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DIVORCE When in the beginning, God created Man "male and female," (Genesis 1:27), He made them with Definite Distinctions, with Definite Roles, and for a Definite Purpose. Every violation of these Distinctions therefore constitutes Perversion, because it is contrary to the Order of God, and Rebellion, because it is in Defiance of that Order. This includes the "Unisex" appearance, and the "Unisex" roles in society, and which are abominations practiced before the Lord of Heaven and Earth. "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife." (Matthew 19:5) With this simple statement, the Lord Jesus condemns Polygamy, Adultery, and Homosexuality, for Woman was created for the man, and not Man for the woman, "Nevertheless, to avoid Fornication, let every man have his own Wife, and let every woman have her own Husband." (I Corinthians 11:8,9; 7:2) Note that the singular person is used: "let every man have his own ‘wife’, and let every woman have her own ‘husband.’" "When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favor in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man’s wife." (Deuteronomy 24:1,2) There were Jesus’ day two schools of interpretation regarding this passage. The school of Shammai affirmed by "uncleanness" Adultery was meant, and they rightly declared that Adultery is the only legitimate grounds for Divorce. It was as unpopular view then as it is today. The school of Hillel, however, took the words "that she find no favor in his eyes" to allow wholesale Divorce. They maintained, says Jarchi, that it gave a man license to Divorce his wife for burning his food, or for over-salting it; for bad breath, for a wart, or for impudence. Rabbi Akiba declared "If any man saw a woman more handsome than his wife, he might put his wife away: because the Law said ‘If she find no favor in his eyes.’" And Josephus confessed, "I put away my wife who had borne me three children not being pleased with her manners." The Law of Moses required a writing of "Divorcement." Since few could write, the purpose of the writing was that a Levite would have to be found. This would give opportunity for reflection. But by Jesus’ day, a simple oral dismissal was common. This facility of obtaining a divorce occasioned wholesale Adultery as it does today. In Matthew 19:5-9, the Pharisees came to Jesus "tempting" Him. (Verse 3) Their design was to discredit the Son of God. They knew if He sided with the school of Hillel, He would contradict what He had already stated in the Sermon on the Mount; and if He repeated what He said in Matthew 5:31,32 and sided with the unpopular view of the Shammai, He would turn the people against Him. Perceiving their deceit, He quoted from Moses. The Lord Jesus answers, "Have ye not read", i.e. "Have you not considered", How they were created? By Whom they were created? For what purpose they were created? Then in verses 4-9 He declares that Marriage is Binding. In verse 4, the Lord declares Marriage is binding because God instituted it. In verse 5, He declares Marriage is binding by virtue of God’s command. In verse 6, He declares Marriage is binding by virtue of the Union. In verse 8, He declares Marriage is binding because of the example of the first Husband and Wife. Lastly, the Lord declares Marriage to be binding on account of the evil consequences of Separation, verse 9. When our Lord declares, "but from the beginning" (verse 4), He argues from antiquity. Marriage and not Divorce was the original Institution. Marriage was the will and the purpose of God--not Divorce. It was the state of Marriage that God blessed. When our Lord declares in verse 5, "Wherefore they are no more twain (two) but ONE flesh," He declares there to be a union of interests, a companionship for mutual comfort and support -- FOR LIFE! The ancient Greeks used to put a yoke upon the necks of newly-weds, or chains upon their arms to illustrate their bond. When in verse 6, Jesus admonished "what God hath joined together, let not man put asunder," He makes a lucid statement that what God has joined together is not to he indiscriminately dissolved by husbands, or by Judges because God has not given them authority to do it. The reason the State thinks it has the authority to dissolve Marriage is because it thinks it has the authority to make Marriages. In verses 7-9, the Lord Jesus declares the "writing of Divorcement" is intended to show the wife innocent of adultery, and that the only toleration for Divorce is, ‘Fornication" ("porneia"), meaning "harlotry. It appears, however from I Corinthians 7:15, the Apostle Paul considered Desertion to be the same as harlotry, saying that "if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases." Under Jewish Law only Husbands were allowed to divorce, but in Mark 10:12, the Lord speaks of a Wife putting away her husband because among Roman women it was a common practice. Now, according to Deuteronomy 24:1-3, the innocent party in an unlawful Divorce has the right to marry, while the guilty party in such a divorce must remain unmarried until the death of the spouse. (See: Matthew 19:3-9; I Corinthians 7:10,11; Romans 7:1,2) Otherwise it appears they will be guilty of living in adultery. The passage in Deuteronomy, therefore, speaks of an unlawful Divorce. Whereas the Shammai were right that Adultery is the legitimate grounds for Divorce, yet the "uncleanness" spoken of here is properly interpreted by the followers of Hillel, and refers to anything disagreeable. Were this not true, the wife would be guilty of adultery, and God would be sanctioning her remarriage. In cases where Fornication was apparent, Divorce was granted in place of Death. It is not Divorce, however, that dissolves a Marriage, but "Adultery" (i.e. "Harlotry"). (See: I Corinthians 6:13-20). Appollinerius observed, "Christ allows one to put away her that has committed Fornication because she dissolved the physical union." Jerome also understood it thus, declaring, " ...having separated herself from her husband by Fornication." Therefore, "to put away his wife" is to he understood as involving the right to marry. The Pharisees told Jesus "Moses COMMANDED to give her a bill of divorcement," but our Lord corrects them reminding them, "Moses SUFFERED you to put away your wives;" i.e. "He tolerated Divorce: it was not a requirement." Should what was permitted to the unregenerate serve as a guide to Christians in whose breasts the love of God reigns? These carnal people were malicious in their cruelty. Revenge was common to these stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart. The wronged husband or wife is not required to Divorce and put away the offender of the marriage bed: the soul where grace reigns may forgive as God has forgiven. Such is truly a gracious soul. The innocent party who marries, however, is forever forbidden to return to the former spouse, even though the second spouse dies. (Deuteronomy 24:1-4) On the other hand, the person who sues for Divorce for any other reason than "Fornication" does so in Defiance to the Law of God, and by rejecting their spouse, does as much as they can to cause the innocent party to sin. Recapitulation: In Matthew 19, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for Fornication, and shall marry another, committeth Adultery" because it is an unlawful Divorce. "And whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery" because a legitimate Divorce forbids the guilty from marrying. That Divorce is as if the spouse is dead, and recognizes the right of the innocent to marry can be seen in the example of a "Bill of Divorcement" taken from the writings of Maimonides: "Thou art in thine own hand, and hast power over thyself to go and marry any other man whom thou pleasest; and let no man hinder thee in my name from this day forward and forever; and lo, thou art free to any man." "Marriage is HONORABLE in all, and the bed UNDEFILED, but Whoremongers and Adulterers, God will judge."--Hebrews 13:4 "Thou shalt not COVET thy neighbor’s wife." --Exodus 20:17 __________________ "Great God, I have labored to escape Thee! I sought Refuge for my Remorse in a retreat where nothing might recall me to my God; far way from the succors of Religion, remote from all the channels which bring to me the waters of Grace; Apart from all whose reproving witness might restrain me from iniquity. Yet, even there, great God, where I believed that I had found an asylum inaccessible to Thine eternal Mercy, wherein I could sin with impunity; even there, I am in that wilderness, Thy voice arrested me and laid me at Thy feet." --J.B. Massillon ____________