say, "Well, why not stay entangled and win all the souls possible until they close us down?" Our primary calling is not soul winning. We are called to be in obedience to the Lordship of Christ and His law. Early Christians could have stayed alive to win souls in Rome by taking a license, but they refused and died for the Lordship of Christ. We are called first to preach and live "Jesus Is Lord not Caesar." Many people are turned to Christ by the suffering Christian than by the serving Christian. What about Fellowship? First of all, I want to make it clear that it is not unscriptural for churches or Christians to bend together to accomplish Biblical goals. However, when these fellowships and associations become incorporated, take I.D. numbers, tax-exemption and/or other privileges, they become registered and entangled with government. If you or I join one of these entities, we also become entangled. Incorporated fellowships and associations with membership rolls are nothing more than legal denominations and are treated as such by the IRS and other government agencies as well as the courts. Unregistered churches and church members should not join such entities no matter how honorable and good their goals. Are Attorneys Spiritual Advisors? They can be, but usually are not! One of the worst Indictments against the people of God in Jesus’ day was that they went to lawyers to get the interpretation of the Law instead of going to the Word of God and the Prophets. Christ had heavy condemnations for the lawyers. The corrupt anti-Christ Sanhedrin (Matt.23), mainly because they taught that precedent law was the authority over the lives of the people even if it annulled or destroyed the law of God. The same procedure is happening in America. Pastors know there is something wrong. They seek advice from pastors who walk with God, and then they go to see the attorney for his advice. Consequently they dump the advice of spiritual pastors for the advice attorneys. I am weary of lawyers continually giving the Supreme Court definition of the First Amendment. I am weary of lawyers telling us about the laws of bureaucrats, legislatures, and courts. Just because Congress passes a law requiring churches to bow for one-time exemptions from paying Social Security tax and the IRS makes a form, is no reason that a pastor of a church should fill it out and send it in. Yet every attorney I know, including the Christian attorneys, send these forms out with instructions to the churches and pastors as to how and when to fill them out. If you are a state church, then fill it out! But, if you are Christ’s church, then you had better NOT fill it out! The IRS has no Biblical or Constitutional jurisdiction to determine if a church is a church in order to grant me tax-exemption. The Scripture, not the IRS’ fourteen-point plan, determines whether a church is indeed a church. The church I pastor is not a state church; it is not entangled with the state, and we intend to stand for its sovereignty under the Lordship of Christ. I am very distressed that pastors continually seek Spiritual discernment and advice from government-controlled (licensed) bar attorneys. Pastors should be telling attorneys what the Bible says instead of attorneys telling pastors what the Bible says. But an attorney says he cannot advise a church or Christian to break a manmade law. Then how can he claim Jesus as Lord? I do not see in the Bible that lawyers have a special dispensation from God to by-pass His law for man’s law just to keep their own licenses.
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