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"SMILE: GOD LOVES YOU" --A THEOLOGICAL ABSURDITY Text: "For Thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with Thee. The foolish shall not stand in Thy sight: Thou HATEST ALL WORKERS OF INIQUITY. Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the Lord will ABHORE the bloody and deceitful man." --Psalm 5:4-6 "The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven: His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the children of men. The Lord trieth the righteous: BUT THE WICKED AND HIM THAT LOVETH VIOLENCE HIS SOUL HATETH." --Psalm 11:4,5 "Smile: God Loves You" is the newborn of the parent thought: "God hates sin, but loves the sinner." This contemporary theology is exceeding popular today, but as the populace is theologically bankrupt so are their slogans. In the first place, the statement is not Scriptural. Notice the above texts: "Thou hatest all workers of iniquity;" and, "The wicked and him that loveth violence His souls hateth." Now some things are not Scripturally based but make no difference: you will look in vain for a Biblical base for a choir, a piano, or an offering. Some bitter battles have been fought over these very things, but how foolish! Whether you use such in worship will make no difference when you are seated at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! But this statement, "Smile: God loves you" is not merely unscriptural, but clearly contrary to Scripture. The statement is therefore FALSE. And as it is false, it is not an innocent matter; nor is it cute. The statement is BLASPHEMOUS because it ascribes to God a love devoid of Righteousness, and of Justice, for it is said and read by men indiscriminately. It is ABSURD because if God loves everybody why be any different than the wicked? NOTE: God hates not just the "works" but the "workers" of iniquity as well. "God hates: ‘It is not a little dislike, but a thorough hatred which God bears to workers of iniquity." – Charles Spurgeon "He hat no pleasure in them." –verse 4 "They shall not swell with Him." – verse 4 "He casts them forth, ‘They shall not stand in His sight.’"— --verse 5 "His heart turns from them –‘Thou hatest all workers of iniquity." --verse 5 "His hand is turned upon them –‘Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing,’" --verse 6 "His Spirit riseth against them and is alienated from them --’The Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.’" --verse 6. So observed Joseph Caryl. Why does a person entertain this sort of theology? first, because of an ignorance as to the true character God. "Will He entertain those in His bosom whom His soul hates?" And since Christ hates the workers of iniquity should you love them so as to be intimate with them, and to delight yourself with their company? QUESTIONS: "CAN YOU delight yourself in the company of the company of the openly profane? Of those who scorn godliness and serve as obstructions to it? And, if you have so close a relation with wicked men will Christ entertain you? The second reason for people holding to such theologically untenable position is because of ignorance as to the EXCEEDING SINFULNESS OF SIN. The strength of God’s hatred is against sin, and so we should hate it with strength. It is an abomination to God. NOTE: If we love, approve of, and entertain that which is hateful to Christ, how can we expect Him to love us? The people who entertain such notions are the ZEALOUS WHO HAVE LITTLE OR NO KNOWLEDGE. To be hated of God is an awful thing. We ought to be very faithful in WARNING the wicked around us, for it will be a terrible thing for them to fall into the hands of an angry God! 1, 1750 --John Newton marries Mary Catlett. 2, 1832 --"Not a trait worth remembering! and yet these four and twenty hours must be accounted for."--Robert Murray M’Cheyne 3, 1468 --John Gutenberg dies. Born as John "Gensfleish", translated "Gooseflesh", he has changed his name to his mother’s side of the family. He leaves behind him his 42 line Bible --the first book he has printed on his printing press, the first with moveable type in the western world. 1799 --This Lord’s Day, James Haldane is ordained to the Gospel ministry. He has been asked four questions: 1.) As an unconverted ministry is allowed to be a great evil, will you, sir, be pleased to favor us with some account of the dealing of God with your soul? 2.) Will you inform us what are the circumstances and motives which have led you to preach the Gospel and to desire to engage in the work of the ministry? 3.) Will you favor us with your views of the leading truths of the Gospel? 4.) Will you explain your views and purposes respecting the duties and trials before you in the pastoral office? In 1848, he will publish AN EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS, and later his EXPOSITION TO THE HEBREWS. 5, 1723--John Witherspoon is born in Yester, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. As a Presbyterian minister, he will lead John Hancock to a saving knowledge of Christ; will firmly establish Princeton College, and will be the only minister to sign the Declaration of Independence. 1812 --Adoniram Judson and Miss Anne Hasseltine are married. They will spend but a few days together before they sail for India. 1837 --Dwight Lyman Moody is born the 6th child in his family. Today is his mother’s birthday. 1864--Blind, Fanny Crosby pens her first song, "We are going, we are going to a home beyond the skies." More than 5000 additional songs will issue from her pen. 6, 1564 --John Calvin preaches with difficulty his last sermon. 8, 1851 --James Haldane dies this Saturday morning, About an hour ago, his wife observed, "You are going to Jesus. How happy you will be soon." A vivid smile lightened his countenance as he replied emphatically, "O yes!" 12, 1401 --William Sawtre dies in the flames of a Roman Catholic altar and becomes England’s first Protestant martyr since the Albigensian War of 1210. 12, 1609 --Pastor John Robinson and his congregation, having fled the persecution of James I, will today find asylum in Leyden, Holland. A portion of this church will emigrate from Holland to the shores to Massachusetts and begin the settlement of Plymouth on December 1620. *14,----: This 3rd day in the month "Adar", the second temple is completed. The builders have prospered by the preaching of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. This is the 6th year in the reign of Darius of Persia. Ezra 6:14,15 269 --Valentine, a young pagan priest of Rome, has been assisting the persecuted Christians having witnessed the horrifying treatment given them under Emperor Claudius II. He has been imprisoned, but would likely have been soon released but has now been converted. Today he will be clubbed to death. 1497--Philip Melancthon is born to a master armor-maker. 1689-- Katherine Hardware, wife of Matthew Henry, dies of smallpox while in childbed. The child will live. They have been married but a year and a half. 1750 --Ebenezer Erskine finds himself excommunicated when the synod he founded splits. He ignores it.
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