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Text: "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matt. 11:12) Most people have no concern for their souls. We can pray for them and with impassioned pleas we can beg them to turn from their ungodly ways, but even after many years, they remain unmoved. As hard a pill as it is to swallow, it is true nonetheless, that "Many are called, but few are chosen." (Matt. 20:16; 22:14) Others will maintain a form of religion for a time, perhaps even for years, but one day someone will offend them; or a loved one will be taken from them by death; or they will fall upon hard times. Then, they become angry with the Lord, and shut down their religion because "Many are called, but few are chosen." But there are some --a "little flock" (Lk. 12:32), a "remnant" (Rom. 9:27; 11:5) who are earnestly seeking the peace of God. They have implored the Lord to save them, yet they find no rest. They have "come" to Christ the only way they know, but they continue to tremble in fear and despair. They are afraid to claim Christ as their Lord and Savior for fear of making a false profession. They are afraid of talking themselves into a salvation that is not theirs. They have wrestled with despair amid frustration and have fainted on the threshold of faith only to resume their search for the peace that "passeth all understanding" -- yet only to faint again. The Encouragement of Christ According to the Word of God, salvation is evidenced by a devotion to Christ that appears as though everyone and everything else by comparison is hated. Jesus said, "If any man come to Me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.... So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be MY disciple." (Lk. 14:26,27) Note that this is a comparative and not a malevolent hate. Salvation is also evidenced by perseverance. Jesus said, "If ye continue in MY Word, then are ye My disciples indeed." (Jn 8:31) They who cannot give up their search for Christ; who so hunger and thirst for salvation from their sins that they cannot forsake His Word—such people have reason to hope. "The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force." Therefore, only those people "take" heaven who must have it. People who can quit their religion never had one worth continuing. God often sends troubles into people’s lives in order to sift them: Will they serve the Lord or no? Are they His, or are they not? All who are offended by Christ and fall by the wayside will be devoured by Satan at the last. (Matt. 13:4,19) Third, Salvation is further evidenced by a love for the people of God. When God puts His Spirit in a man, that man loves mankind, particularly them who belong to the household of faith. (Gal. 6:10) Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples if ye have love one to another." (Jn. 13:35) Fourth, Salvation is also evidenced by the denial of ourselves. Jesus said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." (Matt. 16:24) Reader, has the Lord begun a good work in you? If there is evidence that He has, then you have His Word that He will continue to perform that work until the day of His appearing. (Phil. 1:6) Unlike man, God does not begin a work except to complete it. Jesus said, "He that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." Reader, it is an enemy who whispers to you that God will receive others, but that He will not receive you. If you believe contrary to what He has said, is it not an insult to God? Reader, the fact that you want to be saved is itself an evidence God has chosen you to salvation. Such a desire is an indication that you are among them who were "chosen in Him before the foundation of the world," and that He has "loved you with an everlasting love." (Eph. 1:4; Jer. 31:3) Reader, do you have to be saved? Is it more important to you than the air you breathe? than the food you eat? Does your desire for salvation from sin take sleep from your eyes? I ask you again, "Do you have to be born again, and become a member of the household of faith? But you have not always wanted to be saved. Scripture teaches that by nature "There is none that seeketh after God." It is contrary to the nature of man to seek Christ for salvation from sin. Who, then, gave you such a desire? The Holy Spirit testifies "It is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." (Phil 2:13) The truest evidence a person is one of God’s elect is his craving to be saved. Although the desire is not always felt so keenly yet it is ever-recurring. Such a person will be born into the family of God. He will be educated and brought up under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit. He will be tried and brought through great tribulation, but he will enter the kingdom of heaven at last. _______________________________________ INTRODUCING OUR NEWEST BOOK-- PSALMS, HYMNS and SPIRITUAL SONGS Music is composed of intonations God has created. Music is therefore subject to the Law of God. A musician simply returns his breath or the skill of his hands in sacrifice to honor God. Therefore in order for music to serve as an acceptable sacrifice to God, the musician must abide by the Law of God. Music is neither pious nor honorable when it seeks to attract attention to the musician. It ceases to be a sacrifice offered to God when it becomes theatrical, or when it caters to the carnality of the masses, or when the dynamics become more important than the honor of God. This is to honor men. MUSIC AND CHARACTER Since God created musical tones, music has the unusual ability of revealing character. When people do not "hit" the proper tones or notes, but slur them or slide into them they reveal a permissive and effeminate spirit. This characterizes nearly all contemporary, "Christian" music. When people NEARLY "hit" the proper notes, but not quite, they betray a rebellious spirit. Now it is a great miracle of Grace when God saves a man out of a dance band, but it is an even rarer miracle when God takes the dance band out of a man. MUSIC AND WORSHIP The Psalmist exhorted, "Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling." The music of worship must be reverent. This is true whether it is intended for man’s meditation, or for his shout of praise. The songs of Zion are born out of the dust of prayer, and they are humbly offered to their Creator. They honor the Lord of Heaven and earth and leave the worshipper bowing before Him. But in this generation, the Church has lost her ability to discern between the precious and the vile. She has courted the world until she has become a theater where worshippers perform. Her music is carnal and sensual, and not spiritual. It exalts the performer instead of exalting the Lord. It prostrates no one before Him because it praises a god who, unlike the God of the Bible, is a god who is not to be feared. As Church music has become contemporary, so it has become irreverent; and to the degree her music has become irreverent, so it offends all who are serious-minded. "Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs" For this reason this volume has been compiled. Here is a selection of "Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs" that has a wholesomeness almost unknown to the songwriters and worshippers in our day. These 93 songs are taken from the Psalter, and from 44 hymnwriters that include some long-forgotten names like John Huss, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, and Krishna Pal who was the first known convert in India under the ministry of William Care. Perhaps the reader knows of other selections that could have been included. There are recent reprints of some of the great hymnbooks of the past, but selections in many of these volumes are without music, or were sung to tunes unfamiliar to this generation. Others were sung to tunes wholly unfamiliar to American believers. Many have been difficult to sing to any tune at any time. These few have been gathered over the past 25 years and have been chosen on the basis of their message, and their ability to express that message. On account of the continuing degeneracy of church music, it was necessary to use sources from a different era --an era when men hated even the garment that was spotted. (Jude 23) These are published to serve as an aid in public as well as in private worship. May the Lord be pleased to use this small volume to comfort, and to "reprove, rebuke (and) exhort with all longsuffering." (II Timothy 4:2) For the cause of God and truth. Write for your free copy. ___________________________________ Mr. David Phillips of East Bend, No. Carolina says he has instructed his children not to dispose of his copies of "The Angelus" for 100 years. If you appreciate "The Angelus" have you considered supporting it? We charge no subscription fee, but have continued publishing for 17 years with the help of your free-will offerings. If "The Angelus" is profitable to you, it will be a shame if we must discontinue publishing for lack of regular support. In 1958, Augusta Christian School was organized with 5 students meeting at the Druid Park Avenue Bible Church in Augusta, Georgia. This school year some 600 students were registered. But on Thursday evening, January 9th, nearly 500 people representing parents and staff members met on school property to form the "Georgia Christian Academy," and declared their intention to occupy the school facilities. The following morning, Augusta Christian School board members discovered the office locks had been changed. The Augusta Chronicle for January 14th reported 500 of 600 students and 88 of 95 staff members had "signed on" with the new school. At issue is the age-old problem of rebellion. It is not the attitudes or the actions of the Augusta Christian School board. Neither is it personality. I do not know one member of the Georgia Christian Academy for whom I do not have deep personal affection. Rebellion is the issue as it has been since the time of our first parents. Virtually every book in the Bible adds to the history of rebellion. A great number of the angels also rebelled; and one name for Satan is "Apollyon" –"The Destroyer." As of this writing seven (possibly only 6) faculty members have refused to dishonor their contracts with Augusta Christian School, or to be intimidated into joining the herd. As a family we cannot support rebellion, and therefore we cannot support the mutiny that has resulted in the formation of Georgia Christian Academy. People who join insurrections or rebellions are properly called "Korites" from the rebellion of Korah in Numbers 16, and though they escape the judgment of men, they will face the judgment of God. Many of them are already suffering the judgment of God with rebellion in their homes. Some of their children are even barhopping because rebellion breeds rebellion. I am saddened Georgia State Representatives Joey Brush and Robin Williams have joined the insurrection, but I am grieved that Pastor Ken Wilson of the Bible Cathedral has sanctioned the rebellion. With relatively no preaching from the pulpit against the sin of rebellion, and with the virtual extinction of church discipline which God designed to sever fellowship from members guilty of such sin, many of the teachers and unwitting parents have followed the coup led by the Head-master. Dr. Wayne Freeman, and Elementary School Principal, Mr. Byron Green, have "stolen the hearts" of Augusta Christian School members. (II Sam. 15:6) Solomon wrote, "These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are abomination unto Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." (Prov. 6:16-19) Writing by the pen of the apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit says, "Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them, for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." (Rom. 16:17,18) Let Georgia Christian Academy have their prom. Let them take their young people to "Wet and Wild." Let them introduce their seniors to the "Hard Rock Care." They do not want godly young people. God has now removed the people who have irritated the consciences of sober men. The harm done by this revolt will not be known until the last day. How many will trash all Christian education, or worse, will join these rebels only to have their children and grandchildren taught rebellion? Only the last day can reveal the extent of this evil. "Oh Lord, let their table become a snare before them, and shut up Thy Heaven to their prayers for Thou hast promised ‘though hand join in hand, they shall not be unpunished.’ Yet be merciful to everyone who seeing the error of his ways repents and seeks forgiveness." __________________________________________________________________ "The honorable Democrat from Texas, Sam Rayburn, personified statesman (ship) for us. He served his Lone Star State district in Washington for two years shy of the half-century mark and never one time let a lobbyist-- or even a fellow taxpayer for that matter --pick up the check for his meal. "On the matter of junkets, he only took one during those 48 years -to the Panama Canal, and even though he went on official government business, he insisted on paying his own way out of his own pocket. He never accepted any kind of an honorarium or speaking fee. In fact, he would not even countenance travel remuneration for out-of-town speaking engagements. His standard reply to every offer was, ‘I am not for sale.’ "When he died in 1961, his estate was probated at $15,000. In this election year, it might be good to remember that there is a vast difference between politicians and statesman." -from as article submitted by Mrs. Dee Knie |