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Text: Deuteronomy 6:3-15 In the text at hand, God admonishes His people to do two things: first, they are to "hear" Him, i.e. to hearken to Him by submitting themselves to Him; and second they are to "observe to do" His will by obeying Him. The reasons for His admonitions are also two-fold: first, "that it may be well with thee", and second, "that ye may increase mightily." What is it then that they are to "hear" and do"? "Hear, O Israel: ‘the Lord our God is one Lord:’ and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." This is the "Shema", or the creed of the Israelites. In the first part, basic doctrine is taught because God’s people are to know what they believe and why they are to believe it. The latter half expresses the devotion that is to characterize the worship of God. In order that the words He here commands should not be regarded in a careless or indifferent manner, God commands His people to hide His words in their heart. And, in order that they might not think it is sufficient that they themselves observe His Words, God further commands His people to teach His Words to their children. They are instructed to teach them with diligence--i.e. they are to do it with earnestness. They are to lay their shoulder to this important work; and they are to do it when they sit in their house—when they walk by the way—when they lie down—and when they rise up. Public Identification God further instructs His people to bind His Words upon their hand as they might bind a sign. His words are to be as frontlets between their eyes. Moreover, they are commanded to write them upon the posts of their house, and on their gates, and that according to the Fellows Commentary, they are to write them even on their automobiles. Note it well: the people of God are not to be some sort of secret believers, but they are commanded to be publicly identified by God’s Word. The Importance of History In verses 10-15, God issues 3 warnings. In verses 10-12, He warns His people to beware of the 2 curses of materialism: the forgetfulness of their God, and the forgetfulness of their History. Speaking historically, materialism has proven to be one of the greatest curses to the people of God because it fosters a spirit of self-reliance. These two curses: the forgetfulness of God and the forgetfulness of History are twin, i.e. where the one is found so is the other. History recounts the acts of God in His Church, in nations, as well as in families. It details His deliverances and His judgments of men and nations. History is not "bunk" as Henry Ford declared, neither is it a meaningless series of dates. The people of God are here warned not to forget their God or their history. In verses 13-15, God warns His people not to go after other gods because the Lord is jealous, and in order that His anger be not kindled and He destroy them, they are here commanded 1.) to fear the Lord their God, and 2.} to serve Him, and 3.) to swear by Him. The Place of History in Scripture It is significant that in the Old Testament there are 5 books of Law and 12 of History. Yet, the books of Law are themselves far from being devoid of History. The first 11 chapters of Genesis are Historical. Chapters 12-35 relate the Histories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and chapters 12-38 concern the History of Joseph. And, how much would be left if we deleted the element of History from Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy! Strike History from the book of Psalms and the book would be decimated and emasculated. Its sense would become irrelevant. History is not confined to the Old Testament for in the New Testament the book of Acts details the earliest History of the Church. If we were to separate History from the Gospels, what would be left? How insignificant would they become? THE PLACE OF HISTORY IN ISRAEL The most distinguishing feature of Jewish people is their sense of History. The Law is read in the Synagogue every week. Parents systematically indoctrinate their children. In addition, there are annual feasts that celebrate the nation’s History. There are five such feasts that have been celebrated in Israel since before the Babylonian Captivity. First, the Passover Feast recounts God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt. Jesus observed it. Second, although the Egyptian Passover lasts one day, the Permanent Passover, also known as the Feast of Unleavened Bread lasts 7 days. Third, the Feast of Pentecost, or the Feast of First Fruits is observed 7 weeks after the Passover. It celebrates the giving o the Law at Sinai. Fourth, the Feast of Trumpets, or "Rosh Hashanah", is the Jewish New Years. Nehemiah teaches us that the Hess who returned from their Captivity observed this Feast by reading the Law publicly. Closely connected with this Feat is the Day of Atonement when the High Priest is supposed to make annual atonement for the nation. Lastly, the Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated 5 days following the Day of Atonement. It is a week long celebration recounting Israel’s wandering in the wilderness, and is essentially a Thanksgiving Feast. On the last day of the Feast, the Hallel consisting of Psalms 113-k118 is sung. Two feasts were added following their return from exile in Babylon. The Feast of Lights, also known as the Feast of Dedication, is observed 8 days and remembers the cleansing of the Temple by Judas Maccabaeus in 164 B.C. It is mentioned in John 10:22. As part of the annual celebration, stories of the Maccabees are recounted. The Feast of Purim, or the Feast of Lots, is celebrated annually to recount the deliverance of the Jewish people by Queen Esther. As part of this celebration, the book of Esther is read publicly in the synagogue. It is true indeed that the most distinguishing mark of Jewish people is their sense of History. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF HISTORY History gives identity and purpose to people that is distinct from all other people whether we speak of Personal, i.e. Family History, or of National History, or of Church, i.e. Christian History. If History is allowed to be lost, identity and purpose are lost. PERSONAL, OR FAMILY HISTORY Parents used to teach their children respect for their family heritage, but a generation has grown up in our midst who have no family pride, and the two casualties that have resulted are that they have lost their identity and their sense of calling or purpose. It is no wonder they are willing to embrace the bosom of a stranger and to bring disgrace to their family. It is important to note here that we are not arguing for snobbery, or for haughtiness, or for arrogance; neither are we contending for endless genealogies, but only for respect and pride in one’s family. Our children know nothing of family honor. They have lost their identity and purpose. NATIONAL HISTORY In this generation, our children have lost all sense of national pride. Their mentors have taught then the philosophy of Henry Ford that History is "bunk" because they have been schooled in the heresies of them who have re-written our History. They have parroted the rationalism of the freethinkers and have thereby robbed our children of their heritage. They have become a generation without a knowledge of their nation’s History, and as such, they have lost their identity and purpose. It is treasonous to re-write a nation’s past, yet so thoroughly have our foundations been destroyed that Americans have allowed historical sites to be bulldozed in order to make room for shopping centers and high-rise apartments. We have allowed landmarks to be re-named because with the loss of our History we have lost our identity and purpose. The United States was established upon Biblical principles. The Pilgrims and Puritans settled here for religious freedom. Whether professed atheists and agnostics like it or not, it was the Puritans who established the first bi-cameral legislature in North America. Congregational minister Thomas Hooker emigrated with his congregation to what is now Connecticut and established a General Court that inspired the drafting of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, the first written constitution in America, which served us pattern for the Federal Constitution. Invariably revisionists tell us John Locke invented the Social Compact Theory, but the truth is that he derived his thinking from the Bible and from his association with the Congregational Church. In 1799, Justice Samuel Chase in Runkel V Winemiller declared "By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion." In 1891, Justice David Brewer in Church of the Holy Trinity V United States declared, "This is a Christian nation." In 1931, the Supreme Court reviewed Justice Brewer’s decision, and Justice George Sutherland affirmed that Americans are a "Christian people." Americans first surrendered their Personal or Family History, and then they sold their National birthright. People who have forgotten their History have forgotten the God of their History. CHRISTIAN HISTORY Christians have long forgotten their Godly heritage. This is the reason the Church has lost her identity and sense of purpose. If it be argued that the Church has not lost her identity and purpose, consider the rise of the Social Gospel, or of Neo-Orthodoxy and Neo-Evangelicalism, and the recent rise of Liberation Theology. It is important to note, however, that by the term "Christian History" is not meant denominational History, but rather History of believers through the ages. Although it is true the Reformers for the most part were not friendly to Baptists and to Independents, yet they are brethren being sons of the same Lord and believers in the same Faith. Christians used to study their History, but no longer. Since History recounts the acts of God in the lives of men, as Christians have forgotten their History, their knowledge of God has correspondingly diminished. THE REMEDY Is there any remedy? Only one--Repentance; repentance for our sins among which are the sins "I don’t know" and "I don’t care." But there is no remedy apart from re-telling our past, and by rehearsing the mighty acts of God in the ears of our children. What great things the Lord has done for us and has had compassion on us! However, no one is much interested in recounting to their children the History of their family, or of their nation, or of the Church unless he loves the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might. Nor, will he even care that his children love the Lord until he first learns to fear the Lord, and to serve Him, and to swear by Him.
THEOLOGY TAPES Anthropology--The Doctrine of Man Tape One -- A. The Creation of Man --Part I The Origin of the Soul
Male and Female: Their Distinction Tape Two -- A. The Creation of Man --Part 3 Male and Female: Order and Purpose
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Tape Four-- A. Soteriology: Unconditional Election
Tape Five-- A. Soteriology: Irresistible Grace
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