Celestial Railroad –(May 19); of.
(July 4)
Censorship --John Milton urges against, and its abolition in England,
Cesarini, Cardinal --the battle of Reisenberg, (Aug.14); the Council of
Basel, (July 23)
Chalmers, James --sails for New Guinea, (Jan.4); the death of his wife,
(Jan.4); his murder by cannibals, (Apr.7), (Apr.8)
Chalmers, Thomas --Birth of (Mar.17);
Teachers Robert Murray McCheyne, (May 31); teaches Alexander Whyte, (May
31); founds the Free Church of Scotland, (May 31); cf. (May 18); of
William Guthrie's Christian's Great Interest, (Oct.10); Death of
(May 31); cf. (Aug.23)
Chamberlain, Lord –(Nov.5)
Chamier, Daniel –(Oct.17)
Chamier, David --draws up the Edict of Nantes, (Oct.17); Death
of, (Oct.17)
Champlain, Samuel de --fights under Henry
of Navarre on the side of the Huguenots, (Dec.25); founds New France,
and the city of Quebec, (Dec.25); assists Huguenots in settling Acadia,
(Dec.25); Death of, (Dec.25)
Chandieu, Antoine de La Roche
--imprisonment of, (Sept.4)
Chanteries –(May 31)
Charlemagne –(Dec.25); encourages the missionary labors of Willehad,
Charles I (Stuart) --Birth of, (Nov.19);
marriage of, (Nov.19); convenes the Long Parliament, (Nov.3); his
persecution of the Puritans, while favoring the Arminians, (Jan.30); his
persecution of the Covenanters, (Feb.28); the Westminster Assembly
called by Parliament, (July 1); sends fleet to assist the besieged
Protestants at Rochelle, and its subsequent retreat, (Oct.28); a second
fleet is sent, (Oct.28); his trial for treason and subsequent execution,
(Jan 30); cf. (Jan.10)
Charles II –(Jan. 1); lands in England
and the subsequent Restoration of the Monarchy, (Aug.30); his
Debauchery, (Aug.30); John Evelyn of, (Aug.30); George Bancroft of
(Aug.30); breaks his Coronation Oaths, (June 22); passes the Declaration
of Breda, (Apr.14); passes the Declaration of Indulgence, (Mar.14); the
final repeal of the act known as De Haeretico Comburendo, (Feb.18); the
Privy Council is ordered to crack down on leaders of conventicles, (June
4); grants William Penn the largest land holdings in the New World,
(July 3); his debate with William Penn, (July 3); grants a charter to
John Clarke, (Oct.7); assumes despotic powers demanding the surrender of
the charters by the American colonists, (Nov.30); the death of William
Jenkyn, (Jan.19); Death of, (Aug.30); cf. (July 6)
Charles III (Belgium) --condemns the
assertion Papal authority is sovereign over secular authority, (May 25)
Charles III (Hungary) --grants unrestricted use of the Bible in Hungary,
Charles IV (Germany) --the cruelties of, (July 30)
Charles V --succeeds Ferdinand and
Isabella, (Sept.21); summons Luther to Worms, (Mar.6); the battle of
Pavia and the subsequent capture of Francis I, (Feb.24); cf. (May 20);
demands the cessation of Protestant preaching in the city of Augsburg,
(June 18); victorious over Protestantism in the Schmalkald War,
(Apr.24); draws up the Augsburg Interim, (June 24); demands the
submission of Protestants to, (May 15); Captures Rome and the Pope, (May
6); religious oppression in the Netherlands, (May 18); the intent of
land patents in the New World, (Sept.21); his hatred of Lutheranism,
(Feb.24); announces his plans to crush Lutheranism, (Mar.23); the
Conference of Regensburg, (Apr.5); his opposition of the divorce between
Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, (July 28); enters the city of Halle,
(Dec.16); Death of, (Sept.21); cf. (Mar.4)
Charles IX (France) --ascends the throne,
(Oct.31); instigates the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre, (May 30);
(Aug.24); Death of (May 30); cf. (Apr.13), (June 19)
Charles of Lorraine --wars against
Protest-ant Prussia under Frederick William I, (Dec.5)
Charles of Sweden --cf. (Dec.9)
Charles, Thomas --Birth of, (Oct.14);
conversion of, (Oct.14); marriage of, (Aug.20); assists in the founding
of the British and Foreign Tract Society, (Oct.14); the influence of
John New-ton, (Oct.14)
Charlton, Margaret –(Mrs. Richard
Charnock, Stephen –(July 27)
Chase, Salmon P. cf. (Nov.30)
Chateaubriand --cf. (Aug.24)
Chauncey, Charles --his imprisonment on ac-count of his Puritanism,
(Feb.11); his Recantation and subsequent public confession Of shame for
his having submitted, (Feb.11); the first President of Harvard College,
(Feb.11); his opposition to the Synod of 1662 on account of its
acceptance of the Cambridge Platform, (June 22); Death of, (Feb.19)
Chayla --his cruel persecution of the
saints (July 23)
Children of God (Anabaptists) –(Feb.10)
Children of God (Camisard Huguenots) –(Nov.29)
Children of the Sun –(Apr.25)
Children's Covenant –(Feb.28)
Childs, James –(June 4)
Chile --the overthrow of Salvador Allende
and the Chilean Socialist Party, (Sept.11)
China --the Empress of commands the extirpation of Christianity, and the
annihilation of all foreigners, and the subsequent Boxer Rebellion,
(June 15); Religious oppression under Shen Shih-Tsai, (June 3);
persecution under the Nationalist Chinese, (Mar.27); James Hudson Taylor
and the effect of Communism upon his work, (June 3)
China Inland Mission --founded, (June 3)
Chiniquy, Charles Paschal Telesphore --Birth of, (July 30); leaves the
Church of Rome, (Jan.16); founds the first Temperance Society in Canada,
(July 30); Death of, (Jan.16)
Chippewas –(Nov.17)
Christian IV --his defeat while leading the Protestant princes, (Aug.27)
Christian Advocate –(May 19)
Christian Commission for Civil War Soldiers organized, (Nov.14)
Christian Endeavor --introduced into France, (Jan.17); Founded, (Feb.2).
The Christian's Great Interest –(Oct.10)
The Christian In Complete Armor –(Jan.11)
Christian Mission of London --(See: Salvation Army)
Christian Reformed Church --unites with
the seceders from the State Church to form the Reformed Churches in the
Netherlands, (Oct.29)
The Christian Soldier –(Jan.11)
Christina of Holstein --cf. (Dec.9)
Christison, Wenlock --the persecution of, (July 15)
Christopher, Duke –(June 24)
Chrysostom, John --his consecration,
(Feb.26); his pious mother, (Sept.4); banished to Asia Minor, (June 20);
banished to the Taurus Mountains, (Sept.4); banished to Pityus,
(Sept.4); blames the Church's woes upon ignorance of the Scriptures,
(Sept.4); Libanius of, (Sept.4); Death of, (Sept.4); his bones removed
and reburied, (Jan.27)
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