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Featured Articles The Marriage Ring |
Tenth Anniversary Edition by James Angell James Mr. James, an English preacher of the last century, wrote from the thesis that marriage involves not one man and one woman only, but involves children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and others until the end of time. He argues that apart from salvation, marriage is the greatest event in a person’s life, and while the choice of a husband or a wife is a decision of such magnitude and ought to be made only with the greatest care and prayer, Passion is usually left to settle the issue. Unlike so many books on the subject The Marriage Ring has not been polluted by the influences of modern psychiatry and psychology. No one needs blush while reading this book. It is thoroughly wholesome. It is my opinion that The Marriage Ring by John Angell James is the best book on the subject in print, and that it should be placed in the hands of all contemplating marriage. The conscientious pastor would do well to have a liberal supply of these to give to them whose marriage is in turmoil. Send for it for only $2.50 postpaid. Note: Many of you who have ordered copies will be glad to know our printer is soon to release this printing. __________________ "No man ever becomes distinguished in any art whatsoever who does not early begin to acquire the power of supporting heat, cold, hunger, thirst, and other discomforts."--Vassari, in Smiles’ Self-Help ___________________ "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings, 0 Lord of Hosts" Text: Psalm 84:1-3 Godly people sigh for the courts of the Lord. They long, even faint, for the dwellings of God. Their passion for Him is so great that they cry out --because they are at home only with Him, and they crave to live close to Him. What better place is there for the redeemed of earth to rear their children than at the altar of God! His tabernacles are so pleasant, and so lovely! They provide a place where they can confidently nurse their children. They want their sons and daughters to make the tabernacles of the Lord their home; therefore they make their home in the presence of the Lord. They have no desire to dwell there for an evening, but will do so everlastingly. Oh, that His dwellings were precious to everyone! But the ungodly have no such desire themselves, nor have they any wish their children should find the tabernacles of the Lord to be amiable. They carelessly neglect the courts of the Lord, because they find no pleasure in the presence of the Lord. How sad! How everlastingly sad! BE NOT DECEIVED KNOW YOU NOT that the Unrighteous shall not Inherit the Kingdom of God? BE NOT DECEIVED: neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor Abusers of themselves with mankind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God. I Corinthians 6:9,10 A Warning in Time by THE PILGRIM’S BIBLE CHURCH -- Timothy Fellows, Pastor
There are some ambassadors abroad carrying a new doctrine called "Divine Health." According to these "prophets of faith", the child of God simply dismisses from his mind the thought of sickness, and he will be ill no longer. The people gullible enough to believe this could as easily be persuaded they could banish weeds from their garden, and that they can leave their hoe out-of-doors, and it will not rust. If Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland are right then the child of God is no longer subject to the curse of sin in this present world. If this is true, then the believer would have no need for a mechanic to work on his automobile. Then he would have perfect knowledge and understanding. Sorrow and Death would pass into extinction for the child of God. I wonder if one of these "men of faith" would bruise if they were kicked in the shins? These "prophets" of the charismatic movement are a blatant fraud, yet, silly, simple-minded people are easily tossed about and carried along with every wind of doctrine. Our Lord Jesus Christ was a "Man of Sorrows" and was "acquainted with Grief." Is a disciple above his master, or the servant above his lord? or do these apostles of deceit serve another master? Text: "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:ll; see verses 1-12) Some people are more honorable, or noble than others. The Word of God had been preached in Thessalonica with the power of an apostle, but with very limited success. While some believed and consorted with Paul and Silas, many more made professions of faith which were so poorly grounded that they soon commingled in a mob led by ungodly men whose anger was kindled by envy at the apparent success of God’s servants. Thus these professors joined themselves to base men and attacked the preachers of righteousness. The whole city was in an uproar. They assaulted the house of Jason who had given shelter to God’ s prophets. The mob intended to vent their rage upon the preachers, and when they could not find them, they took Jason and certain of the faithful believers to the civil authorities. After troubling the magistrates, Jason and the brethren were fined and released. That night under cover of darkness, they sent away the messengers that were sent them by God. Paul and Silas came to Berea and there found people eager to drink in the Word of God. God’s Truth was precious to them. It was this that made them more noble than they in Thessalonica. The Word of God was to them a settler of all disputes. To them it held the answers to their questions. Instead of forcing the Word of God to read like their own opinion, they allowed the Word of God to become their opinion. They did not excuse the plain reading of Scripture by saying, "There are some things we cannot understand." Instead, they labored to understand what the Scriptures plainly read. Neither did they allow a system of interpretation to "decipher" the Word of God. They did not accept the message Paul preached simply because it was preached by him, but they turned to the Scriptures and searched, searching every day, whether the message Paul brought coincided with the Scriptures. The Scriptures were their authority. By them they judged all things. The Word of God takes precedence over everyone’ s opinion --even over the minister who has earned two, three, or four doctorates. Our confidence must be in the revelation God has given us of Himself and not in man. Thus the child who has learned the fear of God is wiser and more knowledgeable than the seminary graduate who has not learned to fear the Lord. God is His own interpreter: And He will make it plain. The Scriptures are a sufficient guide to them who are led by the Spirit. They are self-interpreting, and are clear by themselves because every believer is a priest unto God. Reader, either the Word of God is our authority in determining what we are to believe and how we are to behave ourselves, or we become a law unto ourselves by setting up our own opinions as our ultimate authority. How highly offensive must this latter be since "Deus locutest est." -- "God has spoken." ______________ I teach 23 National Baptist pastors every Monday and Tuesday evening. For the past several weeks I have been teaching the Creation and Fall of Man, and have built up man’s complete helplessness, and hopelessness apart from the grace of God. Consequently, last week I preached more than an hour on the doctrine of election going from Romans 8:28-chapter nine. I went verse by verse, phrase by phrase emphasizing the importance of allowing the Word of God to read as it will. I always begin class with prayer, but on account of this "hard" doctrine, I offered up a second prayer asking God to open hearts and to give the doctrine practical application to the hearers. I emphasized the Scripture is our authority and not our opinions. Had I preached this message in the average "fundamental, Bible-believing" church I would have been in danger of being assaulted. Yet, these brethren burst forth in song, and sang, "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross." I was greatly moved. ________________________ "I want be thank you for the spiritual uplift periodical gives. We value much your stand for Truth and our prayers are with you." -Mrs. L. M. Nelson, Chapel Library- |