"Behold, I have created
the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an
instrument for his work; and I have created the Waster to Destroy."
-Isaiah 54:16-
"0, For A Closer Walk With God" –(Apr.25)
"O, Happy Day" –(June 26)
"0, Little Town Of Bethlehem" –(Dec.27)
"O, Sacred Head, Now Wounded" –(Mar.12)
Oakes, Urian --cf. (Oct.28)
Oates, Titus --discovers the Popish Plot,
(July 12); his arrest and conviction, (July 12); his pardon by William
and Mary, and his subsequent pension, (July 12); his pension suspended
under Mary, and its later restoration, (July 12); Death of, (July 12)
Association Oath –(Apr.27)
Coronation Oath --cf. (Feb.13); (June 22)
Et Cetera Oath –(Aug.1)
Ex Officio Oath –(Aug.1)
Oath of Adjuration –(Apr.13)
Oath of Supremacy –(May 24)
Oxford Oath --cf. (Mar.24)
Test Oath -(South Carolina)—(July 19)
Occam, William --Proclaims Pope John XXII
a heretic, and declares poverty is an article of faith, (May 25); his
subsequent imprisonment, and escape therefrom, (May 25)
Occom, Samson --pens "Awaked by Sinai's
Awful Sound, (July 14); Death of, (July 14)
Oglethorpe, General James --Father of the
Commonwealth of Georgia, (June 9); reinforcements land to strengthen the
infant colony, (Feb.6); Charles Wesley his Secretary, (Feb.5); welcomes
Lutherans driven out of Austria, (Mar.23); brings about an alliance
between the Lower Muskhogees and the English settlers, (May 29); defends
the residents of St. Simon against the Spanish invasion, (July 24);
orders a general Thanksgiving for the termination of the Spanish
invasion, (July 24); refuses a petition to allow Slavery in Georgia,
(Oct.20); as a prison reformer, (June 9)
"Oh, Thou, My Soul, Forget No More"
"The Old Rugged Cross" –(June 7)
Old School Party –(May 19)
Old Style Dating –(July 16)
Oldcastle, Sir John --(Lord Cobham)
--summoned by Henry V to answer the charge of Lollardism, (Oct.10);
summoned before an Episcopal court, and his subsequent imprisonment,
(Oct.10); his escape from prison, (Oct.10); his concealment by friends,
(Jan.11); his friends attempt to force his release from prison,
(Jan.11); withstands Archbishop Thomas Arundel and his subsequent
condemnation, (Dec.14); William Shakespeare and his Falstaff, (Dec.14)
Olevianus, Kaspar --Birth of, (Aug.19);
rescues the young Duke from drowning, and is himself rescued, (Aug.19);
imprisonment of, (Sept.28)
Olney Hymns –(Dec.21)
"On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand" –(Aug.24)
Oncken, Johann Gerhard --establishes the
Baptist church in Germany, (Jan.2); opens the first Sunday School in
Germany, (Jan.9); Death of, (Jan.2); the founding of the first Baptist
church in Denmark, (Jan.2)
One Hundred Associates --cf. (Dec.25)
Oneidas –(Dec.1)
Onondagas –(Nov.17)
"Open The Gates Of The Temple"—(July 10)
Opium War --cf. (Mar.19)
Ordinance of Orleans –(Jan.28)
Origin --persecution under Maximinus and
his subsequent refuge in the house of Juliana, (June 17)
Orthodox Presbyterian Church --founded, (Apr.7); the withdrawal from by
Rev. Carl McIntyre and the formation of the Bible Presbyterian Church,
Osburne, Thomas --fined for absenting
him-self from Anglican worship, and his subsequent imprisonment,
Ostende, Pastor Jan Van --the murder of,
(May 7)
O'Sullivan, John --coins the term "Manifest Destiny", (Jan.3)
Oswald --conversion of, (Aug.5); his
defeat of Cadwallon and the introduction of Christianity, (Aug.5); the
Venerable Bade of, (Aug.5); Death of, (Aug.5)
Otis, James --Birth of, (Feb.5); quotes
Lord Coke on voluntary taxation, (Oct.8); on the Rights of man, (Feb.5);
his beating and subsequent loss of his Reason, (Feb.5); struck by
lightning, (Feb.5)
Otto I --his defeat of the Magyars at
Lechfeld, (Aug.10)
Ouseley, Sir Gore –(Oct.16)
Owen, John --chaplain to Oliver Cromwell,
(June 7); assists in the Savoy Confession, (Sept.29); applauds
the execution of Charles I, (Jan.30); influenced by William Guthrie,
(Oct.10); teaches William Penn, (Oct.14); his influence upon Andrew
Fuller, (Feb.6); Thomas Chalmers of, (Aug.24); Death of, (Aug.24); cf.
(Feb.19), (Dec.12)
Oxford Declaration --its defense of the
doctrines of Biblical Inspiration, and of Eternal Punishment, (Feb.24);
instigated by E. B. Pusey, (Feb.24)
Oxford Oath --cf. (Mar.24)
Oxford, University of --decrees absolute obedience to the Church of
England, (Dec.7); declares parts of the writings of John Knox, John
Milton, and Richard Baxter to be false, seditious and heretical, (Dec.7)
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