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THE BLESSING OF PERSECUTION Text: "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." --(Matthew 5:10-12) Whenever we open the Book of God, we ought to consider who it is that is speaking; what it is they are speaking about; and to whom the speaker is speaking. Here, the Son of God teaches the essence of happiness. He addresses His disciples and all others who will be taught by Him, and He does it in a manner "as never man spake." Philosophers elicited 80 opinions on what constituted happiness; here, our Lord Jesus Christ describes the essence of happiness in 8 particulars. Contrary to the wisdom of this world, happiness belongs not to the arrogant but to the man who trembles before God --not to the carefree, but to them who mourn over the offence of their sins against God –not to the haughty but to the meek --not to the satisfied, but to them who have an appetite and a thirst for the things that are right --not to the cruel, but to them who are filled with mercy --not to the unclean, but to the pure in heart –not to the belligerent, but to the makers of peace --not to them whom the world receives, but to them who are persecuted on account of righteousness. People are truly blessed who are happy in their final end as well as along the way. Such people are happy in life and in death, and will continue so in everlasting life. Happiness is a State reserved for those who seek to do the things that are pleasing in God’s eyes. Contrary to popular thinking, happiness does not depend upon what a man possesses; neither has it anything to do with where a man lives. In His infinite wisdom, God has designed that even a poor man may be a happy man. "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake..." Of all the Beatitudes, this poses perhaps the greatest paradox for natural men. Note 6 things here: 1.) Who they are who are persecuted; 2.) Why it is they are persecuted; 3.) Who they are that that are the persecutors; 4.) How it is they persecute; 5.) The blessedness of such persecution; and 6.) How the people of God are to behave under persecution. Who They Are That Are Persecuted It is not blasphemers, or liars, or whoremongers who are here said to be persecuted: it is they who will live Godly in Christ Jesus"--it is they who are "not of this world" -- it is they who are "born after the Spirit" of God, "born from above". The "righteous" ones are the persecuted ones. While the world may despise them, the "righteous Lord who loveth righteousness’, considers them the "apple of His eye" and pronounces them "blessed." (I Timothy 3:12; John 15:19; Galatians 4:29; John 3:3 --"anothen"; Psalm 11:7; Lamentations 2:18) Why It Is They Are Persecuted Often the righteous are fined, jailed, and tortured. The property of the righteous is often confiscated, the reason they are considered the pariahs of society is because they live godly in Christ Jesus—because they are "not of the world"; hence it is on account of their righteousness. Cain persecuted Abel his brother and murdered him because "his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous." Regardless of pretentions,accusations, or vilifications, this is the reason. (II Timothy 3:12; John 15:19; I John 3:12) Who They Are That Persecute The Righteous Who are they who persecute the people of God? They are the people "of this world, which have their portion in this life" --who are "born after the flesh." Neither their purposes nor their desires are holy. They lack understanding. Their attitudes are not godly. Such people, as these, are the persecutors of God’s people. They are "of the world, therefore speak they of the world." They live by sight, not by faith; by feeling, but not by principle. "Their god is their own belly." They are natural men; and it is the nature of proud men to degrade humble men because they are meek. They who live carelessly mocking at life, death, judgment and eternity cannot but persecute them who mourn over their sins. (Psalm 17:14; Galatians 4:29; I John 4:5; Philippians 3:19) How It Is They Persecute The Righteous When evil men are not restrained by God all that pertains to this life is delivered into their hands. They may hunt down the people of God and destroy them physically, mentally, and financially; and if they can cause them to sin, they may succeed in destroying their spiritual effectiveness. As the persecutors of Chrysostom realized the only way to destroy the ministry of the man of God was to cause him to sin. But the people of the world cannot destroy the people of God eternally! Luther said it well -- The body they may kill. Evil men may part friends, wreck family affections, and cause a man to lose his job "for righteousness’ sake. They may resort to such royalists as amount to theoretical murder; yet, they cannot destroy his soul!
The Blessedness of Persecution God pronounces His blessing upon them who are persecuted on account of righteousness. It is an especially happy time 1.) because historically it has been during such times that God has been pleased to reveal the truth of His Gospel as it comforts His children in the chambers of torture and amid the loneliness of exile. 2.) Persecution frightens from the altar of profession all who, on account of a false faith, can be frightened away. 3.) Persecution is a blessing because as Tertullian observed, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church," and during such reigns of terror, the truth of God is disseminated abroad. (See: Acts 8:1-4) 4.) The people of God who seal their testimony with their death receive a "better resurrection’, than they who escape martyrdom. (Hebrews 11:35) 5.) When preaching fails to drive worldliness and materialism from the church, persecution will do it, and will cause the people of God to live "soberly, righteously and godly in this present evil world." (Titus 2:12) 6.) Persecution is a blessing because it allows the people of God to be "partakers of Christ’s sufferings." (I Peter 4: 12-19) 7.) Persecution makes it possible for the people of God to "reign" with Christ. (II Timothy 2:11-13) 8.) Persecution fulfills God’s Word because He said His people must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom. (Acts 14:22) How The People Of God Are To Behave In Times Of Persecution For Righteousness’ Sake God’s people are not to bring persecution upon themselves. Our Lord instructed His disciples that when they were persecuted in one city, they were to flee into another. (Matthew 10:23) However, it is not always possible to escape. In such times, our Lord pronounced them "blessed" because "theirs is the kingdom of Heaven;" (verse 10) for "whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it." (Mark 8:35) The Lord Jesus Christ counseled His disciples first, to rejoice --for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; rejoice --"and be exceeding glad: for great is (their) reward in heaven. (Verse 12) people who live "like natural brute beasts that are made to be taken and destroyed" must act disparagingly toward the people of God in order to justify themselves. (II Peter 2:12) Let the people of God rejoice, because they have been counted worthy to suffer for His name. While it is an honor to be able to suffer for Him, yet it is a privilege reserved for men: angels are not permitted such an honor. Let the sons of men rejoice, "for so persecuted they the prophets that were before them. (Acts 5:41; verse 12) The second thing our gracious Lord counseled His disciples was to love their enemies --to bless them that cursed them --to do good to them that hated them --and to pray for them which despitefully used them and persecuted them. The Lord Jesus Christ reasoned with them: "If ye Love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:43,44,46-48) This wisdom is not earthly, sensual, or devilish: it descends from above and is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, and is without partiality and without hypocrisy. (James 3:15-17)
Wholesome Counsel for all contemplating Marriage; Healing Balm for Troubled Homes -- "The Marriage Ring" By John Angell James $2.50 PP Position Available An opportunity is open for a godly couple to assume the ministry at Chapel Library in Venice, Florida. In addition to an extensive lending library, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nelson have a gospel tract ministry that extends to every state and nearly to every country. Among the qualifications are first, that the couple are circumspect in their lives, and second, that they embrace the doctrines of grace. All interested should write -- Chapel Library Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nelson P.O. Box 1335 Venice, Florida 33595 Telephone: 488-2622 (Area Code 813?)
WE HAVE LOST OUR BUILDING! We would not incorporate the Lord’s work under a state charter and so two attorneys advised the First Advent Christian Church of Augusta Ga. not to sell to us. They took the advice electing td sell the facilities to a woman preacher than to sell them to the Pilgrim’s Bible Church. Scripture commands godly women to learn in silence "with all subjection." The Holy Ghost moved the apostle Paul to write, "But I suffer not (i.e. I allow not) a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence." Writing by the inspiration of God, the Apostle gives two reasons why a woman is forbidden to teach or to exercise authority over man. First is the order of creation --"For Adam was first formed, then Eve." Second is the fact that unlike Adam, the woman was deceived by the serpent in the garden. "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (I Timothy 2:11-14; I Corinthians 14:34,35) "The righteous Lord loveth righteousness." I have said enough. Note our new address: Pilgrim’s Bible Church 638 Crawford Avenue Augusta, Georgia 50904 Telephone: 404-737-8570 Letters "Your newsletter continues to be a blessing, and I keep them and read them from time to time for reference. It is obvious that you have put much work into them, which is reflected in the scholarship." --Pastor Frank Hamblen "Love your newsletter." --Mr. Al Burley "I still enjoy ‘God Is Angry.’" --Mr. John Kitsos "Thank you so much for ’The Angelus.’ We enjoy it each time it arrives." – Mr. and Mrs. Doug Williamson "My husband and I have profited a great deal from reading ‘The Angelus!’ He spoke of wanting to send you a contribution, but he went to be with the Lord possibly without having written. I want to take the opportunity now of enclosing a gift for your service to the Lord." --Mrs. Dorothy Ligget
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