Rabaut, Paul --succeeds Antoine Court as
leader of the Huguenot Church, (June 15), Death of, (Sept.25)
Rabaut-Pommier, Jacques-Antoine --first to advocate vaccination to
prevent Smallpox, (Mar.16); Death of, (Mar.16)
Raby, Siege of (Oct.11)
Radbod --his resistance to Christianity in the Frankish kingdom,
(Nov.5); battles Charles Martel, (Nov.5)
Raikes, Robert --inherits the Gloucester Journal, (Nov.3); begins
the first Sunday School, (Dec.16)
Raikes, Thomas --assists in founding the Sunday School Society, (Sept.7)
Rakoczy, George --raises an Army to stem the oppression of the Church in
Hungary, (Oct.20)
Raleigh, Sir Walter --sends three ships
to Roanoke Island with one hundred fifty settlers, (Aug.13); first
Protestant church service conducted in America, (Aug.13)
Ralphson --(See: Jeremiah Marsden)
Ramus, Peter --conversion of, (Aug.24); Death of, (Aug.24); cf. (May 6)
Ranavalona I --her murderous outrages, (Mar.28); her prohibition of
education, (Mar.28)
Raphael, Raffaele Sanzio --Birth of,
(Apr.6); commissioned to work on St. Peter's Cathedral, (May 2); the
influence of Savonarola, (Apr.6); Death of, (Apr.6)
The Rare Jewel Of Christian
Contentment (Nov.13)
Rasle, Sebastian --Death of, (Aug.23)
Ravaillac, Frances --his assassination of Henry IV, of Navarre, (May 14)
Raymond of Toulouse (June 3)
Reed, Andrew --pens "Holy Ghost with Light Divine", (Feb.25); Death of,
Reflections Upon The French Revolution (Jan.29)
"Reformation Symphony" (Nov.5)
The Reformed Church --of South Africa,
beginning of, (Feb.10); in the United States, (German), first synod
held, (Apr.27); of Scotland, General Assembly of meets for the first
time, (Dec.20); the Reformed Churches In The Netherlands, (Oct.29)
Reformed Episcopal Church --secedes from
the Protestant Episcopal Church under the leadership of George Cummins,
The Reformed Pastor (Nov.12); its
influence upon: Francis Asbury, (Aug.19); upon John Angel1 James,
(Oct.1); upon Oliver Haywood, (June 23); upon Charles Spurgeon, (Dec.4)
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland
- (Cameronians)(Feb.28)
Reformed Presbyterian Church --the first
Presbytery constituted in the United States, (Mar.10); the Synod
constituted, (May 24)
Regensburg --colloquy of, cf. (Mar.27);
Conference of, (Apr.5)
Reichstag --declares the German State to be supreme over the Church,
Reinhard, Anna --(Mrs. Ulrich Zwingli)(Apr.2)
Religious Oppression --in Europe, cf. (May 18)
Religious Peace (of 1555) --declared by Ferdinand I, (Mar.6); abrogated
by Ferdinand II, (Mar.6)
Religious Tract Society --Rowland Hill assists in the founding of,
Rembrandt, Harmens Van Rijn (Aug.15)
The Remonstrance --the Five Points of Arminianism, (Oct.10); the
Council of Dort convenes, (Nov.13)
Remonstrance against Religious Assessments- (Dec.24)
Remonstrance to the King (Sept.4)
Rescue the Perishing" (Mar.24)
The Retired Man's Meditations Or The Mystery And Power of
Godliness,-- (June 14)
The Retraction Of Charles Chauncey, Formerly Minister Of Ware In
Hertfordshire (Feb.11)
Retractions (Nov.13)
Reuchlin, Johann --cf. (Feb.14)
Revised Standard Version --authorized by the National Council of
Churches, and its Modernism, (Sept.30)
Revocatus (Mar.7)
La Reynee --the Paris Police lieutenant requires instant conversions
among the Huguenots, (Oct.19)
Reynolds, John --the Hampton Court Conference, (Jan.16)
Rhee, Syngman --Birth of, (Apr.26); his pardon of repentant Communists
as President of South Korea, (Apr.26)
Rhode Island --founded, (Oct.9);
incorporated, (Mar.7); guarantees Religious liberty, (Oct.9); its
charter granted, (Mar.14); its charter confirmed, (July 9); the renewal
of its Seal, (May 1); passes legislation requiring salaries for
ministers be obtained only by free contribution, (May 2); withdraws from
the authority of Great Britain, (May 4).
Rhode Island College --cf. (Sept.8)
Ribaut, Jean Paul (Sept.2)
Rice, Luther --baptism of, (Nov.1); Death of, (Sept.25); cf. (June 25)
Richard I --(The Lion-Hearted) --the Third Crusade, (June 10); cf.
(Oct.2); his treaty with Saladin, (July 5)
Richard II (May 22)
Richardson, John (Dec.12)
Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Duke
of--Birth of, (Sept.5); his appointment as Cardinal, (Sept.5); his
appointment as Secretary of State, of War, and of Foreign Affairs,
(Sept.5); his appointment as Prime Minister, and his oppression of the
Huguenots, (Sept.5); the fall of Rochelle and his celebration of Mass,
(Oct.28); Death of, (Dec.4); succeeded by Jules Mazarin, (May 21)
Richmond, Leigh --Birth of, (Jan.29);
influenced by William Wilberforce, (Dec.21); writes The Dairyman's
Daughter, (Dec.21); Death of, (May 8)
Ridley, Nicholas --Bishop Edmund Bonne
and Bishop Stephen Gardiner deposed, (July 20); entertains the mother of
Mr. Bonner, (July 20); Bishop Bonnet reinstated under Mary and the
subsequent imprisonment of Mr. Ridley, (July 20); changes Mr. Cranmer's
views on the Lord's Supper, (Oct.16); assists Thomas Cranmer in writing
the Forty-One Articles, later reduced to Thirty-Nine Articles,
(Oct.16); reforms under, (Oct.16); his condemnation by Archbishop
Reginald Pole and his subsequent Death, (Oct.16)
Riebeck, J. A. Van (Apr.6)
Riggs, Elias (Jan.17)
Riglemens--drawn up, (May 3); cf. (May 18)
Rinkart, Martin --pens "Now Thank We All Our God", (Oct.24)
Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul(June 26); its
influence upon William Wilberforce, (Aug.24)
Rittenhouse, David --the first Director of the United States Mint,
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