Pelagianism opposed by Pope Innocent,
(Apr.30); opposed by Pope Zosimus, (Apr.30); opposed by Pope Boniface,
(Apr.30); opposed by Jerome, (Sept.30); Pope Honorius threatens
Pelagians with banishment, (Apr.30).
Pelagius I (Dec.17)
The Penal Character of the Atonement of Christ (Jan.3)
Penda --kills Oswald, king of Northumbria, (Aug.5); overthrows Edwin,
Pendleton, Frederick Henry --assists in settling Waldensians in Uruguay,
Penn, William --Birth of, (Oct.14);
taught by John Owen, (Oct.14); awakened by the plague and his subsequent
conversion through the preaching of Thomas Lee, (Oct.14); the influence
of Thomas Lee, (Apr.8); Charles II makes him the largest landowner in
the New World, (July 30); his benevolent leadership, (Apr.8); petitions
James II for an end to all ecclesiastical and political persecution,
(July 30); charged with Romanism, his subsequent imprisonment and
clearing of, (July 30); arrested while returning from the funeral of
George Foxe, (Jan.13); arrested for preaching in the street and his
subsequent release, (Aug.14); reimprisonment of (Aug.14); the
imprisonment of and his subsequent letter to the Earl of Orrery and his
release, (Dec.12); disowned by his father and the subsequent
reconciliation, (Dec.12); pens "The Sandy Foundations Shaken", and his
resulting imprisonment in the Tower of London, (Dec.12); writes, "No
Cross, No Crown", (Dec.12); his debate with Charles II, (July 30); his
letter to the Indians, (Oct.18); Death of, (July 30).
Pennsylvania --oppression under and
resistance to the rule of Lovelace, (Oct.18); the founding of
Germantown, (Oct.6); a refuge for those fleeing Religious persecution,
(May 1); a Religious test required for public office, (July 19); a
General Assembly consisting of Representatives inaugurates the
government of the colony, (Dec.4)
Penry, John --his separation from the
Church of England and his subsequent martyrdom, (June 7)
Pentecostalism --forty-two preachers arrested in Japan, (July 26)
People of the Book (Apr.25)
Pequod Indians --the proposed alliance
with the Narragansetts defeated by Roger Williams, (Oct.9); War declared
against and their subsequent defeat, (May 1); Thanksgiving celebrated
for the defeat of, (Oct.12)
Percy, Thomas (Nov.5)
Perfectionism (Nov.5)
Perpetua --Death of, (Mar.7)
Perry, Commodore Matthew --cf. (Jan. 23)
Petchersky Monastery --the attack by Communists, (Jan.23)
Peter, (the Apostle) --the murder of, (June 9)
Peter II (Nov.29)
Peter the Hermit --the Council of Clermont and the First Crusade, (July
7); Death of, (July 7)
Petrarch, Francesco --Death of, (July 19)
Petri, Laurentius and Olaf --establish Lutheranism in Sweden, (June 6)
Peucer, Caspar (Apr.19)
Pfaffenbrief --issued, (Oct.7)
Pfander, Karl Gottlieb --Birth of (Nov.3); his labor among the
Mohammedans, (Nov.3)
Philadelphia Confession of Faith (July 11)
Philibert, Duke Emanuel --recognizes limited toleration for Waldensians,
(June 5); cf. (Nov.11)
Philip II (France) --assists in the Third Crusade, (June 10)
Philip II (Spain) --his exultation at the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre,
Philip III (France) --makes peace with the Emir during the Seventh
Crusade, (June 3)
Philip III (Spain) --insists Charles I make England Roman Catholic,
Philip of Hesse --convenes the Homberg Synod, (Oct.21)
Philips, George --cf. (Apr.7)
Philpot, J. C. --cf. (Jan.27)
Phips, Sir William --institutes the witchcraft trials in the Bay Colony,
(Oct.12); exposes the trials, (Oct.12); cf. (Feb.12)
Phocas --gives the Pantheon to Boniface IV, (May 13)
Pickards --(See: Waldensians)
Pictoral Bible (Dec.4)
Pierce, President Franklin --cf. (May 19)
Pierce, Samuel Eyles --cf. (Oct.26)
Pierreluigi, Giovanni --of Music, (Feb.2); Death of, (Feb.2)
Pierrepoint, Sarah --(Mrs. Jonathan Edwards) Birth of, (Jan.9);
conversion of, (Jan.9); marriage of, (July 28); Death of, (Oct.2)
"Pieta" (Mar.6)
Pietism --the-influence of Jacob Boehme,
(Nov.17); Henry Muhlenberg is sent to Philadelphia, (Nov.25); its
influence upon Lutheranism, (Nov.25); Germany passes the Edict of 1703
against, (Mar.2); a second edict passed in 1706 forbidding conventicles,
(Mar.2); a third edict passed in 1707 threatens banishment to all
refusing to attend the State Church for a period of three months,
(Mar.2); forbids conventicles and private assemblies, (Mar.10); its
influence in Germany, (Feb.24); cf. (Mar.22)
Pike, Bishop James A. --the "Blake-Pike
Proposal" and its denunciation of the authority of the Bible, (Dec.4)
Pilgrim's Progress --written, (Mar.4); translated into Chinese,
(June 9)
Pilgrims (Dec.11); set sail from
Delft-Haven, (July 22); leave Southampton, (Aug.5); leave Plymouth,
(Sept.6); first go ashore, (Dec.6); the Mayflower Compact drawn
up, (Nov.9); explore the shore at Cape Cod, (Nov.11); land on Plymouth
Rock, (Dec.11); greeted by Squanto, (Dec.11); the first public worship
service conducted, (Jan.21)
Pink, Arthur --Death of, (July 15)
Pippin --affords protection to Willihrord and his work against the
unfriendly Radbod, (Nov.6); Death of, (Nov.6)
Pitt, William, the Elder --defends the
right of the American colonies to resist, (Jan.14); writes his wife
following the raising of the siege of Quebec, (May 17); argues Lawyers
are not to be regarded in questions of liberty, (Oct.8); cf. (Dec.5)
Pius II --(Aeneas Sylvias)--his
excommunication of George Podiebrad, (Mar.21); urges inhumanities by the
Inquisition against the Waldensians, (May 11); of Alexander VI, (May
12); cf. (May 29)
Pius IV (Jan.26); enjoins an oath of
obedience upon upon the clergy, (Nov.13); the condemnation and
imprisonment of John Craig, (Dec.12); re-convenes the Council of Trent,
Pius V --(Michele Ghislieu) massacres
Waldensians as Grand Inquisitor, (Nov.11)
Pius VI --his warning to Emperor Joseph II, (Aug.3)
Pius VII --concludes a Concordat with Napoleon, (May 13); Stephen
Grellet urges Protestantism upon him, (Nov.16)
Pius IX --flees Rome, (July 23);
concludes a Concordat with the President of Venezuela, (July 26);
declares the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, (Dec.8);
issues the Syllabus Of Errors, (Dec.8); publishes the encyclical
"Quanta Cura" condemning the Separation of Church and State, Socialism,
Communism and Freemasonry, (Dec.8)
Pius X --issues the decree "Lamentabili
Sane Exitu" condemning sixty-five propositions taken from liberal
writings, reaffirming the Inerrancy of the Bible, (July 4); issues an
encyclical "Pascendi Dominici Gregis" condemning Modernism, (Sept.8)
Pius XI --issues the encyclical "Divini
Redemptoris" condemning Bolshevism, (Mar.19); issues the encyclical "Quadragesimo
Anne" asserting the right of ownership and to a fair wage, while
condemning Socialism and Communism, (May 15); issues the encyclical "Non
Abbiamo Bisogno" defending the stand of Catholic Action against Fascism,
(June 29)
Pius XII --signs a Concordat with Spain,
(Aug.27); promotes the study of the Bible and its diffusion, (Sept.30);
defines the doctrine of the Assumption, (Nov.1); threatens members of
the Communist Party with excommunication, (July 1); protests the arrest
of Cardinal Mindszenty by Communists, (July 1); denounces "historicism"
which re-interprets Christian doctrines on evolutionistic philosophy and
existentialism, (Aug.12)
Pius, Antoninus --cf. (Feb.23)
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