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Featured Articles Universal Priesthood of the Believer: A much Abused Doctrine
Text: "Take heed... how ye hear." -- (Luke 8:18) In order to properly read the Bible it is necessary to come with an appetite. The Bible is the savour of "life unto life, and of death unto death’, and unless it be read with the intention of obeying it, it will be read with the intention of rejecting and disobeying it. It must therefore be approached with a tender heart, with a personal manner, and with a spirit that has been prepared by prayer. It should be read privately, by yourself. It will help if you have a definite time, a definite place, and a definite purpose. Nothing should be allowed to infringe upon this time --not the telephone, not visitors, and not business. Your purpose should not be so much to learn about the Lord as to worship Him with adoration, confession and thanksgiving. It should therefore be in private. It may be in a bedroom or it maybe under a tree, beside a brook. Open the Bible curiously for as Luther declared, "God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, is speaking to you." Read it seriously. Who is it that is speaking? The Lord God Almighty. About what is He speaking? --Eternity. Read it for your life. Read it reverently, prayerfully, qualitatively and not quantitatively. Read it thoughtfully. In order that nothing escape you, read it attentively, systematically and not randomly. Read it intensely, critically, calmly. Read it carefully --full of care. Read it with delight. After reading the Bible, show you have read it obediently, for again, "He who does not read to obey. Reads to reject and disobey." Show you have read it earnestly by reading it reflectively. Labor to remember it so you may retain it. Only by exercising obedience can you show your reading has been practical, Then seal up all your reading by prayer. Some warnings are needed. Beware of the spirit that lays aside the Old Testament as "Law" that is outdated being superseded by Grace. Beware of the spirit that attempts to rationalize what is expressly written. Beware of the spirit of Emotionalism that erupts in ecstasy but that leaves no lasting residue of Godliness. Beware of the spirit of indifference that allows you to shun God’s Word whole days and weeks. Do not become a mesmerized memorizer whose understanding is asleep when you come to the Bible. Lastly, beware of the spirit of intellectualism that can trace the journeys of Paul, and recount the reigns of the kings but that does not hide the truth of God in the affections. _____________ THOUGHT: "Most people, it appears, behave their purpose in life is to acquire money."
Being Filled TRUE AND FALSE EVIDENCES Anything of material value is subject to being counterfeited. Why should we think it to be any different in matters dealing with the soul? As there is such a thing as true spirituality, or vital godliness, there is also a false --a put-on, a fraud: in short, a counterfeit spirituality. Though God has given certain signs as evidences of real piety, great numbers of people professing to know the Lord Jesus Christ cannot distinguish between real and counterfeit evidences. Many people, for instance, believe the person whose conversation is studded with pious expressions such as "Praise the Lord", and "Hallelujah", or "Amen" –is truly a Godly individual. While some consider the person who sings and prays loudly to be a Godly person, others think spirituality is demonstrated by a quiet introspection. Yet all such people may behave in such a manner only to be seen of men. Some people believe they are spiritual who use the name "Jesus" like a magical incantation repeating "Jesus, JESUS, J-E-S-U-S" as if they would be heard for their much speaking. Yet, if they were reproved, they would become very angry. Others believe it is spiritual to discard all books and to read the Bible alone. But God has ordained pastors and teachers. Should a man’s ministry be disallowed simply because be is dead? A beard is to some a sure evidence of Godliness, and others think themselves to be spiritual because they deny themselves all modern conveniences. Since clothes are a witness to man’s sin and shame, some believe all dress should be drab, and that one’s appearance should be unkempt. Still others believe sickness is an evidence of the lack of spirituality because, they have been taught, God wants everyone well. They cannot discern a lying spirit. And others try to better their neighbor in describing a "vision" they purport to have seen. How many feel they are too spiritual to go to church, and to obey the Lord, when we are warned in Scripture not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. NO one is right with God and truly spiritual who is not obedient to the will of God. How then is True Spirituality evidenced? Turn to Ephesians 5;18-21. Three evidences are given of one who is "filled with the Spirit." First, the person who is really "filled with the Spirit" is Godly in private as well as in public. The songs he sings are the songs of Zion and not the songs of the drunkard. Second, the truly spiritual person abounds in gratitude. He is a person who is forward in his giving of thanks --He takes nothing for granted. Third, the person who is "filled with the Spirit" is a person who is submissive, a person who is respectful of others rendering obedience to them to whom it is due. But the haughty, the arrogant, the proud are filled with themselves, and not with the Spirit of God. According to Galatians 5:22, 23, they who are filled with the Spirit bear fruits such as "kindness, gentleness, generosity, firmness." Reader, you may pray and testify, but are you teachable? Are you arrogant? Are you rebellious or obedient? The early church suffered tormenting persecution at the hands of pagans, and as strange as it may seem the church soon turned to persecute the pagans. But profounder yet is that members of the professing church soon turned upon one another to persecute all who differed in convictions from themselves. It was the religious leaders who directed this persecution. Christians have always been persecuted. The Lord Jesus promised "They that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Saul, later the Apostle Paul, was one of the earliest persecutors of the saints. With the murder of Stephen in Jerusalem, whose murder Saul consented unto, the persecution of the church quickly spread to Rome and then to Italy proper. It extended to Spain, to France, and then reached the Netherlands. Germany at first resisted it, but soon took its place with others as a persecutor of the saints. European society had been penetrated by vice and profligacy. Women and men acted out their depravity. Conjugal fidelity was degraded, and motherhood was held in contempt. Their songs were pictures of nastiness, and their uncontrolled appetites were enough to pollute and destroy their countries. Profligate manners always produce profligate principles. The people were now prepared for a system of deliberate cruelty. It was called the "Holy Inquisition". While it flaunted itself as being a pious institution, it will always bear the brand of infamy and execration. In Spain, the priesthood with the aid of civil authorities stamped out the reformation by sheer force. In one night 800 Protestants were thrown into the prisons of Seville. They were seized everywhere and burned. But what profit did it bring to Spain? 1.) Its wealth left the country. 2.) Its people were left uneducated. 3.) The priests came to be regarded as the natural enemies of the people, and the clergy were left poor. It has been said Spain was more prosperous under the Moors than under her so-called Christian rulers. The government was then freer, more tolerant, more cultured; her people better educated, and her land better cultivated. In an edict published in 1568, Philip II sentenced to death every Protestant in the Netherlands. The Edict failed only because the means were not available to carry out the decree. But Alva, his minister, did all he could with the Council of Blood, and the Sheriffs, and the executioners of the "most Holy Inquisition". He was sometimes able to put to death by torture 800 people in a week. The chief crime was Protestantism, but the second was wealth and under this latter, both Catholics and Protestants were butchered. At the end of six years, Alva boasted of having strangled, drowned, burned, or beheaded more than 18,000 people. This did not include the tens of thousands who perished in sieges and battles. His robberies, like his murders, were colossal. He destroyed the commerce of Belgian. His terrors were realized throughout Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and even extended to the New World. In France, the Albigenses were murdered or driven into the Pyrenees. The Vaudois (Waldensians), with the help of Savoy, were hanged, and burned throughout the Southeast of France and the Northwest of Italy. Half a dozen Lutheran counselors were burned in Paris to give pleasure to the grandees of Spain. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew and the attempted invasion of England by the Spanish Armada dominated the history of the latter half of the 16th century. But the armies of Louis XIV, "the most Christian king", were powerless against conscience. He maintained a perpetual massacre in France for more than 60 years. How did France benefit? First, Louis left France ruined and laden with taxes. Second, he destroyed commerce and agriculture. Third, he left France a prey to anarchy which resulted in the Revolution of 1789. The history of France in the 16th century was characterized by persecution which resulted in Civil War. Seventeenth century France experienced continued persecution that took the form of terrorism known as dragonnades. In the 18th century, revolution resulted. In the 19th century France entertained Communism. And in this century, she has espoused Socialism. In England, Forest, an Observant Friar was burned for denying Henry VIII was supreme. In the time of Queen Mary, the executions for religious convictions became 10 times more frequent than before. Persecution for conscience-sake extended to the reign of Charles II who, and after him James II, extended these persecutions to Scotland. The Presbyterians under the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell persecuted Episcopalians, and now the Episcopalians under the Stuarts hunted the Presbyterians-shot them, or tortured them and hanged them. The "boot", intended to shatter the leg bone, and the thumb screws were common tortures. Cavalry, foot soldiers, and artillery, and armed clergymen were sent to arrest or murder Presbyterian ministers and their congregations. What might be said of Baptists against whom Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and even Lutherans warred! Baptists with names like Bunyan, Keach, and Roger Williams suffered, as did Presbyterians with names like Flavel, Knox, Calvin, and Erskine; Episcopalians like Wesley, and Cranmer all suffered, and were all brethren for there is only "one Lord, one Faith, one baptism." F.W. Newman said, "Strange, how religion in any form should have generated cruelty." Much blood has been shed. May it never be so again. Since we cannot keep any out of Heaven who rely on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, let us learn here to love as brethren.
The Universal Priesthood Of The Believer Text: "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation." -James 3:1- Among the glorious doctrines enunciated by the reformers was the Scriptural teaching of the Universal Priesthood of the Believer. Like the Apostle Peter before they proclaimed believers to be "an holy priesthood" whose duty it is to offer up spiritual sacrifices. (I Peter 2:5) And Paul referring to the same begged the saints at Rome not to be conformed to the age, but to continually renew their minds and to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is their reasonable service. (Romans 12:1) The doctrine, however, entails more. It means every believer can search the Scriptures to discover the truth of God without having to go to a priest. Nevertheless the Lord in His omniscience established the office of pastor and teacher. Every believer needs to be taught, yet no one is capable of entirely teaching himself. Everyone stands in need of teachers. These teachers may include another believer, perhaps our pastor, or even the instruction of a teacher whose body long ago returned to the dust. However, there is a philosophy held by many Christians that the best way to retain a person in the church is to put him to work. Too often this "work" takes the form of teaching a class or conducting a Bible study. The fact that God has established the office of teacher (Ephesians 4:11) protests loudly, and that all saints are not teachers. While all are responsible to instruct their children in the knowledge of the Lord, many believe business, education, medicine, etc. qualifies one to teach the Word of God. In many so-called Bible studies, there is no capable or responsible leader. Such "studies" amounts to little more than each person sharing his ignorance. "Be not many master’s knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation." Duties assumed mean great responsibility, and it adds greater accountability. "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: for to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." (Luke 12:48) |