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"Ye that LOVE the LORD, HATE EVIL."--Psalm 97:10
THE CHARACTER OF GOD Text: "Who is like unto Thee, 0 Lord, among the gods? Who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?" What kind of a God do Christians serve? How would you describe Him? In English grammar we have what is known as an attributive phrase, that is, a phrase which describes a preceding clause. For instance, in the sentence, "The house on the hill, the red one, is ours;" "the red one" is an attributive phrase. Therefore when we speak of an "attribute" we are speaking of a characteristic or a quality. When we speak of God, we speak of two kinds of attributes, or characteristics: God possesses what is known as DIVINE ATTRIBUTES, as well as MORAL ATTRIBUTES. Divine Attributes are so called because they are characteristics which are unique with God. They comprise such qualities in God as His being 1.) Almighty, 2.) All-Wise, 3.) Ever-Present, 4.) Unchanging and 5.) Eternal. They belong to God alone. The Moral Attributes, which God possesses, He also communicates to Godly men. These involve His 1.) Holiness--whereby He loathes sin and demands purity, 2.) Righteousness—whereby He always does right, 3.) Justice--whereby He always deals fairly with men, 4.) Love-- whereby He deals with His people as a tender and an affectionate father, 5.) Mercy—whereby He imparts pity and sheds His compassion on His own, 6.) Goodness (also known in Scripture as "Lovingkindness")--whereby He is the Fountain of every rich blessing, and 7.) Grace-- Whereby He bestows His favor upon men who are unworthy the least of His favors. Some people claim that because "God is love"--(I Jn. 4:8), that Love is the basic attribute of God. Nothing is further from the truth! "Love", for instance, does not answer the question Why God is Eternal and man is not; nor why God is Righteous; etc., but Holiness does answer these questions. For Instance, because God is impeccably Holy, He is not subject to decay either in His Might, nor in His Wisdom, nor in His Being, nor in His Stability, nor in His Eternity, nor in His Righteousness, nor in His Justice, nor in His Love, nor in His Mercy, nor in His Goodness, and not even in His Grace. The Scriptures attest that Holiness is therefore the basic attribute of God. The Seraphim cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts."--Isaiah 6:2,5 In the Millennial kingdom, a highway will be constructed to Jerusalem and will be called "the Way of Holiness."--Isaiah 35:8 In the Old Testament, "Holiness unto the Lord" was inscribed upon the priest’s miter. -- Exodus 39:30 When the Lord shall come with 10,000 of His saints, "Holiness to the Lord" shall be inscribed upon the horses’ bridles. --Zechariah 14:20 The names by which God is known declare Him to be Holy, and He is said to have a Holy name in I Chronicles 16:10. He is called, "The Holy One" in Job 6:10, and "The Holy Lord God." He is called "the Holy God" and "The Righteous Lord". And, "Holy and Reverend is His name" declares the Psalmist in Psalm 111:9. Even His works show God to be Holy, for He is said to "sit upon the throne of His Holiness." -- Psalm 47:8 He speaks in His Holiness--Psalm 60:6, and the Word of God encourages nothing but Holiness. God promises in His Holiness. --Psalm 105:42. In Psalm 98:1, He is said to have a "Holy Arm" and again He is declared to be "Holy in His works." The courts of the Lord are said to be the "courts of His Holiness."--Isaiah 62:9 He is the cause of Holiness in others, and His people are said to be "the Holy people," (Isaiah 62:12). They were called with an holy calling--II Timothy 1:9, are made an "Holy Priesthood"--I Peter 2:5, are commanded to lift up Holy Hands--I Timothy 2:8, and are told what manner of persons they ought to be in all HOLY CONVERSATION. --II Peter 3:11 It was He Who made the angels Holy. Therefore, He is the Fountain of Holiness. IS GOD HOLY? THEN HOW WICKED IS A LOVE FOR SIN! Is it any wonder God calls it "an abomination" and "the accursed thing!" Let a man roar in laughter at the thought of Holiness, but if God does not make him holy, he cannot go to Heaven. Men are commanded to "Glory in His Holy name."--Psalm 105:3a. "Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of His and give thanks at the remembrance of His Holiness."--Psalm 30:4 IS GOD HOLY? THEN YOU OUGHT TO BE HOLY. You ought to imitate His attributes and His dispositions--to love what He loves and hate what He hates. "Ye that love the Lord, hate evil!" –Psalm 97:10. Do you really love Him? "Ye shall be Holy for I the Lord your God am Holy."--Leviticus 19:2 HE IS YOUR PATTERN OF HOLINESS. "The Righteous Lord loveth Righteousness."-- Psalm 11:7 The Sceptre of His kingdom is said to be a "sceptre of Righteousness." --Hebrews 1:8 "He loveth Righteousness and judgment."--Psalm 33:5 As He is your pattern of Holiness, so HIS WILL IS THE RULE OF YOUR HOLINESS. You are Holy when you do His will. "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect."--Matthew 5: 48 "As He which hath called you is Holy, so be ye Holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, ’Be ye Holy for I am Holy.’"--I Peter 1:15,16 Are not the promises He has made to you given to encourage your Holiness? What are His afflictions for but to make you a partaker of His Holiness? --Hebrews 12:10 For what purpose is His salvation if it be not that the blood of Christ would wash away the unholiness of His people? Your Holiness is the only means of telling you apart from the rest of the world, because HOLINESS IS YOUR HONOR! NEXT ISSUE: Part II--THE HOLINESS OF GOD AND HOW IT AFFECTS YOU. |