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"Learn Not the Way of the Heathen" The most oft-quoted passage given against the celebration of Christmas is Jeremiah 10:2-5. "Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." To take a passage out of context and to apply it to something totally different than what is intended, is to miss the context: which in this case is quite serious. Jeremiah, speaking the Word of the Lord, no more meant "Christmas trees" in verses three and four, than he meant the star over Bethlehem (Which was certainly a sign in the heaven) in verse two. Jeremiah gives two examples of "the way of the heathen." They are astrology and idolatry. Both were "religious" practices of a heathen sort, seeking "revelation" which naturally produced great fear and dismay in their hearts. No more were the Wise Men heathen for observing the star in the heavens, than Christians are pagan for cutting down evergreens in December. Nor are sailors heathen to travel by stars in the heavens, nor are scientists heathen because they gaze at the stars in the heavens. They are heathen only if they are dismayed by them (i.e. take their religion from them).
During the same lightning and thunder storm, a heathen man may be in utter fear and dismay at the wrath of the gods, but a Christian man may observe the scene in peace, knowing who is ordaining every strike of lightning and clash of thunder (both are observing the same signs of heaven, and both see the same things differently). The same tree may be cut down from a forest, and half used by the heathen man to make an idol (which the context of Jeremiah goes on to show), and the other half used by a Christian man, or even the same heathen man to make a tool, piece of furniture, or any other thing which is not worshipped. Everything God has made illustrates His power and glory. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth is handiwork" (Ps. 19:1). Trees, animals and everything else God has created do the same. If we ceased to take part in everything the heathen did, we would not drive automobiles, use electricity, eat or breathe. Jeremiah distinguishes, "the way of the heathen." There is a way that is distinctive to and peculiar of heathen people. What is "the way of the heathen"? Pay them no regard; do not even entertain the idea that their way is legitimate. The learning is not just intellectual, but experiential; however, what a person is ignorant of intellectually, he will not be as prone to learn by experience. There are some things that ought not to be learned. God commanded Israel upon entering heathen lands, "thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations" (Deut. 18:9). Paul admonished the Romans, "I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple (stupid) concerning evil" (16:19). Hence, worldly-wise people are those who are not simple concerning evil but know intellectually and know experientially; they have learned the way of the heathen. Sheltered people are often castigated and ridiculed, yet how many people have wished they had been more sheltered after having been ruined by the deceitful knowledge of sin. The world would label as a "liberal arts" education what threw Adam and Eve out of Paradise. David knew better, beginning his great book of Psalms with a blessing on the ignorant! "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful" (1:1). He later narrow-mindedly affirmed, "I hate every false way" (Psalm 119:104), being very judgmental and discriminatory. His son Solomon continued such indoctrination to his son, "Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge" (Prov. 19:27), allowing for no open mind. Such men must have been ignorant failures! Examples of those who learned the way of the heathen: Lot (Gen. 13:10-13) "pitched his tent toward Sodom." He held in high esteem those whom the Bible identified as "wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly." He paid them regard and sacrificed his family for their friendship. Israel (I Sam. 8:5-22) insisted "Nay; but we will have a king over us; that we also may be like all the nations." The Israelites closed their ears to Samuel’s cautions and reasonings and desired instead to be like all the other heathen nations. Israel accepted the system, the framework, and the structure of the heathen people, thinking religion would make it all right. They sacrificed their sons and daughters, servants and soldiers, cattle and vineyards to be like the heathen and to reap a heathen’s reward. Dinah (Gen. 34:1) "went out to see the daughters of the land." She wanted to be like everyone else and was raped in the process, sacrificing her honor. She learned the way of the heathen. The way of the heathen is evidenced in everything they do; it is their philosophy, their theology. Learn not the way of the heathen in music: David said, "And he hath put a new song in my mouth (distinct from the old heathen song), even praise to our God (unlike the old heathen song): many shall see it, and fear (contrary to the old heathen song), and shall trust in the LORD (away from the old heathen song)" (Psalm 40:3). Learn not the way of the heathen in dress: Solomon warned his son of a woman who would be known by "the attire of an harlot" (Prov. 7:10). Learn not the way of the heathen in conversation: Paul admonished the Ephesians to "put off concerning the former conversation of the old man which is corrupt" (4:22). Learn not the way of the heathen in recreation, entertainment, and amusement: Peter characterized such saying "they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot" (I Peter 4:4). Learn not the way of the heathen in economics: God commanded of Israel "a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have" (Deut. 25:15). Learn not the way of the heathen in healthcare: "If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God...I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians (heathen); for I am the LORD that healeth thee" (Ex. 15:26). Learn not the way of the heathen in food, agriculture, history, politics, scholarship, choosing of Bible versions, etc. The Lord has not kept back anything from His people but what would harm them. "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me... For my yoke is easy and my burden light" (Matt. 11:29-30). Paul admonishes the Philippians to think upon those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy (4:8). The LORD appeals to reason when he beckons the people to "cease to do evil; [and] learn to do well" (Is. 1:16-17). Every moment people spend learning that which is evil, they are neglecting—yeah, rejecting—the command to learn that which is good: they are learning the way of the heathen. Responses from our readers: Folks wonder occasionally why we address certain issues, sometimes relentlessly. It is because of the wide spectrum of readers we have from varying backgrounds. Sometimes, the ninety-and-nine have to be left for a moment, while the one sheep is being sought out. Aren’t we glad God seeks us out individually! The following excerpts are among some of the most recent replies from our readers. Have we heard from you? "Dear Friend, Your dad and 1 did correspond some not long before he became ill.... I do believe there is a link between his opposition to me, and his illness." -- H.B. Marrero, LA "I really appreciated your re-printed letters in The Angelus dealing with the biblical doctrine of limited atonement (i.e. David Cloud). Keep up the fine work!!! Here is a re-print copy of my very own personal letter to Brother Cloud. Please pray long and hard over this important matter." -- M.S. Harrisburg, PA "Dear Brother Fellows, I read with interest your review of my article on the extent of the atonement (the one published by David Cloud)... Enclosed is my full paper dealing with that subject...[and] other materials that might be of interest. Yours sincerely in Christ, " -- G.Z. Middletown, CT. "Dear Timothy, One usually seeks to begin his address to other believers by setting forth a Scripture that sets the tone for the rest of the correspondence. I must do the same, but dear Timothy, only one seems to be fitting... Professing themselves to be wise they became fools. Rom. 1:22. What has provoked this? The Vol. XXVI, No 8, December 1997 issue of The Angelus. Yes, "Christmas, Again." Such reasoning as you rendered would be more suitable if I thought your publication liberal. Let me set some things before you on this matter at hand..." "8. Consider the beast that was wounded in the head by a sword. That beast to them was Rome... The wound by a sword unfolds as follows: It is the head that is wounded. The head is the source/repository of one’s values/his manner of thinking. To wound is to harm to or damage. The sword is the Sword of Ephesians 6 -- the Sword of the Spirit -- the Word of God. Thus, the preachers of Philadelphia wielded the Sword of the Spirit [in their preaching] and nearly destroyed RC thinking/values -- Christmasse, etc. THEN, we are told that the deadly wound was healed. "Healing" signifies a restoration of vitality. It shows that RC thinking would gradually be restored. HOW? The time will come when the people of the pew would not put up with instruction suited to their well-being, but would seek out teachers that taught like they wanted to hear. Bit by bit, Truth has "fallen in the street." It has no significance to the average churchgoer. Why? because of preachers like you, Timothy. You have removed the ancient landmarks...." "11. Last, have you ever considered WHY God did not want a big ado made of His Son’s birth? The Scriptures tell us that He is a High Priest after the order of Melchizedeck -- without father or mother -- without beginning of days [a birthday] or end of life. Heb. 7:3... When I read articles such as yours that wrest the Scriptures to your own damnation and those that hear you, I become aroused with indignation as the Lord at the desecration of the physical temple... The least of His servants," -- R.M. Dalton, GA "Timothy, ‘That last Angelus’ was just great. I had been meaning to write to thank you for the article on the atonement. You handled that masterfully." -- D.B. Greenville, SC "Dear Brother Timothy, Just a note to say thank you once again for your good publication of gospel truth. Your reply to Mr. Cloud was very good and I can see why he would want to discontinue the discussion...God bless you with a prosperous New Year," J.H. Chula, GA "Brother Tim, I found your latest mailing to be of interest. The thoughts on Christmas were food for thought. You are right that some are inconsistent about holidays.... I also found your defense of a limited atonement to be of interest. You made some very valid points... Christian Love," --J.H. Palmyra, PA "Dear Timothy, That was another superb Angelus -- and I didn’t even read the main feature (would like to). Many have tried (print and in person) to woo me back to Christmas. I think you’ve succeeded... Sincerely," -- R.W. Anderson, SC "Dear Fellows Family! Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Just got The Angelus and we enjoyed it very much. You print our own opinions and ideas! How do you do that?? (ha ha) Thank you for the thoughts Christmas... It is really good to think these issues through.... Do you remember a few years ago the rainbow was the claimed symbol of the New Agers? Some Christians were afraid to use the rainbow anyway, fearing they might be thought New Agers or attract demonic spirits. At first I thought we should be careful, but it didn’t take me long to say, NO WAY. We can use the rainbow and know that it is important and a blessing to us believers as a covenant sign. Pagans distort and try to ruin every good thing God has done or made! We need to continue in enjoying and using Christian symbols and honour God in all we do. God gave it all to us first.... If we lived near you all we would love to attend your church... Love." -- D.S. Summers, AR As you can tell, we do have quite a range of readers: from those who love and appreciate us as family, to those who would consign us to the wrath of God. The submission of one’s conscience to the judgments of any man, church, school, organization or state is the cardinal principle of Roman Catholicism. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind, and be ready to give an answer of the hope that lieth within him, with meekness and fear -- such is the joy and peace of a soul set free. "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them" (Psalm 119:165).
A partial listing of the vocabulary of the new "Christian Counselor" confront, respond, solve, care, deal with, communicate, restore, reconcile, trust, depend, indulge, allow, love, surrender, personal pronouns, tears, emotions, feelings, decisions, heart, compassion, sympathy, suffering, conflict, relate, struggle, security, doubt, assurance, reach out, arbitrate, problems, solutions, social skills, surveys, models, motives, desires, goals, symptoms, habits, drive, guilt, fear, anger, stress, bitterness, failure, private, sensitive, prevention, self-esteem, comfortable, depression, abuse, inferiority, intimacy, relationship, unload, accountability, abnormal, natural, nurtured, strong, fantasy, participation, temptation, identify, positive, negative, optimism, pessimism, practical, tenderness, need, dominating, frustrating, blame-shifting, hurt, crush, change, sense, agree, overcome, experience, distress, help, fulfillment, dose, developing, reaction, peer-pressure, offender, mate, get matter settled, inter-personal relationship, sorry, teenager. ---Just mix, match and add a smile! You’ll get more results than any old-fashioned, narrow-minded, Gospel-truth preacher ever did. 0nly are prepared to reap all the emotional, weak, spineless, jellyfish fruit you sow. While many of the above words have perfectly good uses, they comprise, as a whole, a psychological vocabulary devoid of faith, truth, righteousness and holiness. It is not by accident that while the Bible emphasizes safety in the multitude of Counselors (profound men of wisdom, prudence, integrity, faithfulness, knowledge and discernment). The professing church of the day embraces a security in the individual, personal Counselor (Psychologist). The antonym of safe is perilous! Love and truth must go together: Where there is no truth, there can be no love. Love without truth is the foundation of Ecumenists, Neo-Evangelicals, Liberals, Psychologists, and Devils. Love apart from truth is love at the expense of truth. Such a love is therefore a covetous and idolatrous love, for it holds the praise of men higher than God himself. |