"I Gave My Life For Thee" –(Dec.14)
"I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say" –(July 31)
"I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord" –(May 14); cf. (Jan.11)
"I Will Sing Of My Redeemer" –(Dec.29)
Il Divino – (Apr.6)
Ill News From New England –(Oct.7)
The Illuminati --founded, (May 1)
The Imitation of Christ –(Aug.8); its influence upon John Newton,
(March 10)
The Immaculate Conception of Mary --decreed, (Dec.8)
"Immortal Love Forever Full" –(Dec.17)
"In God We Trust" --origin of, (Nov.30);
adopted for use on United States coins other than the two-cent piece,
(Mar.3); a law is passed requiring its appearance on all coins and
currency of the United States, (July 11); adopted by Congress as the
National motto of the United States, (July 30)
"In The Hour Of Trial" –(Nov.4)
Independent Episcopal Congregation --(See: African Orthodox Church
India --recognizes Religious liberty to missionaries, (July 13)
Indonesia --the plot by Communists to over-throw the government of, and
its subsequent failure, (Oct.1)
The Infallibility of the Pope –(Nov.5)
Innocent --opposes Pelagianism, (Apr.30)
Innocent IV --seeks the submission of
Alexander Nevski and the Russian people, (Jan.23); seeks the submission
of Frederick II, (Mar.24)
Innocent VIII --appoints Thomas de
Torquemada as Inquisitor-General of Spain, (Aug.24); issues a Bull
sanctioning the prevalent witchcraft trials, (Dec.5); launches a Bull
against the Waldensians, (May 5)
Innocent X --declares null and void the
Treaty of Westphalia, ending the Thirty Years War, (Oct.24)
Innocent XII --condemns Fenelon, (Mar.12)
Inquisition --instituted by Isabella,
(Nov.26); Thomas de Torquemada, Inquisitor-General, (Sept.16);
Inquisitor Peter Martyr of Verona murdered, (Apr.6); the apostasy of
Prancesco Spiera, (Dec.26); the persecution of Augustino Cazalla,
(Mar.4); the persecution of the Maranos, (Oct.31)
The Inspiration and Authority of
Scripture-- (Nov.5)
The Institutes of the Christian Religion – (May 27); their
influence in the conversion of John Craig to Protestantism, (Dec.12)
Interest --(See: Usury)
The International Council of Christian Churches--founded, (Apr.7)
The International Lutheran Hour --founded, (Oct.2)
The International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons --founded,
(Jan. 13)
The Investigator-- (Apr.6)
Ireland --passes the Irish Church Act declaring the separation of the
Irish Church from the Church of England, (July 26)
Irenaeus --of Polycarp, (Feb.23); Death of, (Apr.11)
Irish Articles --adopt the Lambeth Articles, (Nov.20)
Irnham, Lord --opposes the raising of mercenaries and the impressment of
soldiers, (May 4)
Ironsides –(July 2)
Ironsides, Dr. Harry A. –(Aug.6)
Irving, Edward --Birth of, (Aug.4);
assists Thomas Chalmers, (Aug.4); proposes a "Secret Rapture" and
preaches the "Imminent Return of Christ," (Aug.4); his influence upon
Andrew and Horatio Bonar, (Aug.4); his influence upon John Nelson Darby,
(Aug.4); charged with heresy when he publishes a tract declaring Christ
possessed a fallen nature, (Aug.4); "Tongues" and "Prophetic utterances"
break out in his congregation, (Aug.4); the excommunication of, (Aug.4)
Isaac --banishes the clergy from Rome and
seizes the treasury, (Oct.12)
Isabella --marriage of, (Nov.26); establishes the Spanish Inquisition,
(Nov.26); banishes Jews, (Oct.31); Death of, (Nov.26); cf. (Aug.23)
Israel --Jerusalem falls to Saladin,
(Oct.2); the Balfour Declaration, (Nov.2); General Edmund Allenby takes
Jerusalem from the Turks, (Dec.10); proclaimed a State, (May 14)
"It Is Well With My Soul written,
(Nov.30); composed, (Dec.29)
Italy --the Cerchi Party vs. the Donati Party, (Nov.6); limited
toleration acknowledged to Waldensians, (June 5); united under
Victor Emmanuel, (Sept.20)
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