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Text: "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." –(Daniel 12:3) Mrs. Pierce Merry Twenty years have passed since I was first invited to teach the Word of God to a group of children in the home of a wealthy widow. Mrs. Pierce Merry lived by herself in a lovely home. Her grounds were punctuated with camellias and azaleas, while the interior of the home was gracefully wallpapered. The children assembled in the living room where a Persian rug rested upon the floor. A well-tuned piano sat in the corner. Various and sundry shelves were filled with the works of Amy Carmichael and Harry A. Ironsides. There was Louis Gaussen’s Theopneustia, his classic work on the doctrine of inspiration. Numerous biographies were set about. Large framed lithographs of gardenias hung upon the wall, but a visitor could not escape noticing the numerous framed Scripture verses that adorned the walls and mantels in this and every room. I have not thought about this scenery for the past 10 years, for it was not this that impressed me. I was absorbed with the fact that for nearly 25 years this lady opened her home twice each week that children might be taught the Word of God! She did not lie awake at night with fear that a small child might over-turn a vase, or that a cup of punch might soil her carpet. She was interested in things of greater magnitude. Each week for nearly 50 years she opened her home for a women’s prayer group to gather! What are our homes for if not for these things? Reader, what could you do? Could you open your home for the sake of the children in the neighborhood? Would you be willing to make your home a savory influence in your community? Mrs. B. Roy Smith For several years Catherine and I went into the public schools to teach the Word of God. We were part of a team of volunteers. One of the most faithful laborers was Mrs. B. Roy Smith, affectionately known as "Belle" Smith. Belle Smith was truly a Southern belle. Her intellect was sharp, and her piety was vibrant. Her speech enunciated the southern dialect. She was demonstrably an aristocrat, but her greatest beauty and charm was her humble and gracious deportment. Five days each week for nearly 25 years, Belle Smith carried her easel and flannel board into public schools to teach the Bible to the children. Once when she was teaching the life of Moses, a small lad called her "Grandma Moses." She chuckled, but never forgot it, and adopted the name like a coat-of-arms. The infirmities of age may have slowed her at the last, but she continued as long as she could. She continues today as faithful servant of Christ. Reader, what could you do for the cause of God and truth? What a privilege it would be if the lord would allow us to keep up and maintain a fervent witness to God’s truth even when our flesh grows weak!
Then, there was Mrs. Anna Whitney. Her husband is a direct descendant of Eli Whitney. Like "Belle" Smith and Mrs. Merry, Anna Whitney is a gracious lady. She is meek and humble, and a lover of God’s truth. For 43 years she has taught the Bible to children. During most of this time she has taught the teachers the weekly lesson. I never saw her come to class unprepared. She regularly consulted Matthew Henry’s Commentaries to help her gain a greater perspective of the Scriptures. She worked to teach the Word of God faithfully. To this very day she continues teaching. Reader, what can you do? Miss Leila Havird The lady who organizes children’s Bible classes in our 2-state area is Miss Leila Havird. Tens of thousands of children have enjoyed the benefit of Bible teaching in back yards as well as in the auditoriums and classrooms in public schools. Each year Miss Havird boldly approached school principals and asked permission to teach the children in as many as 37 schools in Georgia and South Carolina. As many as 13,000 school children have been taught a week. It was the burden of Miss Havird to see a Christian school established in our community. It was the good pleasure of God to raise up the Augusta Christian Schools. Founded in 1953, it has had an enrollment as large as 750 students. Miss Havird has also carried the burden to see a Bible school established for the edification of area residents. Years have passed. Mrs. Merry is now with the Lord. Belle Smith suffers with an age-impaired mind. Mrs. Whitney continues to sow the good Word of God, but with the oppression of time, the pace of her good works has been slowed. Leila Havird remains Undaunted and continues to organize home and yard classes and wherever else children gather. Here are 4 remarkable Ladies --4 brilliant stars to adorn our Savior’s diadem. Reader, do you think God is unrighteous that He will forget their work and labor of love? Reader what will you do? ____________________________ Abridged Text: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." If truth is the essential ingredient of knowledge, then there is no knowledge where thee is no truth. Truth is basic to all pedagogy and to the degree truth is wanting, knowledge is subsequently wanting. Since "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge". The fear of the Lord is necessarily the foundation and indeed the primer of all education. It is here—-upon the fear of the lord that all truth is predicated. It is precisely here—-at the fear of the Lord where knowledge begins. Therefore, no man is educated who has not learned the fear of the Lord. Most Christians are seduced by the world system into thinking that scholarship lies in state certification and national accreditation. But, scholarship does not lie with men who do not know truth, even if they have had degrees conferred upon them by Ivy League schools. Neither the founders of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, etc. believed a man could be considered educated who has not learned the fear of the Lord. Unless scholarship can be separated from knowledge, a man cannot be a scholar who does not have knowledge—-and the beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord. With its conversion to anti-Christian sophistry, American education has become a brothel. Scholarship is no longer recognized by knowledge because modern educators believe knowledge is relative. The reason they believe knowledge is relative is because they believe truth is relative. Modern education has become cultic as it has become political, "You recognize my degree and I will recognize your degree." It is interesting to note, however, that our problems, whether economically, socially, educationally, religiously, medically, or scientifically are the results of experts who are fully certified and wonderfully accredited! Can men who hate truth know truth? Can such people approve of truth and respectfully acknowledge it? How then, can they teach truth? And why would Christian parents send their son or daughter to an institution where they will learn everything but truth? Suppose their children can afford to go to Yale, to Harvard, to Princeton, etc. what would they learn? Since these institutions openly tout their denial of the existence of the Law-Giver, could they properly teach Law? Since they deny it is God who raises up one king and puts down another, how can Christians dream they can teach history? Since they flaunt their lack of fear of the Lord, how can any presume that such institutions can still teach theology? Many years ago, this writer made a vow before the Lord that his children would not darken the doors of a public school. As a result, his children have not nursed at the teat of rebellion through anti-Christian education. But most Christian parents are losing their children, and one reason is because they have allowed them to walk "in the counsel of the ungodly", to stand "in the way of sinners", and to sit "in the seat of the scornful." And, can they be truly amazed that their children are therefore not "blessed?" (See: Psalm 1) Someone may object and say that Moses received an education at the hands of pagans. This is true, but neither Amram nor Jochabed enrolled their son in that heathen system: God placed him there. This is not a norm for Christians. It is probable that the reader like the writer was educated in the public school system, but American education is today pronouncedly anti-God. For this reason, many Christians are now suffering on account of their worldliness, for when it came to the education of their children, they chose carnally, and not according to the will of God. Now they grieve because of the spiritual condition of their children. Scholarship is always according to truth. Truth is always predicated upon fear—the fear of the Lord. The question to consider is this: "Can a person learn truth from them who do not know truth?" And, "Is a person qualified to teach in a Christian school who has received their education I in an anti-Christian state school?" This is what the Psalmist mean when he wrote, "I have more understanding than all my teachers: for Thy testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients because I keep Thy precepts." (Psalm 119:99,100) But what horror and what dismay should cover the faces of God’s people when Christian schools seek to have their teachers certified by the state! And, encourage them to strengthen their education by taking additional study in fully accredited, but anti-Christian state schools! No wonder the Christian community is in spiritual shambles! THE CHURCH : A BUSINESS OR A MINISTRYText: "If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ..." (I Timothy 4:6) The church of the living God --the pillar and ground of truth (I Tim. 3:15) is considered by many to be a business. To them the minister is an employee hired by the congregation to sell the Gospel of the Kingdom. Therefore, a minister who has not had enough additions to the church may be dismissed. Some very serious errors should be readily apparent. First, the work of God is just that: the work of God. God must bring the increase. How many additions should be expected in a day of civil and spiritual apostasy? Second, a minister is called by God, and not by the church. If a congregation turns in rebellion and expels a godly pastor the man of God does not "lose his call," If a pastor once understands this truth, his idea of the ministry will be revolutionized. He will understand that he in responsible to minister to the city in which he lives, and as God shall give him a voice to be heard, he is to present the Word of God to his state, and from there to his nation, and to the world. A third error taught by the notion that the church is a business is the idea of success: "What constitutes success?" When I was in school, one professor would ask the class at least once in every period, "What is the secret of success?" and the class was expected to answer, "Planning!" If the work of God is dependent upon men, he was right; but if it is not, then he was wrong. Listen to the words of Paul: Now thanks be unto God which causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved, and in them that perish: to the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life... For we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. (II Cor. 2:15-17) The church is in turmoil because it has placed men in positions of leadership who are not spiritual men. They are not praying men, neither do they love their Bibles. They have been elected to office because of their business skills. They are men skilled in the world, and very often they are unconverted men. Local congregations have taken on the flavor of a business. We find them electing "trustees" --a 20th Century church office that supplants the role of deacons whose duty it is to care for the mundane affairs of the church. We find local churches taking on a corporate structure. We hear of flower committees, pulpit committees, finance committees etc., but these are as much the inventions of men as the College of Cardinals, or synods. They are foreign to the church of the New Testament. Some churches have become so corporate-minded that in recent years they have incorporated under a charter from the state. The church is a ministry: it is not a business, and it should not be operated like one. The pastor is not hired by the church but is a man called by God. The ministry is not a profession but a calling. When will God give His people a heart to repent of their worldliness? |