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Martin Luther, like many of us folks was troubled because he so often found his mind wandering when he wanted to keep it upon Sacred themes. One day he confessed his problem to a friend. Even in prayer, the reformer confessed he often had the same problem. The friend spoke up and said that no such problem troubled him. It was no difficulty for him to concentrate when praying. Luther expressed his surprise and commended the man for his ability, and then asked if he could repeat, the Lord’s Prayer without letting his mind wander one time. The friend declared he could, and immediately Luther promised if he could repeat it clear through without once thinking on any other subject, he would give him his horse. "But how will you know?" the friend asked. "I will take your word for it," Luther replied. The man closed his eyes and began, "Our Father, which art in Heaven," –the man hesitated. Then opening his eyes he asked, "Will you give me a saddle, too?" _____________________________________________ PSALMS, HYMNS, AND SPIRITUAL SONGS Text: " . . .teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."--(Colossians 3:16). Many Bible preachers today regard "Psalms and Hymns" to be much like Noah’s Ark—fit only for creeping and crawling things. Consequently, this is one of those Scripture texts many slight as if afraid to light upon it. Yet the three are mentioned once again by the Apostle in Ephesians 5:19. Each of these three kinds of music have their place and function in the assembly of God’s People. Each is to be differed from the others. What a tragedy to find "hymnbooks" with three or four hymns throughout and perhaps even less Psalms. The Psalms are songs written by such writers as Moses, David, and Asaph to laud their God by Praise. The 23rd Psalm is one example and has been set to many tunes. In Europe, the book of Psalms affords the only "hymnbook" in many churches. When a song is to be sung, they open their Bibles and sing to familiar melodies. How sad it is that most Christians in America know so few Psalms in song. Hymns are songs written for the express purpose to teach Bible Doctrines. "Crown Him with Many Crowns," "How Firm a Foundation," "The Church’s One Foundation" are some that ought to be familiar. One of the major reasons for the breakdown in the ability of Christians to rightly divide the Word of Truth is due to the near elimination of Hymns In worship because of the mistaken notion that it is impossible to have Biblical hymns without a spiritually dead formalism. Spiritual Songs make up the vast majority of all church music in Bible preaching churches of today. Spiritual Songs are testimonials. "Amazing Grace," "When the Roll is Called up Yonder," and "O Happy Day" are well known. Psalms are sung specifically to God; Hymns are sung specifically to teach us; and Spiritual Songs are sung specifically to benefit others. The most important part of any song is its words. Therefore, lest we offer mere lip service, the Apostle Paul admonishes us to sing "with grace in (our) hearts to the Lord."
III. Divine Revelation is not now to be found or expected anywhere but in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God-- (II Timothy 3:16). "Holy men of God spake as they were moved (or "borne along") by the Holy Ghost-- (II Peter 1:21). IV. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were purposely designed for our learning. V. The Holy Scriptures were not only designed for our learning, but are the settled standing rule of our faith (what we are to believe) and our practice (how we are to live). VI. Therefore, it is the duty of all Christians diligently to search the Scriptures, and it is the office of ministers to guide and assist them therein. -Matthew Henry- _____________________________________________ July 12, 1739--David Brainerd is converted! July 13, 1813--Adoniram Judson and his wife arrive by ship at Rangoon, Burma. July 23, 1743--Aged 73 years, Susannah Wesley Dies. July 23, 1870--Mrs. James Hudson Taylor dies and is buried at Chinkiang beside her children who have died before her. July 28, 1729--Jonathan Edwards marries Miss Sarah Pierrepoint. She is 19 years of age. Their children will be distinguished for 4 generation as Godly saints. A daughter will marry David Brainerd the great Apostle to the American Indians. David Brainerd will die in their Home. July 29, 1742--David Brainerd is licensed to preach the Word of God. A.T. Robertson, the Greek scholar, was saved as a child. Jonathan Edwards was converted at 8 years of age. Richard Baxter, the greatest preacher in England in his day, was born again at 6 years of age. Isaac Watts, the well-known hymn-writer, came to a saving knowledge of Christ at 9 years. Other children converted have been John Paton--missionary in the South Pacific; Robert Morrison--missionary to China; and Mary Slessor--missionary to Africa. |