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![]() ![]() Featured Articles This Month in History "My Boy..." --Advice from a Father to his Son |
The Premiere Edition March 1,1854--James Hudson Taylor arrives by ship at Weesung, China. Seven years will elapse before one soul is known to have repented and been converted. March 2,1791--Wednesday morning, at twenty minutes before 10:00, John Wesley dies. His followers are called "Method-ists". Several thousands have been converted through his ministry. As a lasting result of this revival, England will abolish the slave trade two generations before its abolition in the United States. Since she has turned from her sins to Christ, England will be spared from the coming French Revolution. March 4, 1675--John Bunyan is again arrested for preaching the Word of God. He is guilty of two serious crimes: the first is his refusing to carry on in his father’s occupation of mendingpots and pans. This was one of the English civil laws. His second offence is that of preaching the Ward of God outside the walls of the Church of England.He will spend 6 years in Jail for these crimes, but during his stay, he will write his most famous book, Pilgrim’s Progress.An inebriated alcoholic, (formerly called a Drunken sot), was seen one night making his way from the village tavern toward his tiny putrefied dwelling, when in his stupor his unfaithful eyes tricked him. For, in place of the candle he was holding to light his way, he suddenly saw two candles. "Ah don’t need but one," he snorted. And with one blast of foul air, he extinguished the only light he had. What a horrible tragedy awaits many people when they stand before the Judge of all the earth! For, when they were drunk with their sins, they were deceived into believing they would get a "second chance" in which to make amends. And, they blow out the only life they have! But tragedy of all tragedies, they sink beneath the waves of the omnipotent wrath of a righteous God!
Faith is a glutton that must be fed many prayers.
Said a father to his son, "treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you; remember that you show courtesy to others, not because they are gentlemen, but because you are one." "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the citythe watchman waketh but in vain." Psalm 127:1-_______________________________________
Thomas Watson I. Obedience must be according to the Right Rule. The clearly revealed will of God is found in the Word of God--the Bible. II. Obedience must stem from the Right Root. That Root is "Faith".
III. Obedience must be for the Right End. That End is to bring pleasure to the heart of God.IV. Obedience must issue from the Right Heart. No one truly intends to be obedient who does not intend to be obedient to Christ in all things. V. Obedience must lie at Right Anchor. It must be a constant obedience or else it is an insincere obedience. Though we cannot obey perfectly, we do obey evangelically by approving the law that it is good and by delighting to do His every command. "Oh, how I love Thy Law."--(Psalm 119:97) "Oh, that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! --(Psalm 119:5) __________________________________________
With the free thinking of today, there is one basic truth which people need to keep in mind: man is basically sinful.Philosophy in general declares man to be basically good. Socrates taught if a man was made aware of right and wrong, he would naturally turn to the right. This is the essential difference between heathen, philosophy and Christian theology. If we accept the teaching of the Bible that man is basically sinful, our entire thinking is affected. For instance, we will pour out our soul to the Saviour that He instills wisdom and understanding in the hearts of our country’s leaders that they do not disarm the land. If we believe man is basically sinful, we will not want our children taught in an educational system that refuses to teach that morality which is based upon the moral law of God and which is inscribed upon the hearts of all men. If we believe man is basically sinful, we will be careful in what we dress and in what we do not dress. This single doctrine separates the teaching of men and the teaching of God. |