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NONE BUT CHRIST, or --Robert Boyd, D.D. IN THE MATTER OF YOUR JUSTIFICATION, LET IT BE None But Christ. There was a more important question presented to the human mind than "How shall a man be just with God?" There have been many answers given to the question, but they are all founded upon "vanity and lies" except one – "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Condemned and cursed by the law which we have broken, it is vain to expect to be saved by it, for "by the deeds of the law can no flesh be justified," seeing that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and that the law demands absolute and perfect obedience. We cannot be justified by our sorrow for sin; for however deep the sorrow of the criminal for his crime, that does not satisfy the law which he has broken, nor make it relax its hold upon him. We cannot be justified by our good resolutions, and good feelings, and frames of mind, for these still leave our past sins, with their accumulated guilt, pressing upon the conscience and crying to heaven for vengeance. We cannot be justified by our prayers; for petitions however earnest and however often presented, cannot satisfy the claims of the law upon the criminal. We cannot be justified by the merits or intercessions of our fellow-men, for being sinners themselves, they cannot possibly atone for us. In short, "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin" for a sinner; and Jesus, having shed His blood, and thereby satisfied the utmost claims of the law, the soul that believes in Him is "justified from all things" and accepted forever. IN THE MATTER OF YOUR SANCTIFICATION, LET IT BE None But Christ. "Christ is made unto us sanctification." He not only pardons the guilt of sin, but gives us the victory over its power. Love to Him supplies the only true motive to holiness. Love to Christ makes us hate sin and leads us to a constant warfare against our inward corruptions. All attempts at holiness of heart and life that do not spring from motives drawn from the Cross invariably end in failure. As the branch of the vine can only bear fruit as long as it abides in the vine, so we can only be fruitful in holiness by abiding in Christ. The more Christ is kept before the mind, the stringer will be our faith; and the stronger our faith, the more ardent will be our love; and the more ardent our love, the more prompt, cheerful, and steady will be our obedience. Our heavenly hope, our Christian zeal, our benevolence, our meekness, our humility, and all the graces of the Spirit, will be vigorous in proportion as we draw all our life from Christ, becoming brighter and brighter to the perfect day. IN ALL YOUR RELIGIOUS DUTIES, LET IT BE None But Christ. Your prayers must be presented through the shed blood of Christ, or, like Cain’s offering, they will be rejected. Attend upon and value that preaching most which is full of Christ; for without this, whatever may be the preacher’s talent, whatever the splendour of his eloquence or the power of his logic, he must be but a blind leader of the blind. In attending prayer-meetings let it be to meet with Christ. His presence is promised; and where the King is, there is his court. If you come to meet with Christ, you will not be disappointed; if you go from any other, leanness will come upon your soul. When you labor for souls, let it be with Christ’s Spirit, and under His high commission. When you contribute for the support of the gospel, let it be not as conferring a favor upon Christ, but as esteeming it a great honour to do anything for Him, who, though rich, yet for your sake became poor. IN THINKING OF YOUR FUTURE HOME, LET IT BE None But Christ. It is He who has prepared that happy place for you, and His presence there will form its chief attraction. "I had rather depart and be with Christ which is far better." To get a crown from His hand and a welcome from His lips will be unspeakable glory. In short, for sickness or for health, for prosperity or adversity, for life or death, for time or eternity, let your constant motto be "NONE BUT CHRIST." -Excerpts from a book entitled NONE BUT CHRIST, by Robert Boyd, Edinburgh, 1873. Copied from The Fundamentalist Digest (P.O. Box 246, Elkton, Maryland 21922), Vol. 3, No. 1 January/February 1994. Dr. Don Jasmin, Editor. Note: Dr. Jasmin adds that on the title page of his volume, in small letters, there is a statement by a "Dr. Harris" which, reads, "I bequeath to all my children, and to their children’s children –to each of them a Bible, with this inscription, "None but Christ."
HISTORY - and The Myth of Objectivity Text: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Col. 2:8). A new thought has emerged in recent years from the halls of academia, in the field of History. It has now become fashionable to speak of objectivity when reporting history. This current, trendy notion has invaded classrooms even in Christian schools. But, the very idea that a son of Adam can write objectively is foolish and fallacious. "What fools these mortals be" who think that men and women can think and write objectively while living in "this present evil world" (Gal. 1:4)! Their research, their polls, their reasonings, and their writings are necessarily biased because their thoughts, and their understanding are biased. Since the Fall, every son of Adam is biased by sin. It is on account of this bias, that men by nature are the "servants of sin" (Rom 6:17). Therefore, they will write from an anti-Christian bias whether they do so intentionally or unintentionally. No man is objective; and writers who refuse to acknowledge God’s governance over men and nations only betray their bias against God. There is no such thing as "objectivity" among the tribe of men. Jesus said, "he that is not with me is against me" (Matt. 12:30). If it were possible for a man to observe, to read, and to record history objectively, it would be necessary that such a man be perfect, i.e. sinless; but, such a history would not be accepted by any publisher, for every publisher would seek to edit the work according to his bias; and every reader would interpret the history according to his bias. How can it be presumed that men are able to write objectively when all are influenced by their religion, or their lack of it? By their formal education? By their experience? By their understanding of the age in which they live? Men are influenced by their parents, as well as by their peers. Are socialists objective toward history? Are atheists objective in their writing of history? Are communists, or feminists, or racists objective? It seems the only historians urged to "objective" are Christians. The School of Objectivity is simply another attempt to silence the Christian faith. God Himself is not "objective," for as the Apostle Paul wrote, "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things; to whom be glory for ever. Amen" (Rom. 11:36). The hue and cry for "objectivity" is evil by its very nature, for it would deny God the glory and honor due Him. What makes the concept all the more insidious is the fact this noxious thought has stupefied many Christians, and has been accepted by many of their institutions of "higher learning." But the origin of this idea is the pit of Hell itself! THE OLYMPICS We have been publishing gospel messages in our newspapers for more than 20 years. About fifteen years ago, the Lord burdened us to publish the gospel in newspapers in other large metropolitan areas in our country such as in The Atlanta Constitution, and The Atlanta Journal; The Chicago Tribune; The New York Times; The San Francisco Examiner; etc. So, the publishing of our tract, "The Resurrection of the Dead" was an answer to much prayer. How blessed we are! A thousand other churches might have undertaken this, but the Lord burdened us to do it: He gave us the privilege! and we are grateful. But, our small congregation numbers between 15-20 people. They have no building in which to gather for worship except our living room. Therefore, we are very thankful to each of you who prayed and gave to make this project a reality. One of our young men noted that if First Baptist Church had done this, they might have occasion to glory: but, for us to do it, it is obviously the work of God. We will keep you abreast of any fruit the Lord allows us to see. |