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Featured Articles This Month In History *Philip Doddridge's Father dies *Pilgrims set sail *King James and the Bible
PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY TIMOTHY DWIGHT FELLOWS, Pastor MURDER OF THE INNOCENTS The following is an article which appeared in "Our Sunday Visitor" for April 13, 1975, entitled, "NEW UPJOHN DRUG DELIVERS PERFECT FETUS FOR LABORATORY USE", written by Joan Wester Anderson. "Pre-vaccinated infants and a non-vaccinated control group shall be injected with live typhus and the death rate of the two groups compared." "The occasional delivery of a fetus with a heartbeat suggests that...(these) fetal tissues might be suitable for organ transplants...and for scientific research. " Grisly statements, aren’t they? The first was written by a German physician in the late 1930’s who was conducting experiments on retarded babies during the Nazi regime. The second statement, however, is not part of the Nazi book of horrors, It was printed in the May 15, 1974 edition of the "American of Obstetrics-Gynecology," and details of experiments now being done on infants aborted by a chemical called Prostin F2 Alpha. Prostin F2 Alpha is one of a group of prostaglandin hormones developed by the Upjohn pharmaceutical Company which, when injected into a pregnant woman brings labor and delivery. In January 1974, the Federal Drug Administration approved F2 Alpha for use during second trimester abortions, and it is now being utilized in several teaching hospitals throughout the country. Many physicians prefer F2 Alpha for, unlike other abortion procedures during which the fetus is mangled or burned, this method may often result in the delivery of an intact little body which can be used for later experiments. Dr. Kurt Hirschhorn of New York’s Mt. Sinai Hospital one of the many physicians engaged in fetal research has stated that "with prostaglandins, you can arrange the whole abortion...so the (fetus), comes out viable in the sense that it can survive hours, or a day." –"National Observer", April 21, 1973. In a March 3, 1975 article on abortion, Newsweek Magazine also pointed out that although prostaglandin abortions may be safer for the mother (and this point is debatable)... "the fetus is more likely to be delivered alive." Aborted infants are often sent to a hospital’s pathology lab or anatomy department where they may be used for research purposes. Wilhamine Dick, testifying at the Sharp Abortion Law Commission Hearing of March 14, 1972, said Pittsburgh’s Magee Women’s Hospital packed aborted babies in ice while still moving and shipped them to experimental labs. Sometimes while still showing signs of life, older infants have their organs removed or are given massive doses of medication for later study. According to the "Washington Post" (April 15, 1973), Dr. Gerald Gaull, chief of Pediatrics at New York State Institute for Basic Research in Mental Retardation "injects radioactive chemicals into umbilical cords of fetuses.... While the heart is still beating he removes their brains, lungs, liver, and kidneys for study." The "Washington Post" also reported that Dr. Robert Schwartz, chief of pediatrics at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital "severs the cord (linked to the mother) and as quickly as possible he removes organs and tissues" Also, the Connecticut Attorney General presented an affidavit to the U.S. Supreme Court, March 14, 1973, regarding a Yale-New Haven experiment in which a baby was dissected without anesthesia before he died. Tissue cultures are obtained by putting fetuses through a grinding process. "Samples of skin, lung and thymus from 11 fetuses were minced...the small intestine was stared at 70 degrees for up to four weeks.... Three fetuses were born alive but died within a few minutes of delivery..." according to the report, "Mid-trimester abortion induced by intra-amniotic Prostaglandin F2 Alpha" in the "American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology", (May 15, 1974). Tissue cultures have also been obtained from fetuses aborted by hysterectomy. The "New England Journal of Medicine" reported (May 18, 1972) that "most of the babies delivered by the latter method were still alive when they were dropped into a tissue grinder to be homogenized." Until recently, experiments such as these were relatively rare due to the fact that most infants were not intact when aborted. But prostaglandins offer a chance to change this situation. While not all second-trimester infants are aborted by prostaglandins, those who believe in the sanctity of human life fear that if prostaglandin use becomes widespread, it will increase the number of babies available for fetal experimentation. Reprinted from "Temple Times", edited by Robert McCurry, Pastor of Calvary Temple. "The mouth of a strange woman is a deep pit: he that is ABHORRED OF THE LORD shall fall therein." --Proverbs 22:14 APPLICATION: There are only 4 possibilities for America to escape the just judgment of God: 1.) If God is dead; 2.) If God has vacated His throne; 3.) If God is such an one as ourselves; or, 4.) If God has ceased to punish the guilty and to plead the cause of the innocent! Since it is God "who sends the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills," who can doubt America is feeling the beginning of the wrath of the Almighty by the current droughts that plague our land! Since, "the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof," who can question that the inflationary scene which is at epidemic proportions and worsening all the time is as well the direct result of God’s afflicting America for her crimes? And since "the king’s heart is in the hands of the Lord, as the rivers of water; He turneth it whithersoever He will;" who but the spiritually blind and the obstinate fail to see that the God of Heaven has delivered up America into the hands of corrupt officials who wax more oppressive every day! "But, what can we do?" Do you ask? The saints of God know what must be done (II Chronicles 7:14) and are not willing to do it. July 17, 1715 --Daniel Doddridge dies. His son, Philip, writes, "God is an Immortal Father. My soul rejoiceth in Him; He has hitherto helped me and provided for me. May it be my study to approve myself a more affectionate, grateful, dutiful child!" 21, 1620 --The Pilgrims set sail for America embarking today from Holland. Pastor John Robinson gives his benediction. 22, 1604--King James I writes the representative of the vacant see of Canterbury that he has "appointed certain learned men to the number of 4 and 50 for the translating of the Bible." "A man must feel himself in misery before he will go about to find a remedy; be sick before he will seek a physician; be in prison before he will seek a pardon. A sinner must be weary of his former wicked ways before he will have recourse to Jesus Christ for refreshing. He must be sensible of his spiritual poverty, beggary, and slavery under the Devil before he thirst kindly for Heavenly righteousness, and willingly take up Christ’s sweet and easy yoke. He must be cast down, confounded, condemned, a cast away and lost in himself, before he will look about for a Saviour." -- -Robert Bolton, (1640)- "Whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" --I John 3:17 |