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Featured Articles In Memory of Timothy Fellows From the Mind of God to Mind of Man |
Pastor Timothy Dwight Fellows, Sr. Nov. 24, 1945--Feb. 9, 2003 --With the Lord-- After six years of extra grace, the Lord gave to our family, in
sparing my dad from death, the Lord has finally taken him home. The
life- threatening major heart surgery he had back in September of 1996
was so serious that the doctors gave him a very bleak hope of recovery
at the time, yet after suffering a stroke as a result of the
On Sunday, Feb. 9, at 2:00 PM the original sharp pain recurred in his back (which was an aortic dissection taking place). We talked that afternoon about what could and what must take place. He said he was very ready to go, but "I wish I could do more!" All that day, he was singing, "O that will be, glory for me!" At 7:00 that evening, we took him to the emergency room for the experts to see what they could do. When the nurse put the blood pressure cuff on his arm, it caused just enough pressure to burst his aorta, resulting in an aneurysm and immediate death. He turned gray, slumped over in his chair and I caught him and remember how very relaxed he was – almost like he was in a deep sleep. He had church in heaven. A little after 2:00 on the morning of February 13, I delivered my son, Timothy Dwight Fellows, III, and about 2:00 in the afternoon I buried my dad. The Lord took one and gave us another. Both mother and son were able to attend the funeral and graveside services, and were a testimony to all astonished observers as to the providence and power of God. Who Was Timothy Fellows? That really depends on whom you ask. To some, he was a nut, a lunatic and a fool. Of course, remember that you can also ask five blind men, what is an elephant. Their sincerity doesn’t necessarily mean they have a clue. If you would ask me, I’d say that my dad was the greatest businessman I ever knew. Most people who used to mock my dad and ridicule him for being so poor never knew how filthy rich he could have been. When he used to work his way through college, he would borrow a sum of money from his dad in a day, invest, barter and trade rare coins and paper money, and by the end of the day, he would have doubled the sum and given his dad back what he borrowed. A few years ago, he wrote, A History of Banking in the United States. Which revealed his great knowledge about American currencies from Colonial times and how they related to and brought about American woes when they strayed from Biblical requirements of just weights and measures. My dad could have been a rich banker, trusted numismatist or money expert if he had put his heart and soul and mind to it, but he was a better business man than that. He saw eternity. He was a good businessman who knew where the greatest investments were; he put his all into those investments, and he was willing to wait. He had already determined as a student at Bob Jones University back in the late sixties -- when he was genuinely born again -- that he would give his life to the ministry and service of the Lord. The song which was instrumental in his conversion, "So Send I You" became the biographical sketch of his life. He told my mom before he asked her to marry him that he wasn’t going to get her the traditional diamond engagement ring, because if she married him, she was going to have to be willing to be poor all of her life. I’m glad she said "yes." I’d rather have my mom than anyone else. She remained true to my dad during their 34 years of marriage. He often told her that he couldn’t have done it without her. My dad, like a good businessman, knew where the best investment was. He knew that cars and houses would rust and corrupt, be lost, stolen, burned or de-graded. He knew he could not be a fool to give what he could not keep to gain what he could not lose. My dad labored in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, spending most of his life teaching and counseling people for free, when most preachers today would have felt "led of the Lord" to a more lucrative position. He spent his life cheerfully ministering to the ungrateful, unthankful and unconcerned. And today, my dad is reaping rewards as his ministry continues to spread – no thanks to those who didn’t care. Indeed, there were multitudes of "Christians" who laughed at him in his life, when he drove old cars, wore old clothes, and when we at times even had our electricity turned off; or used a cooler for a refrigerator. But you can be sure right now, he’s laughing at them and their fruitless religion; Yea, and he shall laugh -- I can almost hear him now. It seems most people have not yet understood that we’re just camping out here. This world is not our home; this is just our temporary base of operation. We are moving to much better, permanent and lasting quarters. Won’t you join us and leave this city doomed for destruction? I’d rather have my dad, who was my greatest friend and leader and influence than all the successful religious leaders of today who place a greater value on a temporal kingdom of this world, than on the eternal Word of Truth which cannot return void. Most of them would have nothing left if something happened to their physical facilities -- their religion consists in carpet, wallpaper, brick and mortar and pews and chandeliers and programs and fellowships. My dad just stuck with the Gospel of Truth-- the only thing promised to remain. During the 35 years of his ministry in Augusta, He pastored, taught, wrote five books (which he gave thousands of copies away to people for free). He wrote a great number of tracts and other materials and thousands of letters -- hundreds of which were printed locally in The Augusta Chronicle. He published The Angelus for about 24 years (also for free). He taught about seventeen different courses to a class of black Baptist preachers in Augusta during the course of 25 years (at about 3 dollars an hour). He has written, "The accomplishments of conquerors like Alexander the Great lie forgotten amid the dust and ashes, but they who have stopped long enough to write, they ‘being dead, yet speak.’" His favorite chapter of the Bible was Hebrews 11 and his favorite verse -- "they confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth" --which he used to name our church he founded, The Pilgrim’s Bible Church. My dad loved Christian fellowship, but he loved Christ more and was willing to be kicked out of fellowships that he started. He was blackballed and shunned by churches, schools and groups for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which he held more dear. Shortly before he died, he said his enemies would come to his funeral and "dance on my grave." They did. After his major heart surgery in 1996, he suffered a stroke which impaired his communication abilities, but he never lost his call of God to preach. He did what he could to pass out doctrinally sound Gospel tracts, and he spent his last couple years holding up a sign in traffic intersections of the Augusta area, reading, "Repent or Perish/Turn or Burn." He often said that he believed he had a ministry of accountability, and that there wouldn’t be many saved, but there would be many held accountable and responsible on the day of Judgment -- "that they may know a prophet was among them." Yet, how sad, "they knew not the day of their visitation"! At the end of his life, he often said, "I know we’re right, because we’re all alone!" I’m glad to have been standing with him. He was arrested twice at a local Augusta Mall for handing out tracts; such an arrest gave us many more opportunities to witness on radio and television. A few weeks before he died, he appeared in court for a "disorderly conduct" charge for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ at a downtown wild festival, where dancing, alcohol, very loud rock music and ungodly behavior was acceptable, but a well-behaved preacher warning sinners to "repent or perish" was not. The charge was dropped since the arresting officer didn’t show up, but the judge did warn him that the charge could be brought up at a later date. Someone has written about Samuel Rutherford who wrote Lex Rex and was also in trouble with "The Law" -- They’ve summoned me before them, But there I may not come; My Lord says, "Come up hither;" My Lord says, "Welcome home!" My kingly King, at his bright throne, My presence doth command, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel’s land. I had told my dad this issue of The Angelus was going to be about him, but I didn’t know he wasn’t going to live to read it. It was only going to cover his most recent work at witnessing in down town Augusta -- the same work ironically which initially brought him to Augusta as a BJU student back in the late sixties. I’m glad to know I had a dad who remained faithful to the Lord all of his life, and nobody can take that away. He never had so much as a call of appreciation from that Bastion of Fundamentalism, that "soul-winning" school whence he came, when he went to jail for giving out the Gospel. Did they ever visit him when he was "sick or in prison or naked or hungry?" They were probably out skiing or counting their money for their next million-dollar building project. Well, I hope God knocks down all their buildings and publicly exposes them as the hypocrites they are and traitors to the Gospel of His Dear Son. Most people ignorantly imagine my dad’s work is done, but it is just getting started. The Word of God promises -- "and their works do follow them." We had been talking about switching over our ministry of The Angelus (which only reaches a couple thousand recipients and is very expensive) to an Internet ministry where we can reach the whole world for about the same price. Up to now, most of our ministry has been to the "Jews", but as they have not received us, we are leaving them and going to the "Gentiles." We intend to further my dad’s books and literature and make it all available as the Lord wills to a greater audience than my dad was ever able to comprehend could be reached. Some of you have received The Angelus for years and never so much as scribbled a "Thank You." You can throw a party and rejoice, for we aren’t coming to you any more. If you are to hear from us, you must come to us. The Web Site shall continue according to the will of God -- www.TrueReligionWorks.com. If you don’t have access to the Web and desire to continue hearing from us, just let us know. Otherwise, you can visit our Website and/or join our online newsletter.What did my dad leave behind? More than most people will ever know, but we, his closest family, know, and we laugh at all our enemies who don’t. Suffice it to say he was a good businessman. Take our word for it. So Send I You by E. Margaret Clarkson So send I you to labor unrewarded, To serve unpaid, unloved, unsought, unknown, To bear rebuke, to suffer scorn and scoffing -- So send I you to toil for Me alone. So send I you to bind the bruised and broken, O’er wand’ring souls to work, to weep, to wake, To bear the burdens of a world a-weary -- So send I you to suffer for My sake. So send I you to loneliness and longing, With heart a-hung’ring for the loved and known, Forsaking home and kindred, friend and dear one -- So send I you to know My love alone. So send I you to leave your life’s ambition, To die to dear desire, self-will resign, To labor long and love where men revile you -- So send I you to lose your life in Mine. So send I you to hearts made hard by hatred, To eyes made blind because they will not see, To spend -- tho it be blood -- to spend and spare not -- So send I you to taste of Calvary. So send I you, by grace made strong to triumph O’er hosts of hell, o’er darkness, death and sin, My name to bear, and in that name to conquer -- So send I you, My victory to win. So send I you, to take to souls in bondage The word of truth that sets the captive free, To break the bonds of sin, to loose death’s fetters -- So send I you, to bring the lost to Me. So send I you, my strength to know in weakness, My joy in grief, my perfect peace in pain, To prove my pow’r, my grace, my promised presence -- So send I you, eternal fruit to gain. So send I you, to bear my cross with patience, And then one day with joy to lay it down, To hear my voice, "Well done, my faithful servant, Come, share My throne, My kingdom and My crown!" "As the Father hath sent me, So send I you."
From the Mind of God to the Mind of Man The latest best-selling book among Bob Jones University Fundamentalists is proof-in-print of the Liberal influence on professing Fundamentalism today. Now, what is a Liberal? A Liberal is historically known as one who is not bound by the Word of God, but attempts to know a higher thinking based on God’s mind. A Liberal has historically separated God’s mind from God’s Word. He does not accept the authority of the written Word of God as the final judgment. What is a Fundamentalist? The World Congress of Fundamentalists which met in Edinburgh in 1976 defined a Fundamentalist with the following definition: "A Fundamentalist is a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ who -- 1. Maintains an immovable allegiance to the inerrant, infallible, and verbally inspired Bible; 2. Believes that whatever the Bible says is so; 3. Judges all things by the Bible, and is judged only by the Bible." (The list goes on). Now, we have previously proved that according to their own definition, BJU is not a Fundamentalist school. They don’t have an inerrant, infallible and verbally inspired Bible; they can’t identify it. They don’t believe whatever it says is so. Ask them about I John 5:7. They don’t judge all things by the Bible but by a false science of textual criticism relying on dead languages, old manuscripts, caves, etc. but not the book they carry to their pulpit which reads, "Holy Bible." The title alone, From the Mind of God to the Mind of Man, shows the heresy, liberalism, pride and arrogance of modern self-professing scientific Fundamental scholars. What is missing in the title? That’s what is missing in modern Fundamentalism today. They have taken away the WORD. Throughout the scripture the emphasis from the creation of the world has been on the WORD, NOT THE MIND OF GOD. All through the book of Psalms, David appeals to the Word of God, not the Mind of, God. Paul asks, "who hath known the mind of the Lord?" (Romans 11:34) Every cult and false religion throughout history has claimed to know the mind of God, but it’s always at the expense of the Word. Many times when Jesus spake, he spake in WORDS knowing that the minds of the hearers would not grasp what he was saying, because the preeminence was the Word, not the mind. Jesus spake in parables that seeing they might NOT SEE and hearing they might hear and NOT UNDERSTAND. Christ did not have the same philosophy as the title of this new heretical book implies. Who hath known the mind of the Lord? --Every Charismatic who believes in continuing revelation claims to know the mind of God, and hopes you’ll take his WORD for it. But Charismatics are not Fundamentalists, because they refuse to submit to the final authority of the Word of God. --Every Roman Catholic Priest who circumvents the written Word claims to know the mind of God, and expects his followers to take his WORD for it. But Roman Catholics are not Fundamentalists. --The Serpent in the garden who hoped Eve would take his WORD for it claimed to know the mind of God. But that old liar wasn’t a Fundamentalist. --BJU which in WORD claims to maintain allegiance to the Word, but in deed submits the Word to what they imagine to be the Mind, therefore claiming to know the mind of God And they earnestly hope that you will take their WORD for it. So, can a person be a Liberal and a Fundamentalist at the same time? If a fountain can send forth sweet water and bitter. IDENTIFYING THE DEAN BURGON SOCIETY by Raymond Blanton, from "The Perilous Times" "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." (II Timothy 3:13) We must make it clear to begin with that we are neither Ruckmanites nor Burgonites. 1. A brief history of The Dean Burgon Society, Inc. (DBS, Inc.)- "On Friday and Saturday, November 3 and 4, 1978, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Dean Burgon society was organized. "The two day meeting was called by the organizing committee consisting of Dr. David Otis Fuller, President of Which Bible Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan; Dr. D. A. Waite, Director of The Bible For Today, Collingswood, New Jersey; and-E. L. Bynum, Pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Lubbock, Texas. A total of twenty men (5 of whom were laymen) came together form this new organization. They came from ten different States and Canada, and are members of eight different denominational affiliations. The Society elected its Executive Committee, including its five Titled Officers of President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, plus fourteen additional Executive Committee members. 2. The main purpose of the New Society is expressed in part by its slogan - In Defense of Traditional Bible Texts. These texts are specified as (1) the Traditional Masoretic Hebrew Text which underlies the King James Version; (2) the Traditional Received Greek Text which underlies the King James Version; (3) the King James (or Authorized) Version itself; and (4) various faithful foreign translations based upon the underlying Hebrew and Greek Texts of the King James Version which are published by the Trinitarian Bible Society of London." (The Dean Burgon News [DBN] 1/79) 3. Similarities between DBS, Inc. and Historic Fundamentalism -- a. The World’s Christian Fundamentalist Association (WCFA) was organized in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 25 – June 1, 1919. b. The leaders and founders were affiliated with seven denominations. c. Article No. 1 in their Articles of Faith-- WCFA-- "We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired of God, and inerrant in the original writings." (Baptist Evangel, Sept/Oct, ’94) DBS, Inc.-- "We believe in the plenary, verbal, Divine inspiration of the sixty-six canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, in the original languages." (DBS, Inc. Articles of Faith) 4. The DBS, Inc. identifies with the Historic Fundamentalism in many ways. In the DBS, Inc. Articles of Faith under Article IV MEMBERSHIP we find -- "Each member of THE DEAN BURGON SOCIETY, INCORPORATED shall state in writing annually his agreement with the ‘ARTICLES OF FAITH, OPERATION, AND ORGANIZATION of the Society." The DBS, Inc. will not allow any member of their Society to believe we have God’s inspired, infallible, inerrant, preserved Words in any translation on earth today. Their position must be reaffirmed in writing each year. 5. Following is a March 2003 list of DBS, Inc. Executive Committee members and the DBS, Inc. Advisory Council. If any one of these men or any member of the DBS, Inc. has told you or left you with the impression that he believes the King James Version is God’s inspired Word in English he has either lied to you or he signs his name to a lie every year he remains a member of DBS, Inc. March 2003 DBS, Inc. Executive Members- "The 17 men who are fully qualified to be on the DBS, Inc. Executive Committee for the year of 2003 are as follows: 1 Dr. Robert J. Barnett, Grayling, MI 2 Dr. David C. Bennett, Australia 3 Dr. Clinton Branine, Greenwood, IN 4 Dr. David Brown, Oak Creek, WI 5 Dr. Kirk DiVietro, Franklin, MA 6 Dr. Robert Doom, Asheville, NC 7 Leroy Ehredt, Pearl City, IL 8 Pastor Denis Gibson, St. Marys, Ontario 9 Dr. M. James Hollowood, New Holland, PA 10 Pastor J. David Hollowood, New Holland, PA 11 Dr. Gary E. LaMore, Ontario, Canada 12 Jack A. Moorman, London, England 13 Pastor J. Paul Reno, Hagerstown, MD 14 Walter A. Schmidt, St. Paul, MN 15 Dr. Thomas M. Strouse, Middletown, CT 16 Dr. D. A. Waite, Collingswood, NJ 17 D. A. Waite, Jr., Chesapeake Beach, MD -(DBN - 8/02-3/03)-- March 2003 DBS, Inc. Advisory Council- "The 17 men who are fully qualified to be on the DBS Advisory Council for this new year of 2003 are as follows: 1 Dr. J. Michael Bates, Newington, CT 2 Pastor Edward E. DeWitt, Galesburg, IL 3 Ted Grasser, South Milwaukee, WI 4 Charles Griggs, Swannanoa, NC 5 Pastor Danny Hardin, Burnsville, NC 6 Pastor William Hendricks, Grafton, IL 7 Dr. Donald Jasmin, West Branch, MI 8 Pastor St. Solomon Joah, Liberia, West Africa 9 Douglas O. Nielsen, Shoreview, MN 10 Dr. Tom Rose, Sioux Falls, SD 11 Dr, David Sorenson, Deluth, MN 12 Dr. Ron Tottingham, Sioux Fails, SD 13 Dr, S. H. Tow, Singapore 14 Daniel S. Waite, Collingswood, NJ 15 Dr. Gary Webb, Carboro, NC 16 Dr. H. D. Williams, Cleveland, GA THE DBS, INC. IS IDENTIFIED AS: I...A SELF APPOINTED HIGH AUTHORITY CONCERNING THE WORD OF GOD. 1. As such they hand down decisions, advice, instructions, rules, etc., to churches and Christians. 2. In the Dean Burgon News, August 2002 -- March 2003 issue, the Executive Committee, settled the Inspiration question- "Inspiration Settled" "Our Dean Burgon Society from the year 1978, in the very beginning, 25 years ago, in its Articles of Faith, has never stated or believed that the King James Bible (or any translation) was either inspired, given by inspiration of God, or God-breathed (all of these mean the same thing). There has been some confusion on this throughout our DBS history. The leaders of the DBS, at their 2002 Executive Committee meeting, by an overwhelming ballot vote, decided to reaffirm and clarify our DBS position in this area. "There is no reference whatsoever that any translation in English, French, German, Italian or in any other language should properly be termed either ‘inspired.’ "Where are the references that the inspired Words of God are found in the Hebrew or Aramaic Old Testament and Greek New Testament? "The reason there has been confusion in the DBS history concerning their position on inspiration is because some of the Burgonite spokesmen are so talented at manipulating words that one might listen to them talk for an hour about inspiration and leave thinking he believed we have God’s inspired Words in translations:" 3. In answer to the statement at the end of the "Inspiration Settled" paragraph --"There is no reference whatsoever that any translation, whether in English, French, German, Italian, or in any other language should properly be termed either ‘inspired’...etc." May I ask the Burgonites for a few or even one reference that limits inspiration to the original languages of Hebrew and Greek? If such a thing were indeed true why is it not found in the inspired Words of God? The reason it is not found in the Words of truth is, it is not true. This is rather the work of Satan! Since the gospel, "...is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."(Romans 1:16b), and since we are "...born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." (That is the inspired Word of God.) Since the Burgonites ruled that inspiration cannot survive translation, whence comes this redeemed throng "...out of every kindred and tongue, and people, and nation"? (Revelation 5:9b) Are we to assume (1) That they all learned Greek, or (2) That the Word of God was translated into various languages, maintaining inspiration, or (3) That they are born again corruptible dead seed that carries no life? 4. The following rule from the DBS, Inc. is underwritten by both the Advisory Council and the Executive Committee-- "No Inspired KJB" "If you read the above statements of our DBS Articles of Faith, you must conclude that the only Words that were ‘inspired by God,’ and ‘God breathed’ were the Words that God caused to be written down in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The DBS does not believe that any translation in any language (including English) should be referred to in any of these above terms. "Our DBS LEADERS-- ALL 33 OF THEM -- ARE UNITED IN THIS POSITION. 2 Timothy 3:16 is the central verse for things that are ‘inspired by God,’ ‘given by inspiration of God,’ and ‘God breathed.’ It does not refer to translations, no matter how accurate they are." (DBN 8/02-3/03) 5. The inflated assignment of themselves as leaders, teachers, rule makers for churches, etc. is seen in the Society’s following recommendation-- "The Dean Burgon Society Continues Recommendation of the Authorized Version. We expect that the Authorized Version will continue to occupy this honored position in the foreseeable future as well, and we hereby reaffirm our confidence in it and recommend its continued use in Bible believing church pulpits, Pastors’ studies, homes, Bible School classes, and formal classes in Biblical Institutes, colleges, and theological seminaries. Approved by the Executive Committee of the Dean Burgon Society, Incorporated." (Bible Preservation DBS, Inc. 7/29/82) Why would the Authorized Version cease to occupy its honored position in the unforeseeable future? Could it be the DBS, Inc. expects a better Text to be found or produced? II...A PARA-CHURCH PARASITE- 1. DBS, Inc. is without Scriptural authority. There are two Divine institutions on earth; the home and the church. The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said in Matthew 16:18b -- "and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." -Matthew 16:18 The Lord didn’t say, "...upon this rock I will build my Societies." As all para-church parasites their foundation is traceable to a man- Dean Burgon. They are not founded upon the Rock Christ Jesus. 2. DBS, Inc. is not a local church at all. Neither is it under church authority. It is a free lance venture with a better way of doing things and knowing more about the Scriptures than the churches do. DBS, Inc. was organized by a three man organizing committee. Who appointed the committee? Who does the committee answer to? Was there any church ratification of the DBS, Inc.? 3. DBS, Inc. is not a church; it a nonprofit, tax exempt corporation. Therefore is subject to the corporation laws of the State of New Jersey. They have state authority and permission to be in business, but they are without Divine Authority. Caesar is the head of the DBS, Inc. The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and Christ does not take second place to Caesar! III...PROMOTERS OF A SPURIOUS INSPORATION THEORY-- 1. The DBS, Inc. considers inspiration a process rather than a Divine act of God. "The Original Process of Inspiration. Inspiration deals with God’s revelation of truth which man did not know and which man could not know apart from divine revelation. God used men whom He chose and prepared in order to write these words upon the original manuscripts. Since God made no mistakes in inspiration, these original manuscripts were inerrant. The very words were written down exactly as God intended. These manuscripts were ultimately collected and formed into a canon and then preserved for the benefit of later generations. The entire process from the writing of the manuscripts to their ultimate preservation was not accidental, nor did it happen by chance; rather, the entire process was superintended by God the Holy Spirit." (Ibid.) Error in the Process of Theory of Inspiration— a. Revelation is not inspiration. b. Chosen and prepared men were not inspired. c. The writing of words upon manuscripts was not inspiration. d. Inerrant original manuscripts did not mean inspiration e. The entire process being superintended by the Holy Spirit was not inspiration. 2. When God breathed these Words by His breath of life they were by that Divine act the Inspired Words of God. A parallel passage— "The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." a. The dust of the ground was not inspired. b. The dust made into clay was not inspired. c. The formed man of the dust of the ground was not inspired. d. When God BREATHED INTO ADAM’S NOSTRILS THE BREATH OF LIFE MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL. When God breathed into Adam’s nostrils he was inspired. That is when Adam became alive. That is inspiration! The earth is filled with living souls stemming from that one Divine act of inspiring Adam. God then took one of Adam’s ribs and made a woman (Eve) and brought her unto Adam. There is no mention of God inspiring the woman. She was bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh. She was taken out of man. All of the descendants of Adam and Eve are living souls. Souls never cease to exist. 3. So it is with the inspired Words of God- "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." –Matthew 24:35 The process of creating Adam had nothing to do with him being inspired. It is the same with the inspired Words of God. The writers were not inspired. The pens were not inspired. The ink was not inspired. The parchments were not inspired. It was the Word God breathed that was and continues to be inspired! It is – "...The word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. " I Peter 1:23b Those Words are "quick and powerful. "(Hebrews 4:12a). Quick means alive. 4. The process theory is in error concerning inspiration. The DBS, Inc. Executive Committee statement on Bible Preservation continues- "...It was these words which were infallibly ‘breathed out’ by God the Holy Spirit through his human writers. These words were in Hebrew/Aramaic in the Old Testament, and in Greek in the New Testament. The process of inspiration will never again be repeated because the canon has been closed." (Ibid.)
"...However, the product of inspiration, which is the exact words which God the Holy Spirit breathed out in the original languages..." (Ibid.) 5. The same spurious theory of inspiration is found in the writings of Dr. D. A. Waite, President of DBS, Inc. "This, then, means that the theological terms, ‘INSPIRATION’ and its consequent term, ‘INERRANCY’ or ‘INFALLIBILITY’ must refer only to both the (1) PROCESS of God’s original communication of His Word to men (in the original autographs themselves as they left the hand of the human writers – all of which original autographs have long since perished!), and the (2) PRODUCT of God’s Word to men as found in two areas: (a) In the AUTOGRAPHS themselves in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and (b) in the COPIES of EXACT WORDS from these AUTOGRAPHS in the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek." (BFT New Report 9/79) The DBS, Inc. agrees with their president, Dr. D. A. Waite, that exact copies of the original autographs are also considered to be inspired. Remember Dr. Waite said, "...all of which original autographs have long since perished!" That will be quite an accomplishment for mortal scholars to come up with exact copies of those autographs which have long since perished. "However, the product of inspiration, which is the exact words which God the Holy Spirit breathed out in the original languages, remains, even though the original manuscripts are no longer in existence. Any exact copy of the words of the original manuscripts is as much the inspired and inerrant Word of God as were the original manuscripts." (Bible Preservation DBS, Inc. 7/29/82) If inspiration cannot survive translation then all translations are wrong and should not be in existence. If only the Hebrew and Greek words that were inspired by God are authentic, and all of the original autographs have all long since perished, and with the Holy Spirit left out of the Bible preservation area, and without an absolute preserved complete Text of the inspired originals, it will be terribly difficult for the scholars to determine which Words are exact copies of the original inspired Words. IV...IN DEFENSE OF TRADITIONAL BIBLE TEXT HOAX— 1. The following is taken from the lead article in the February 1980 edition of The Dean Burgon News. The author is Thomas M. Strouse, Ph.D. Dr. Strouse is a current member of the Dean Burgon Society Inc., Executive Committee. "The approach that God has preserved His Supernatural Text trough His people doesn’t not mean that the TR or the KJV is not wanting further examination. Hill realizes this, stating, ‘Admittedly the KJV is not ideally perfect. No translation ever can be. But it is the product of such God guided scholarship that it is practically perfect.’" (E. Hills, Believing Bible Study, p. 83) DEAN BURGON POSITION MADE CLEAR-- "Once for all, we request it may be clearly understood that we do not, by any means, claim perfection for the Received Text. We entertain no extravagant notions on this subject. Again and again we shall have occasion to point out that the Textus Receptus needs correction. We do insist (1) That it is an incomparably better text than that which either Lachmann, or Tischendorf, or Tregelles has produced: infinitely preferable to the ‘New Greek Text" of the Revisionists. And (2) That to be improved, the Textus Receptus will have to be revised on entirely different ‘principles’ from those which are just now in fashion. Men must begin by unlearning the German prejudices of the last fifty years; and address themselves, instead to the stearn logic of facts." "Therefore, in order to ascertain the Supernatural Text of God, we must understand the materials, men, and methods of Textual Criticism as we approach this subject, believing that God has preserved His Word in the evidence before us." (The Revision Revised p.21) 2. "Hills gives two reason why ‘Burgon and Scrivener looked askance at the TR and declined to defend it except insofar as it agreed with the Traditional Text found in the majority of the Greek NT MSS’ (1) The material for the TR was not collected by Anglican bishops, but by the independent scholar Erasmus; (2) The Church of England used the Third Edition of Stephanus, a Calvinist..." (The KJV Devended, Hills, P. 192) 3. Dr. D. A. Waite’s position declared— (A) "The problem then, becomes one of making certain, by proper methods and understanding, that the words of the COPIES are insofar as humanly possible to discover, the EXACT WORDS of the AUTOGRAPHA themselves!! This Masoretic Hebrew and the Traditional Received Greek texts are the very closest to the AUTOGRAPHA that we have today. If anyone cam make them CLOSER YET, let’s do so" (BFT, 9/79) This statement by Dr. D. A. Waite, President of DBS, Inc. indicates that The Bible For Today may not be the Bible For Tomorrow. The DBS, INC. MAY COME UP WITH A NEW BIBLE. (B) "The translators did such a fine job in their translation task that we can without apology hold up the Authorized Version of 1611 and say ‘This is the WORD OF GOD!’ while at the same time realizing that, in some verses, we must go back to the underlying original language Texts for complete clarity, and also compare Scripture with Scripture. "We believe that all the verse in the King James Version belong in the Old and the New Testaments because they represent words we believe were in the original Texts, although there might be other renderings from the original languages which could also be acceptable to us today. For an exhaustive study of any of the words or verses in the Bible, we urge the student to return directly to the Traditional Received Text..." (DBN- 1/79) Other words might be acceptable to us today? Dr. Waite has already informed us that concerning the Original Autographs- "...all of which have long since perished." There the Burgonites declare the inspired Words of God perished." There the Burgonites declare the inspired Words of God "perished"—pronounced dead by the Great Bible authorities. If these great Greek scholars do come up with their Bible I wonder what they will do with Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33 when they get there? Since they say the inspired Words have "perished" they may insert something like this – "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words have already passed away." 4. Where is the defense of traditional Bible Texts? – The President of DBS, Inc. promotes and highly praises one of the greatest enemies of God’s inspired, infallible, inerrant, preserved Words on earth today; Bob Jones University – "This University is one of the leading schools in the nation and in the entire world in the defense of historic fundamentalist theology...I have two married sons and one married daughter. Of these six people in these three families all six of them ATTENDED Bob Jones University and appreciated it very much. Four of the six GRADUATED from Bob Jones University. So in our family, we’re great fans of this great university –even when we meet those who are opposed to it very decidedly! And I personally intend to continue to this friendly relationship to this great school, regardless of any minor differences we might have on these matters of the texts of the Bible." (DBN- 4/79) This is treason. Minor differences on these matters of the Bible Texts? The differences between the Textus Receptus and the Westcott and Hort Texts are over 5,000, and there is not one of them a minor difference. The main difference is the Westcott and Hort Text is the work of the Devil, and the Textus Receptus is God’s inspired, infallible, inerrant, preserved Words in Greek. The Burgonites and the Jonesites can fellowship on the turf of Fundamentalism. They are both in agreement with Historic Fundamentalism which denies any inspiration surviving translation. They are simply two different regiments of Ministers of Satan attacking God’s inspired, infallible, inerrant, preserved Words in translation from different sides. The Burgonite cliché of "DEFENDING Traditional Bible Texts" and the Jonesite’s "FORTRESS OF THE FAITH" cliché are each a hoax. Conclusion: 1. The DBS, Inc. is promoting a confined Bible. "The meanings that the Lord intended to convey to the human race have been confined to these three languages." (BFT 9/79) The three languages Dr. Waite is referring to are Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Dr. Waite tells us what God "intended" to do and adds his authoritative conclusion to it. There is no Scriptural basis for his confirming conclusion. "Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound." -II Timothy 2:9 The Word of God is not bound in any language. God can speak in any language. "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." – Mark 16:15 "For ever, O LORD thy word is settled in heaven" -- Psalms 119:89 His Word is not bound in heaven! "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God" but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." -Dt. 29:29 2. The Lord’s testimony to the Scriptures-- a. The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ sets His seal upon the Old Testament. b. He testifies to its accuracy and Divine Authority. c. He quoted no other authority. d. He silenced His opponents and their father the Devil with the Scriptures. e. "It is written" is the end of all strife. 3. There is no salvation without the inspired Words of God. The Word of God is the seed necessary for eternal life. As the seed bear life so do the Words of God. "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God" -Luke 8:11 Without the inspired Words of God no one can be born again. The Sower does not bear life. The seed bears life. "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever" I Peter 1:23 "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life " -John 6:63 4.Those who wish to discredit God and His inspired Words are Word thieves-- "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? "Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets saith the LORD, that steal my words every one from his neighbour." -Jeremiah 23:29-30 a. When the scholars steal the inspiration they have stolen God’s Words from their neighbor. b. Not only do they deny God’s inspired Word exists, they are convincing others with these lies. c. The return of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for His Bride is very near. ARE YOU READY? We hearby leave all of you-- "Fundamentalists" – exactly where you are. Bible Correctors – to boldly wander in doubt and uncertainty. Neo-Evangelicals -- more hope than "Fundamentalists." "Calvinists" -- to mourn the loss of all your non-elect kids. Arminians -- one last invitation to give poor God a free will. Growing Churches -- your people. Amillenialists -- to ponder if 1000 years in hell will be like 1 day. Rapture Freaks Yankees -- a request to be freed from your tyrannical slavery. Confederates -- a greater cause. Ladies -- a disposable head-covering, if long hairs isn’t enough. Who "just follow orders"-- an order -- Don’t. Faithful few —- an admonition -— Don’t give up! Our new Web Site—WWW.TrueReligionWorks.com ___________________________________ And now, I close with the last words my dad wrote in the ... ’96 issue Of The Angelus -- "Fare thee well." |