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CHRISTIANITY OVER THE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD Do you remember that Incident that took place in Chicago during the World’s Fair of 1893? They had a great congress of religions, with representatives of most of the religions of the world there, each one crying up the virtues of the particular system with which he was connected. One day Joseph Cook, the great Boston preacher, gave his testimony. He was to give an address setting forth the Biblical view of salvation. He took his text, not from the Bible, however, but from Shakespeare’s tragedy of Macbeth, for he knew that those thousands were not interested in the Bible, but probably had all read Shakespeare. And he said, "See, here is Lady Macbeth. It is after the death of Duncan, you remember. See how she rubs her hands, saying, ‘Out, out, damned spot! Will these hands ne’er be clean? All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.’ And here is her husband, Macbeth, looking on, and he cries out, ‘Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? NO, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red!’ There they rub and they rub, trying to wash out the stains of Duncan’s blood, but it is impossible." And Joseph Cook said, "I will place Lady Macbeth on my right arm and her husband upon my left; and as I walk down the aisle of this great Congress of Religions I have only one question to put to you: "Who will cleanse OUR red hands? Our hands and hearts are stained with sin. Tell US how we may get rid of our sins!’ No religious system on earth could give a satisfactory answer, but, he cried, "When I turn from all of these I hear the words rising from the Scriptures, ‘The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses us from all sin.’" -Harry A. Ironsides in his Commentary On John, submitted by Mrs. Dee Knie, No. Augusta, So. Carolina Editor’s Note- Imagine the "Good News" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people living in religious systems that worship demon-gods that demand blood, even human blood, in order to be appeased-- grotesque, fierce gods like the bloody Hindu god Kali, the Aztec god Tenochtitian; and be told of God –the one true God, and that He is kind and merciful, and that instead of seeking the blood of men, He shed HIS own blood in order to forgive men their sins! But what is to be expected from any society that rejects the loving rule of God, except a return to paganism and its attendant barbarities. ______________________________________________ The multiculturalists who would dismantle 6000 years of Judeo-Christian values intend to break down Western Civilization one taboo at a time. Along these lines, the latest fashion trend from West Hollywood’s chic Melrose Avenue is Necromance, a boutique tailor-made for Dr. Kevorkian and his friends. The shop sells human and animal bone jewelry and, apparently, people are dying to get at this stuff. Human fingers on a leather cord sell for $28. A necklace of human teeth and bone costs $30. Adult human skulls and tiny fetal ones are also for sale. You can buy a complete human hand or a whole human skeleton hanging from a chain. Interestingly, the only legal questions that have been raised by the government came from U.S. Fish and Game investigators who were concerned about the possibility that Necromance might be sailing parts of endangered animals --bear claws, marine mammal parts, or the skulls of big native cats. But proprietor Nancy Smith says she wouldn’t have any part of that stuff. After all, she has a conscience, you know. -from The New American, copied from "Endtime News" in The Perilous Times 201 Maple Court, Liberty, S.C. 29657. June 1993; Pastor Raymond Blanton, Editor. Editor’s Note: Those who are easily offended should beware; but remember, "the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God..." (I Pet. 4:17). THE LOVE OF MONEY-THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL Text: "For the love of money is the root of all evil..." (I Tim. 6:10). Obedience is the very essence of true religion. It is simple to testify that we desire to please God, but a life of obedience is the only evidence. Nothing pleases God like obedience. It is more acceptable to Him than any offering, we could lay before Him. It is easier to open our purse, than it is to obey. Offerings are but feeble attempts to take away what obedience would have prevented. The Bible knows of no salvation but that which results in obedience. It is only natural for people who have faith in God to obey God. Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments" (Jn. 14:15). They are religious frauds who say they love God, but who make no real effort to do those things that are pleasing in the sight of God. But Christians are two-faced—at least in America. They will vent their spleen writing against the extreme wickedness being promulgated in public education in the form of anti-God, anti-Christian, pro-homosexual ("values clarification") and then they will send their sons and daughters to the public schools, and after that, they send them to state colleges. Public Education WHAT IS WORSE is that Christian schools often encourage their teachers and students to attend state schools. Don’t they believe the Holy Spirit who wrote, "...evil communications corrupt good manners" (I Cor. 15:33)? No wonder that many professors in Christian colleges prat the same historical heresies, and psychological paganisms as the professors in state schools! STILL WORSE is the fact that many Christians have agreed to participate as "change agents" (teachers) in the public school system. While they delude themselves into believing they are missionaries, and are doing a great work within the school system, the truth is that they have had to agree to hide their Christian testimony under a bushel, and to teach from politically correct, but immoral textbooks. This is spiritual adultery. Such Christians have compromised that which is right, and the reason they have agreed to do it is because the salary and the benefits are good. "The love of money" continues to be "the root of ALL evil." Time Out --Does this make my friends angry? I take no pleasure in alienating myself from the household of faith. I love people; but truth must be voiced. What kind of fellowship is it that requires us to conceal truth? The Apostle asked, "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth" (Gal. 4:18)? Socialism--The Economics of Humanism When the dust of modern history settles, Christians will have to repent, because when they ought to have been the light of the world, and the salt of the earth, they have instead joined the world system. Christians, instead of being health to society, have become a part of society’s ills. This is especially apparent in the realm of economics. Here, most Christians leave their Bibles at the door. While the Bible teaches men to look to the Lord for their deliverance, socialism teaches men to look to man for deliverance. Socialism is the economics of humanism. By its very nature, socialism is anti-God, and anti-Christian. Every philosophy that hates God loves death (see: Prov. 8:36). It is socialism that has made the murder of unborn children common in American life. It is socialism that has spawned most suicides among the terminally ill, and has made euthanasia a household word. Under American socialism, people who live together without marriage are given tax breaks which they lose if they marry according to the law of God. For instance, "A married couple, filing jointly, making $24,000 a year, having two children, paying $2400 a year for child care will pay $772 in taxes. An unmarried couple having two children, making the same Income ($12,000 each), paying $1200 each for child care, and each claiming one child will pay zero income taxes, and receive $1,330 each in Earned Income Credit. This means that the unmarried couple is $3,372 better off for the year. I think $281 a month is a severe penalty just for being married." (John Ballard, in Augusta Chronicle, Feb. 24, 1993). Also, women are rewarded who without regard for marriage have children. The upcoming health care plan submitted by the sodomite-infested administration will include aborticide, and euthanasia –if not immediately, then soon after it is passed. It remains to be seen just how many Christians will agree to aborticide and to euthanasia just so long as they can have health care. It still remains that "the love of money is the root of all evil." Security Money is thought to bring security; and it is for such security that many people are loath to hazard their jobs over righteous principles. It is on account of "security" that many pastors are more loyal to a denomination than they are to Bible truth. And, it is on account of this very reason that churches refuse to exercise church discipline upon errant church members. Christian parents send their children to public schools because they prefer to have a nice home, and a nice automobile. Although they argue with themselves that they cannot afford to send their children to a Christian school, the truth is that it is a matter of priorities. They do what they really want to do, and the intentional damning of their children is not nearly so important to them as their lifestyle. In order to keep their children from the wicked influences of public education, Christians ought to be willing to forego health and life insurance, vacations, even a home of their own. In order to keep their children from heathen, immoral teaching, they ought to be willing to lay down their lives. Sodomy and Taxation Christians are two-faced –at least in America. They are willing to fund hundreds of organizations and ministries devoted to defeating pro-homosexual legislation at the national, the state, and the municipal levels of government, but they will then support homosexual organizations with their voluntary contributions in the form of federal and state taxes. Meanwhile, they excuse themselves of their actions by saying they are "only following orders." God will not allow such an excuse. The truth is, Christians in America have lost vital convictions. In his book The Homosexual Network, Enrique Rueda states that 63 percent of funding of homosexual organizations comes from federal and state taxes. Obedience and Good Works Many formerly evangelical churches continue to join the "pop" religious culture, and to sing, "Let’s Just Praise The Lord;" but God has no delight in their praise until they are willing to do the things that are pleasing in His sight. God does not allow His people to substitute good works in place of obedience. Christians can encourage their school age children to pray at public school graduations, they can picket "abortion" clinics, and they can march against crime; but until they repent to the place that to please God they will "cease to do evil, and learn to do well" (Is. 1:16,17), their praise is an abomination. "Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry" (I Sam. 15:22,23). Will our children rise up in the Day of Judgment to testify against us? Will they be heard to say, "Woe unto us that we had such parents!" _________________________________________ LETTERS: "Dear Bro. Fellows: in regard to "The Angelus" vol. XX, Number 6, dated October, 1993, and your article on the ’New International Version: the Bible of the Sodomites’; I make the following response: 1. What poor Christian journalism this is! To call the NIV the ‘Bible of the Homosexuals’ I do not homosexuals also use the AKJ? I believe you have made a colossal error and been swayed from good judgment by Dr. Virginia Mollenkott’s lesbianism. 2. Further, Paul’s treatment of homosexuality in Romans 1 and I Corinthians 6 as translated in the NIV is textually as correct as in the AKJ. You may verify this by Westcott and Hort, Etc. Thank you, dear Brother, for allowing me to register my opinion; and may God’s grace and peace be with you." Response: "Dear Brother: Thank you for your letter of November 10th. While I certainly agree that homosexuals use the AKJ as well as the NIV, do you not agree that homosexuality is a sin evidencing reprobation (Rom. 1), and further, that to be abandoned by God must necessarily darken one’s ability to exercise sound judgment? The sin of sodomy implies more than homosexuality: it also includes bestiality. Therefore, it is incorrect for the translators and literary consultants to propound that the word ‘sodomite’ found in Deut. 23:17;I Kings 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; and 23:7 ought to be rendered ‘shrine prostitute.’ When the Bible says the land of Israel was corrupted by sodomites, it amounts to a watering down of the sin to relegate them to shrines, and to call them male prostitutes. Since Dr. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, a professed homosexual, was one of the literary consultants for the New International Version would not the watering down of the sin be directly attributed to her influence? Dr. Mollenkott attempts to prove that homosexuality is not wrong, but only the violent forcing of such sexual activity is sin. Where I was reared in New England, I was taught that one rotten apple would corrupt an entire barrel of perfectly good apples. Must go. "May God Smile On You." --J.S. Bach NOTE: This edition of "The Angelus" completes 20 years of publishing. If our publication has been a particular blessing to you, we would like to hear from you. |