Hadrian --(Publius Aelius Hadrianus)
--the erection of the Pantheon, (July 10); the erection of a temple to
Jupiter on the ruins of Jerusalem and the subsequent revolt by the Jews,
(July 10); Death of, (July 10)
Haemstede, Adriaan Van --the eruption of
persecution from his preaching, (June 9); his exhortation to Henry II to
halt his persecution of the French Calvinists, (Dec.1)
The Hagiographa – (Oct.4)
Haldane, James --Birth of, (July 14); ordination of, (Feb.3); Death of,
Haldane, Robert --Birth of, (Feb.28);
teaches Merle D'Aubigne, Frederic Monod, Louis Gaussen, Caesar Malan and
Felix Neff –(Feb.28); assists John Angell James in entering a
theological academy, (Oct.1); the death of his wife, (June 19); Death
of, (Dec.12)
Hale, Matthew --cf. (Feb.12)
The Half-Way Covenant --espoused
by Solomon Stoddard, (Feb.11); approved by the Massachusetts General
Court, (Oct.8); denounced by Jonathan Edwards, (June 22); cf. (June 26)
Hall, Gordon –(Feb.11)
Hall, Robert --cf. (Aug.26)
Hallem, Robert --on the National Covenant, (Sept.25)
Hamilton, Archbishop --his threat to John Knox not to preach in St.
Andrews Cathedral, (June 11)
Hamilton, Andrew --defends John Peter Zenger, (Nov.17)
Hamilton, John –(Oct.22)
Hamilton, Patrick --his persecution and murder by Archbishop James
Beaton, (Feb.27)
Hammerlein, Thomas --(See: Thomas a Kempis)
Hampton Court Conference –(Jan.16)
Hancock, John --conversion of, (Feb.5); cf. (Dec.22)
Handel, George Frederick --Birth of,
(Feb.23); first introduces his oratorio, "The Messiah", (Apr.13); its
introduction to London, (Mar.23); Death of, (Apr.13)
Hanna, William --cf. (May 31)
Hanney, Dean William –(July 23)
Hanover Presbytery --its argument with the Virginia General Assembly for
the acknowledgment of Full Religious freedom, (Oct.24)
Hanway, Jonas –(Sept.7)
Happy Union --formed, (Apr.6); assented to by the Exeter Assembly, (June
23); draws up the Heads of Agreement, (Sept.9)
Hardee, General –(July30)
Hardware, Katherine --(Mrs. Matthew Henry)- (Feb.14)
Hargrove, Samuel --cf. (July 4)
"Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" –(Mar.29)
Harms, Claus --Birth of, (May 25);
conversion of, (May 25); publishes his Ninety-Five Theses against the
Rationalism in the Lutheran Church, (May 25)
Harper's Ferry --cf. (Dec.2)
Harris, Howell --awakened by the writings of John Tillotson, (Jan.5, 6);
founds the Welch Calvinistic Connection, (Jan.5, 6); the conversion of
William Williams, (Jan.11); his arrest ordered, (Apr.8); Death of (July
21); cf. (Mar.6)
Harrison, General Dabney Carr --Death of,
Harvard College --the founding of, (Oct.28)
Harvard, John --Death of, (Sept.14)
The Harvard Report --asserts the Bible is of no authority in
educational endeavors, (Oct.28)
Haryston, John --arrest of, (June 3)
Hasseltine, Ann --(Mrs. Adoniram Judson)—(Feb.5)
Hastings, Selina (Countess of Huntingdon)--the founding of the
Calvinistic Connexion, (Aug.24)
Havergal, Francis Ridley --Birth of, (Dec.14); Death of, (June 3)
Hawaii --Congregational missionaries arrive in, (Mar.30)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel --Birth of, (July 4); his visit with President
Franklin Pierce and his subsequent death, (May 19)
Haydn, Franz Joseph --marriage of,
(Nov.26); the first performance of his oratorio, "The Creation",
(Apr.29); composes the Austrian National Hymn, "Glorious Things Of Thee
Are Spoken", (Nov.26)
Haynes, Governor John --pronounces the
banishment of Roger Williams, (Oct.9)
Haywood, Oliver --of Richard Baxter, (June 23)
Haystack Prayer meeting –(June 25)
Hazlitt, William --turns King's Chapel to his Socinian views, (June19)
"He Leadeth Me" –(Mar.26)
Heads of Agreement –(Sept.9)
Heads of the Proposals –(Apr.25)
"Hear Ye Israel" –(Nov.5)
Heidelberg Catechism --written, (Jan.19); resisted by the
Remonstrants, (Nov.13)
Henderson, Alexander --conversion of,
(Aug.19); opposition to his ordination, (Aug.19); at the Westminster
Assembly, (July 1); drafts the Solemn League And Covenant, (Aug.
19); assists in drafting the National Covenant, (Aug.19); Death
of, (Aug.19)
Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm --teaches
Charles Hodge, (June 19)
Henrietta, Maria -- her marriage to Charles I and her intrigues,
(Nov.19); cf. (Oct.28)
Henry II (England) --summons the Assembly
at Clarendon, (Jan.30); passes the Clarendon Constitution,
(Oct.1); summons Thomas a Beck-et and the Archbishop's subsequent exile,
(Nov.2); the murder of Thomas a Becket, (Dec.29); the public penance of,
(July 12); his relic shrine at Canterbury destroyed by Henry VIII,
Henry II (France) --his persecution of
the saints, (Dec.1); the argument of Mr. Anne Dubourg before Parliament
concerning the persecution of the church, (Dec.23); Death of, cf.
Henry III (France) --succeeds his brother
Charles IX, (Sept.15); escapes capture, (May 18); the Eighth Huguenot
War, (Oct.20)
Henry IV (England) --the first to issue
the act "De Haeretieo Comburendo", (Feb.18); his Death prophecied,
(Mar.20); draws up the Edict of Nantes, (Oct.17)
Henry IV (France) --Navarre, of
Bourbon--his toleration of the Huguenots, (Oct.20); signs the Edict of
Nantes, (Apr.13); the Battle of Coutras, (Oct.20); the Peace of Amboise,
(Mar.19); at the Seventh National Synod, (Apr.2); abjures his
Protestantism, (July 25); his debauchery and profligacy, (July 25); the
St. Bartholomew Day Massacre, (Aug.24); the murder of, (May 14)
Henry IV (Germany) --his denunciation of
Gregory VII, (Jan.24)
Henry V (England) --expands the act known as "De Haeretico Comburendo",
(Feb.18); the persecution of Sir John Oldcastle, (Oct.10)
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