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TORONTO BLESSING, and PROMISE KEEPERS Text: "Woe unto you that laugh now, for ye shall mourn and weep" {Lk. 6:25). People who have surrendered themselves to charismatic music are prime candidates for becoming the dupes of religious hucksters, and for swallowing all sorts of religious chicanery. When men judge matters according to their emotions, they have become womanly; and charismatic music has this affect. It is a trait of carnal men to be impressed with the size of a congregation or other organization. The reason this is so is because carnal men walk by sight, but not according to truth. The attempt is being made to label Promise Keepers and the so-called "Toronto Blessing," more dubiously known as "the Laughing Revival," as a manifestation of heaven-sent revival. One reason for this is the prevalence of swoonings such as were attached to many of the revivals of religion in the Past. George Whitefield, as well as John Wesley, were alarmed by the out-breaks of uncontrollable emotionalism that attached itself to some who attended their meetings. They warned the people of the perils of such "swoonings," but, unlike today, neither Whitefield, nor Wesley endorsed them. In recent years, charismatics have called such swoonings "being slain in the Spirit" When they occur, the person or persons fall, and may remain for some time either motionless, or in a seizure-like state. They may bark like a dog, or make other animal Sounds -actions that in other days were identified with demon possession, but now are considered to be a sign of God’s wondrous work. It is the sin of incontinence for a person to lose control of himself. It is not a thing meritorious, but deleterious. TRUE, THAT IS, HEAVEN-SENT REVIVAL WILL NEVER COME FROM THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT. Job asked, "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one" (Job 14:4); and, the charismatic movement which has spawned both the Toronto Blessing and Promise Keepers is unclean, "The fountain being corrupt, all the streams are impure" (Thomas Watson). How The Toronto Blessing and Promise Keepers Are Unclean First, THE MATTER OF TRUTH. Adherent of the Toronto Blessing and those of Promise Keepers are unclean on account of their total disregard for truth. God is the God of truth (Deut. 32:4), but these people have no allegiance to truth. When they welcome Unitarians, Roman Catholics, Mormons, and homosexuals to their meetings, it is not to preach to them repentance from sin, and faith in Christ, but is only to swell their ranks. Their extraordinary and growing popularity is to them a sure sign of God’s blessing! TRUE REVIVAL ALWAYS RESULTS IN A RETURN TO DOCRINE: NEVER IN A SNUBBING DOCTRINE. To seek unity at the expense of truth is to do the work of the Devil. Second, THE MATTER OF OBEDIENCE. The unclean nature of the so-called "Toronto Blessing" and the Promise Keepers is further evidenced by their continued lack of obedience. The fact that admirers and proponents of the Toronto Blessing and Promise Keepers can even imagine they are part of a true revival when society continues in its apostasy from God, and in its love for death only confirms how abysmally deprived these people are of all spiritual discernment! In every true revival, there is the element of repentance, that is, of loathing sin and self, and of affectionately turning in obedience to Jesus Christ. This is strangely lacking in every charismatic movement. Men often continue to wear their hair long, and woman to wear their hair short, both of which are shameful signs of rebellion, and not of conversion. Women continue to wear their pants and to exercise an authoritarian attitude over men. In every true revival, there is the element of repentance, and it is no sign of revival, but rather of apostasy when men are willing either to ignore sin, or to compromise with sin. Third, THE MATTER OF THE DE-ABSOLUTIZING OF THE BIBLE. All movements arising from the charismatic movement de-absolutize the teaching of Scripture. Like every unsaved person, they are ready to embrace anything that feels good, although afterwards, it leaves gravel in the mouth, and emptiness in the soul. "Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein," says the Prophet (Jeremiah 6:16). Fourth, THE MATTER OF PSYCHOLOGY. The second promise of the Promise Keeper concludes by saying, "A Promise Keeper...understand(s) that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises." Promise Keepers is just another of modern Psychology’s "support groups" similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous. The purity of the heart can never be maintained by making promises to keep oneself pure until marriage, or by promising to "Just Say ’No!’ To Drugs!" Purity is maintained by OBEDIENCE to God’s Word as the Psalmist wrote (Ps. 119:9). Fifth, THE MATTER OF SEPARATION FROM ERROR AND THE ERRANT. The fifth promise of the Promise Keeper declares a Promise Keeper is "committed to supporting the mission of the church by honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving of his time and resources." But, what if his local church has become a haven for immorality or for homosexuality, or for doctrinal heresy; and the congregation refuses to sever all fellowship with the errant member or members? Here again, it becomes evident these people have neither conscience nor conviction for truth. Instead, these people sell truth in order to obtain a unity based upon fraud, and as such, it amounts to a confederacy in evil. The sixth promise of the Promise Keepers actually whitewashes their evil, and declares that God sanctions such unity! In the April 1995 edition of Uplook magazine, under "current Concerns," J.B. Nicholson, Jr. quotes from an interview with Rodney Howard Browne given by Julian Duin. Nicholson quotes Browne as saying, "One night I was preaching on hell. The more I told the people what hell was like, the more they laughed." Interviewer, Julia Duin responded, "Then, it’s almost irrelevant what you’re saying." Browne nodded in agreement. Truth is not important to these derelicts. Dr. Jack Hayford writes, "Redeeming worship centers on the Lord’s Supper. Whether your tradition celebrates it as Communion, the Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord’s Supper, we are all called to this centerpiece of Christian worship" (Seven Promises of A Promise Keeper, Chapter One, "Redeeming Worship", P. 19). Throughout the history of the Christian Church, believers have seen blasphemy in the Roman Catholic sacrament of the Mass. If truth is no longer worth dying for, it certainly is not worth living for. Anyone, who is able to accept Roman Catholic doctrine as being orthodox, is not worthy to walk the same earth as the martyrs of old. Martyrs are precious to the Lord, but all whose love for truth is room temperature will be vomited out of His mouth (Rev. 3:16). In the Promise Keepers Statement dated December 8, 1993, we read, "...Promise Keepers also recognizes that homosexuality is a complex and potentially polarizing issue. There is a great debate surrounding its environmental and genetic origin, yet as an organization we believe that homosexuals am men who need the same support, encouragement and healing we are offering to all men. While we have clear convictions regarding the issue of homosexuality, we are sensitive to and have compassion for the men who are struggling with these issues. We, therefore, support their being included and welcomed in all our events." The Holy Spirit exhorts, "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye heve learned; and avoid them" (Rom. 16:17). And again, "...I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat" (I Cor. 5:11). Promise Keepers, and all others who teach the continuing fellowship with error and with disobedient brethren teach serious error. Charles Spurgeon said, "As soon as I saw, or thought I saw, that error had become firmly established in the Baptist Union, I did not deliberate, but separated from them. That I might not stultify my testimony, I have cut myself deer of those who err from the faith, and even from those who associate with them." "My beloved brother," wrote George Mueller of Bristol, "the Lord has given you much light from the Word, and will hold you responsible for its use. If you obey Him and walk in the light, you will have more. If not, the light will be withdrawn." But with Dr. James Dobson and Dr. Jerry Falwell, and organizations like Campus Crusade supporting Promise Keepers, it becomes increasingly common for weak-minded churches to "go with the flow," and to cease from any Biblical ministry of giving reproof, rebuke, or exhortation. NO REVIVAL IS IN THE WINDS-ONLY THE CONTINUANCE OF APOSTASY, and it gathers strength every hour, as seducers wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived. Yet, in the Church, it remains more important to be Scriptural, than it is to be united. Holiness and purity are more important than unity; and, TO WORK FOR UNITY AT THE EXPENSE OF GOSPEL TRUTH IS TO DO THE DEVIL’S WORK. On Monday, May 8th, Catherine, my dear wife, graduated summa cum laude from Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, Tennessee receiving her Masters of Science degree in Education. On May 19th, Curtis Baptist High School announced our daughter, Anna Judson, was valedictorian of her class having achieved 8/100 of a point over her nearest competitor. (She takes after her mother.) Jerome Peterson remarked, "You are the poorest educated family I know." Some Observations On The Georgia State Republican Convention The editor was elected to be a delegate at the state Republican Convention held in Savannah, May 12-18th. (Being a Calvinist, he would say he was chosen to be a delegate.) Timothy Dwight, Jr. was chosen as an alternate for the convention. Some observations are in order. First, Timothy is 23 years of age and has never seen man in suits and ties, and women in dresses carrying about open liquor bottles. "Daddy, I thought only Democrats did that!" he exclaimed. "I have always associated such conduct with the bums who stagger down the back alley." In this day of crassness, and vulgarity, his naivete was a breath of fresh air. The depravity of man reaches into all political parties. Second, "the best laid plans of mice and men" are for caught, but for God. Third, to those who seek an earthly kingdom, numbers of people acting in unity is the only thing important. (Sounds like most churches nowadays.) Fourth, principles are more important than what it will cost us. Some things must not be considered by the purse. Fifth, Timothy observed, they are to be pitied who labor day and night investing both time and capital in order to gain a corruptible crown-unless they labor for the Lord! Last, in another day, bars were closed before elections in order that a clear mind would be able to exercise sound judgment. We were at the convention to elect a state chairman for the Republican Party, and the liquor flowed. A LETTER- Ron Trowbridge, VP, Hillsdale College, To John Robbins of "The Trinity Review" "Pursuant to our telephone conversation, we are deeply grateful that you have agreed to print in The Trinity Review a clarification of the misleading lines, "Hillsdale College does not, in fact purport to be a Protestant, Christian Institution. We are a private institution, without denominational ties, Christianity ...is not an official stance of the College.’ What Dr. Heckenlively meant to suggest here is that Hillsdale is not a ‘church’ college, but his words did not come out that way. "Our Mission Statement, copy enclosed, states: "Hillsdale College is an independent, nonsectarian institution of higher learning founded in 1844 by men and women ‘grateful to God for the inestimable blessings’ resulting from civil and religious liberty.... The College considers itself a trustee of modern man’s intellectual and spiritual inheritance from the Judeo-Christian faith....’ "Students may elect to major in Christian studies if they wish. Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is a voluntary Christian organization on our campus that a good many of our students have elected to join. There is also a chaplain and a chapel on campus regularly attended voluntary by many students. Official school functions are opened with a prayer. We also recently sponsored a weak-long seminar, ‘God and Man: Perspectives on Christianity in the Twentieth Century.’ "Again, thank you very much for your honorable attitude in allowing us to set the record straight for your readers. Sincerely, Ron Trowbridge." TWO QUESTIONS –"What is the difference between Primitive Baptists and Landmark Baptists?" -M.S.
The reason Primitive Baptists claim this is because they make the Bible to teach two salvations: a salvation to fellowship that is manifested by association with a local church, and eternal salvation. But the Bible teaches no such thing. When the Apostle Paul wrote that God chose "by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe" they erroneously teach this refers to "salvation to fellowship" and not to "eternal salvation." There are "Progressive Primitive Baptists" who use musical instruments in worship, and who do missionary work, but the "Old School" generally does neither. Primitive Baptists also practice foot washing as an ordinance given to the Church. II. Landmark Baptists teach the Baptist church is the church for which Christ died. They claim other baptists may be allowed on the periphery of Heaven, but all other professors of faith are outside the faith. I once went to visit a Landmark Baptist pastor who was ill in the hospital. He said, "Tim, let me ask you a question: ‘If you take brick and build a house, what do you have?’" "A brick house," I told him. "Very good," he said. "Tim, if you take wood and build a house, what do you have?" "A wooden house," I said. "Very good," he replied. Thinking he had achieved his line of reasoning, he asked, "Tim, if you take the Son of God, and baptize Him by the Baptist, what do you have?" "That is interesting, Bill," I said. "You are saying the Baptist Church was founded by John the Baptist." "That’s right," he said. "That is interesting," I repeated, "because after this time Jesus said, ‘ I will build my Church.’ Therefore, we conclude that the church John the Baptist founded was not the one Jesus founded!" He rose up in his bed, and almost cursed. |