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Featured Articles This Month in History * "Compactata" and the Council of Basel * "Oldcastle died a Martyr," says Shakespeare |
Text: "Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles, if we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation. ’And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them. Ye know nothing at all, nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.’" (John 11:47-50) Roger Williams, who would found Providence, Rhode Island, and would establish the first Baptist church in North America, had been expelled from the Massachusetts Bay colony on account of his religious convictions. He was rescued from the forest in the dead of winter by friendly Indians. Farther to the north, the murderous Pequod Indians had begun a war to exterminate all while men among the eastern seaboard. Soon, Pequod representatives arrived to convince the Narragansetts to join them in their bloody outrage. Roger Williams rowed out to the island where the pow-wow was being held, and by the grace of God was successful in persuading the Naragansetts to remain peaceful. Should Christians influence politics? A century later, John Kirkland, a congregational missionary to the Six Nations convinced the Oneidas and the Tuscaroras not to align themselves with the British during the Revolutionary War. Should religion "meddle" in politics? In more recent times, John Birch, a Baptist missionary to China actively opposed atheistic Communists as they sought to subjugate the Chinese people. Is it better that Christians surrender to the Devil the control of men’s minds and bodies? Are they not rather commanded to serve as the light of the world and the salt of the earth? Early Christians Ignored Roman edicts that forbade their worship, and refused to sacrifice to Caesar when they were commanded to do so. Their action was as political as it was religious, and the force of Rome came against the Christian church. Is it possible to separate Religion from Politics? And, if it is, how is this to be done? When Godly men attempt to remain politically neutral and refuse to vote or to otherwise influence politics, they influence politics for evil. To refuse to stand for that which is right is to stand for that which is wrong. And, which things in this world should surrender control of the education of their children? What about the welfare of the state? Religion and Politics In The Old Testament The Old Testament nowhere separates Religion from politics. The book of Exodus records the conflict between Moses and Israel, and Pharaoh and Egypt. It was Jehovah against the gods of Egypt. How can Religion be separated from Politics? God made a covenant with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and David saying that He would bless them if they and their children would obey Him. God was involved in politics then, for so long as the people obeyed Him, godly Religion influenced Politics; but when the sons of Adam disobeyed and went into apostasy, unholy Religion influenced politics. Actions are either good or evil. Therefore, Religion and Politics are inextricably wedded. Even the enemies of Israel acknowledged their conflict was with the God of Israel. It is no more possible in our day to separate Religion from Politics. At issue is whether the sons of God, or the children of the Devil will shape the moral tone of the state. The prophets in Israel were not so foolish as to attempt to with hold godly influence from Politics. When Elijah rebuked King Ahab for his murder of Naboth, Elijah influenced Politics. How then can it be thought in this hour that Christians should not protest aborticide, that is, the state’s murder of children, and which is improperly called "abortion?" The Bible calls the reign of King Ahab his "wicked reign." The wickedness of the king influenced his reign. Would not godliness have influenced his reign in another and a better way? And, when Elijah withstood the king on Mount Carmal, it was on account of the king’s worship of Baal. Who can deny this was political? In Daniel chapter 3, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego withstood King Nebuchadnezzar by refusing to worship the image he set up on the plain of Dura. Their refusal was so political that the king sentenced them to be burned to death! When Daniel knew the king had signed a decree forbidding prayer to any God for 30 days (Daniel 6), the man of God "kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed ...as he did aforetime." (Vs. 10) His actions were Judged offensive to the state, and the king cast Daniel into the lion’s den. Who would be so foolish as to try to separate Religion from the life of Joseph, the Prime Minister of Egypt? Nehemiah who repaired the walls of Jerusalem was a servant to King Artaxerxes. It is impossible to separate Religion from Politics. Religion and Politics in the New Testament John the Baptist publicly rebuked Herod saying, "It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife." (Mark. 6:18) Yet, how many in our day have been influenced to think that Christians have no business saying homosexuality is not lawful! Anytime Christians resist evil their actions have political influence. Light can more easily be separated from darkness, and cold from heat than Religion can be separated from Politics. Actions are by their very nature either good or evil, and therefore they are religious; and they influence the society of men for good or for evil. Jesus Christ forbade his disciples to hide their testimony under a bushel, and commanded instead that they serve as the light of the world, and the salt of the earth, and as a city set upon a hill. (Matt. 5:13-15) The birth of Christ was by its very nature political. This is the reason Herod sent soldiers to murder all children two years old and younger. Christians know that Jesus Christ was crucified to "give his life a ransom for many" (Matt. 20:28), but according to our text, the unbelieving Jews put Jesus to death for political reasons. Levi, working for Caesar to whom complete allegiance was due, left all and followed Jesus. (Lk. 5:27,28) The Apostle John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos "...for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Rev. 1:9b) He was exiled by the state, in this case, the Roman Emperor, because Religion cannot be separated from Politics. The Apostle Paul, writing by divine inspiration, wrote, "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." (I Tim. 2:1,2) God would not have exhorted Timothy to pray "for kings, and for all that are in authority" if he was to be politically neutral. Some Ruminations First, to say that Christ can still Nature’s tempest but that He has no right to influence the politics of men is absurd. If it be argued that Christ will influence politics if He will, but that Christians should not become politically involved, consider the fact that God has chosen to use man to effect His will. "It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe" (I Cor. 1:21). God uses good men to influence the politics of men for good, and He uses evil men to influence the politics of man for evil. Godly men do not simply behave irresponsibly when they refuse to become involved in Politics. When they allow the nature of man to follow its sinful and destructive course, they do evil. Second, to say that Christ is able to raise the dead, but that He should be barred from the politics of men is absurd. Third, to say, as the Scriptures do, "The LORD is King for ever and ever" (Ps. 10:16), and to acknowledge the fact that puts down one king and raises up another (Dan. 4:25), but that there is no place for Him in politics is absurd. It is absurd to acknowledge that fact that He is the Creator and Lord of the earth, but that He has no right to influence the politics of earth. Fourth, if is absurd to say that Christ has authority over devils, but that He has no authority to interfere in the governments of man. Fifth, it is absurd to say that Christ has gone to Heaven and to the right hand of God the Father, but that He has no right to go to Atlanta, or to Washington. Sixth, it is absurd to say that Christ can save men, and so convert them as to make them a new creation, but that the influence of Christ and of His disciples should not be felt in politics. When the highest Jewish authorities commanded Peter and John "not to speak at all nor teach In the name of Jesus" (Acts 4:18), they answered them saying, "Whether It be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye." (Vs. 19) As municipalities pass their ordinances prohibiting preaching and the distribution of Gospel tracts in public places, and by using fire regulations and parking ordinances forbid Bible studies or churches to meet in homes, is it right to hearken unto men more than unto God? "But," it will be argued, "we will be hurt financially." The people of God must decide whether they are willing to suffer for doing that which is right. The Argument The Devil knows Religion cannot be separated from Politics. His intent is rather to keep the Religion of God from influencing Politics. The children of the Devil do not want the will of God to be "done on earth as it is in Heaven." Not long ago, atheistic Communists foolishly thought the influence of Religion could be confined within the walls of the church building. It cannot be done. The religion of atheism has now left Asia devastated, yet it seems America is climbing over herself to make the same pact with Death and Destruction. Atheism will just as surely lead America to ruin. Why? Why do wicked men love the "Destroyer?" ____________________ After 8 years in this house, We are likely going to have to move. Earlier this year, our landlady lost her husband. She wants to sell all her properties. We do not have the $3000 she wants for a downpayment, and our facilities are just not adequate. I was advised to see an elderly man who is noted for helping folks; so Tuesday, December 1st, I went to his home. He was a retired Master Sergeant and veteran of the Second World War. We talked for two hours as he told me about his family and how he had been able to amass between 3-5 million dollars in property. I asked him what would happen to his renters should anything happen to him. He said it was in his will that upon his death, all his property would remain status quo for 25 years at which time it would be sold and given to 3 charities. It was very obvious the Lord had blessed this man for his good heartedness, and I told him so, and added that I hoped he was trusting the Lord only with his sins. He said he would help us find a place and would work with us as a tax write-off. I left him with a copy of our tract "A Dying Man To Dying Men." In two days he died. We thought the Lord had raised up this man to be a blessing to us, but we are convinced the Lord sent us to him with the gospel to give him one last opportunity to examine the claims of Christ. He was respectful of religion, but I doubt he knew Jesus. __________________________ "At the close of a religious service, a gentleman approached Dr. D.M. Stearns with a criticism. ‘I don’t like your way of preaching’ he said. ‘I do not care for all this talk about Christ dying for the lost. Instead of preaching the death of Christ on the cross, it’s better to be up-to-date. Preach Jesus, the teacher and example.’ "’Would you be willing to follow Him if I preach Christ as the great example?’ asked Dr. Stearns. "’I would,’ said the gentleman. ‘I will follow in His steps.’ "’Then,’ said Dr. Stearns, ‘let us take the first step --Who did no sin-as we read in I Peter 2:22. Can you take this step?’ The critic seemed confused. ‘No,’ he said, ‘I do sin, I must admit.’ "’Well, then,’ said Dr. Stearns, ’your first need of Christ is not as an example but as a Saviour.’" -copied from "The Bible Baptist Bulletin", Holmes Moore, Pastor; from "Calvary Baptist Church Bulletin", W.T. Worthan, Pastor- ___________________________________ JANUARY 4, 1433 -Switzerland. Three hundred Hussites led by Procopius and John Rochyzana, Archbishop of Prague, enter Basel and demand, 1.) The recognition of the supreme authority of the Word of God; 2.) That preaching and worship be conducted in the language of the people; 3.) That the cup be no longer withheld from the people; and 4.) That the execution of law in the case of crimes be carded out without respect of persons such as priests. The Council of Basel will agree to a treaty known as the "Compactata" which will accept the four articles, but the interpretation of them will be determined by the Council which is the puppet of the Pope. Thus the Pope and the Emperor, defeated on so many bloody battlefields, have triumphed at last through diplomacy. 11, 1414 -England. One hundred friends of Sir John Oldcastle (Lord Cobham) gather to free him from St. Giles where he has been imprisoned for his Lollardism. They are not aware that he escaped on October l0th. The band is dispersed without blood, but some of the leaders will be captured and put to death. The government will now issue two edicts: one forbidding the reading of the Scriptures under penalty of death, and the other, declaring the followers of Wycliffe (Lollards) to be heretics. Friends will hide the knight for 4 years. Oldcastle has opened his castle to Lollard preachers, and has stood sword in hand to defend them from angry friars. For such offences he will be hanged and burned in 1417. Monks and friars who wrote early English plays portrayed him as a debauchee. So did William Shakespeare. But when Shakespeare discovered the truth, he struck out the name "Oldcastle" and inserted the name "Falstaff," and declared "Oldcastle died a martyr. |