William --conversion of, (Jan.11); pens "Guide Me, 0 Thou Great
Jehovah", (Jan.11); assists in founding the London Sunday School Union,
(July 13); Death of, (Jan.11)
--his missionary enterprises threatened by the unfriendly Radbod,
(Nov.6); protected by Charles Martel, (Nov.6); Death of, (Nov.6)
Agnes --her flight to the mountains with her brother and sister and the
attempts to hunt them down as animals, (Apr.13); her arrest,
imprisonment and ransom, (Apr.13)
Wilson, C.
T. –(Jan.30)
Wilson, John
--organizes the First Church in Boston, (Aug.7); his opposition to the
Antinomianism of Anne Hutchinson, (Aug.7); serves as chaplain of the
Pequod expedition, (Aug.7); his labor with John Eliot, (Aug.7)
Margaret --her flight with her brother and sister to the mountains where
they are hunted, (Apr.13); her arrest, imprisonment and Death, (Apr.13)
Woodrow –(July 4)
Winebrenner, John --ordination of, and his separation from worldliness,
Winebrennarians –(Sept.24)
Winfrid --(See: Boniface)
Winryme, John –(July 18)
Winslow, Commander______________--his cruelty towards the Acadians,
(July 3)
Winter, Thomas – (Nov.5)
John --writes his wife detained in England, (Apr.12); assists in writing
his brethren left behind in England, (July 7); of the Massachusetts
immigrants, (July 7); assists in founding the First Church of Boston,
(July 30); first writes to Salem against Roger Williams, (Apr.12); cf.
Robert C. --Manifest Destiny, (Jan.3)
Wise, John
--fined, imprisoned, and deprived of his church when he opposes the
arbitrary taxation of Governor Edmund Andros, (Apr.8); his opposition to
the Proposals of 1705, (Apr.8); Death of, (Apr.8)
George --the conversion of John Knox, (Mar.1); denounced by Thomas
Cranmer, and his subsequent arrest by Cardinal David Beaten, (Mar.1);
Death of, (Mar.1); cf. (July 15)
Witch Trials
--break out in England and the continent of Europe at the same time as
in New England, (Sept.22); Sir William Phips, (Oct.12); Rev. Samuel
Parris, (Mar.21); the execution of Rev. George Burroughs, (Aug.19); the
condemnation of six Anabaptist women, (Sept.9); the case of Giles Cory,
(Sept.9); the execution of Mrs. Glover, (Nov.16); eight are hanged,
(Sept.22); the imprisonment of Martha Corey for her denying the reality
of witchcraft, (Mar.21); the confession of guilt by Judge Samuel Sewell
for his part in, (June 10); the General Court of Massachusetts sets
aside a day for prayer and fasting to seek forgiveness for, (Jan.14);
Cotton Mather of, (Feb.12)
John --Birth of, (Feb.5); the conversion of John Hancock, (Feb.5); at
the signing of the Declaration Of Independence, (Nov.15); Death
of, (Nov.15)
Joannes --(See: Johann Brenz)
Count Palatine --raises an army to assist the Huguenots, (Sept.18); his
victory over French Catholic forces, (June 11); his assistance to
Admiral Gaspard Coligny, and his subsequent Death, (June 11); Huguenot
leaders of, (June 11)
Wolleb --his
Abridgement to Christian Theology, (Oct.28)
Cardinal Thomas --burns the writings of Martin Luther, (May 12); charges
his emissaries to track down William Tyndale, (May 12); his character,
(Nov.29); his disapproval of the marriage of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn,
and his subsequent arrest for high treason, (Nov.29); Death of,
(Nov.29); cf. (July 28)
Words Of Life" – (Dec.29)
Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley --(Earl of Halifax) --his betrayal of the
freedoms of his countrymen, (Mar.3)
Wood, Joseph – (Sept.27)
Charles --favors the forming of an Independent Presbyterian Board on
account of Liberalism, (Apr.6); the formation of the Presbyterian Church
of America (The Orthodox Presbyterian Church), (Apr.6); his trial by a
Church court and his subsequent defrocking, (Apr.6)
Leonard –(Sept.28)
Woodward, William –(Dec.8)
Woolman, John
--Birth of, (Oct.19); his opposition to slavery, intemperance, and war,
(Oct.19); his refusal to use either Sugar or clothing dye on account of
it being produced by slave labor, (Oct.19)
Council of Churches --founded, (Aug.22); its Liberalism, (Aug.22)
Wright, John – (Nov.5)
Wurm, Bishop Theophil --his arrest by the Nazis, (Oct.6)
Wurtemberg Agenda – (Oct.5)
Wyandottes --their attack upon the mission of David Zeisberger, (Nov.17)
John --the influence of Thomas Bradwardine upon, (Aug.26); the
condemnation of his works, (May 4); Archbishop William Courtenay summons
the assembly to expunge "false doctrine" from the land, and the
occurrence of an earthquake, (May 21); Gregory XI issues a bull against,
and his subsequent protection by Lancaster, (May 22); the Synod of
Oxford bars him from lecturing in the University, (Nov.18); the Council
of Oxford called, (Aug.22); translates the Bible into English, (Dec.31);
his views on government and the Church, (Dec.31); stricken with
apoplexy, and his subsequent death, (Dec.31); the Council of Constance
convenes, (Nov.1); his bones exhumed, and burned, (May 4); the Lollard
influence upon John Huss, (July 6)
--(See: Lollards)
Cardinal --his compromise with Poland's Communist government and the
deceit on the part of the government, (Sept.29); his recantation and
subsequent arrest, (Sept.29); his liberty granted, (Sept.29)
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