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Part Two: The Sons of Noah and Their Settlements Text: "And the sons of Noah that went forth of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread." (Gen. 9:18,19) (See: Chapter 10) "Evil passions and desires (had been) awakened, and (had) disturbed the peace of society; the violent impulses of a savage and unstrained nature (had) plunged the later generations deeper and deeper into the disorders of vice and crime, till at length a great flood called ‘The Deluge’ destroyed the whole "race," with the exception of Noah and his descendants, from the earth. Noah’s posterity, however, increased again so rapidly that the later generations descended from his three sons, Shem, Han and Japheth...." 1 "Since all mankind are of one family, and nearly related in Adam and Noah, how reasonable is it that we should love and do good to each other! Whenever I behold a human being, whatever is his language and garb, or wherever he was born, I should recognize a near relation, and behave to him accordingly. In this view, how unnatural and absurd is that prejudice against foreigners, and that contempt of them which generally prevails! And how can it consist with love to our neighbors, our brethren, "bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh" to treat them with rigor or hold them in unwilling slavery? 2 SHEM The most remarkable thing about the blessing Noah pronounced upon Shem was that the promised Saviour would come through his seed. Shem is identified as the father of Eber from whose name we derive the word "Hebrew." He is the progenitor of the Arabs, the Jews, the Syrians, the Assyrians, and the Persians. Scripture tells us the names of his 5 sons. Elam was the father of the Elamites whose most notable king was Chedorlaomer who formed a confederacy with 3 other kings and attacked Sodom. In the fracas, Lot, the nephew of Abraham was carried off together with his family. The capital of the Elamite kingdom was the city of Susa. In time, Elam merged with the Medes, a people who derived their name from Madai, the 3rd son of Japheth. Together they formed the Persian Empire. Asshur was the progenitor of the Assyrians. Early in her history, the land of Assyria was invaded by Hamites led by Nimrod. Hence the people became of Semite and Hamite stock. Little is known of Arphaxad, but Lud Became the progenitor of the Lydians, who apparently were the first to coin money. Aram was the father of the Aramaeans or Syrians. The Aramaic language became the chief language of Babylon and Assyria, and was the language our Lord spoke. JAPHETH A second son of Noah was Japheth who is identified with the legendary Iapetos, the reputed father of the Greeks, and with Iyapeti, the reputed father of the Aryans who settled in India. He is also reputed to be the father of the Romans. Scripture records his 7 sons. Gomer settled Cimmeria, the district north of the Black Sea still known as the "Crimea." He settled Germany as well as "Cambrai" which is the ancient name of Wales. His son Ashkenaz settled Scandinavia, Sukasuri which is a region of Armenia, as well as Germany. Even today German Jews are called "Ashkenazi." A second son of Gomer was Riphah whose descendants settled Paphlagomania and Carpathiani. We still speak of the Carpathian Mountains. Togarma was Gomar’s third son. He settled Armenia, Turkey and Turkestan, Magog has Japheth’s second son. His descendants settled Georgia near the Black Sea, and was the reputed father of the Scythians. APPRECIATION GRACE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 1725 Sibley Road, Augusta, GA. Of the 1800 Churches that receive our publication, this in the only church that regularly contributes to this ministry. Many thanks. PAST0R WADE TRIMMER the pastor of Grace Baptist Fellowship took us to a wholesale house this mouth and said, "This is from the church," and bought us 180 dollars of groceries. May God richly bless this pastor and good-hearted people. MR. AND MRS. WALTER KNIE who have helped us through difficulties for several years. Only these dear people regularly help us in our ministry here. "May God Smile On You." --Bach MR. JIM BLACK of Fanning Printing, 1202 D’Antignac Street, Augusta, Ga. Mr. Black has graciously printed The Angelus at the most nominal cost, and has done so for several years. Thank you, brother. Japheth’s third son was Madai. From him the Medes descended. These descendants merged with the Elamites to from the Persian nation; but as Aryans they migrated into India. The descendants of Javan settled what was originally called "Ionia," and later was called "Greece." He had 4 sons: Elisha, which is a name applied to the Greeks, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. Tubal, the 5th son of Japheth is identified with the Tibarent and is probably associated with the city of Tobolsk. The sixth son has Meshech from which we derive the name "Muscovi," and which was the former name of Russia. The name "Moscow" is also a derivative. In Ezekiel 38:2, the prophet associates Tubal and Meshech with "Rosh" from which we derive the name "Russia." Tiras, the 7th son of Japheth is the progenitor of the Thracians and possibly the Etruscans of Italy. HAM The third son of Noah was Ham. While the curse that Noah pronounced upon Canaan is not the topic under discussion here, it is nevertheless important to point out that Noah did not curse all the descendants Ham: he cursed Canaan, Ham’s son. Canaan settled in what was later called "Canaan" and remember God drove out these people on account of their sinful abominations. "...The colored races (black, brown, "red," and yellow) are from Ham.... This, in a word, includes all who are Negroid, or Mongoloid, which comprehends, as a matter of fact, the founders of virtually all ancient civilizations in the Middle East, Africa, the Far East, and the New World..." 3 Ham was the progenitor of the Phoenicians, the Hittites, the Canaanites, the Mongols such as the Chinese and the Japanese, the Indians of North, South and Central America, as well as the South Sea Islanders. 4 It was Nimrod who built Babel, which was to become Babylon, and Erech, and Accad which is the first recognized empire in the history of the world, and Calneh, and Nineveh which later became the capital of the Assyrian Empire. He built Rehoboth, Calah and Resin. (Gen. 10:10-12) FOOTNOTES 1 Dr. George Weber. Outlines of Universal History from the Creation of the World to Present Times. Translated from the German by Dr. M. Behr. Revised Edition. Boston: Brewer and Tileston, 1873. p. 1. 2 Thomas Scott. The Holy Bible with Notes. Vol. I of 5 vols. printed 1807 by William Woodward, Philadelphia. Practical Observations on Genesis Chapter 10. 3 Arthur Custance. Noah’s Three Sons. Copyright 1975, Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. Pp. 155,156. 4 Henry Morris. The Genesis Record. Copyright 1976, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House. p. 240. Next month --Part III--Contributions of the Sons of Ham Part Four: The Duties Of The Office Text: {Acts 6:1-7} In the early church, deacons were called "ministers of the... Episcopate (pastor), and of the Church." They assisted the pastor at the Lord’s Table. They received offerings and presented them to the pastor. Sometimes, they read from the Gospel before and after the Lord’s Table. They offered prayer in worship, and in the event the pastor was absent or ill, they acted in his stead. Deacons are assistants or "help-meets" to the pastor. They are his friends. (See: I Tim. 3:8-13) It is thoroughly inconsistent with the office of deacon for one or any number of deacons to usurp godly authority by dictating church policy. It is the responsibility of deacons to keep the pastor informed of personal needs within the congregation as well as of any errors. To recapitulate, in the absence of the pastor, deacons act as moderators of the church. It is their business to distribute the elements in the Lord’s Supper. BUT IT IS THEIR CHIEF DUTY TO SEE THAT RELIEF IS MADE FOR THE CHURCH’S POOR, even though this duty has largely been forgotten. -Concerning the ’Distribution’ for the Church’s Poor- It is important to note that this "distribution" is NOT the distribution of common charity. So Paul declared Christians ought "to do good onto all men, especially unto them of the household of faith." And again, "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come." (Gal. 6:10; I Cor. 16:1,2) Paul had already issued some directives to the churches of Galatia, Macedonia and Achaia. (See: Rom. 15:26} Peter, James and John also seem to have adopted it as a system. But the purpose for which the office of deacon was instituted was chiefly to provide care for the church’s poor. Compare Acts 6:1-7 and I Tim. 5:1-16 where Paul gives guidelines for the relief of the church’s poor. APPLICATION: In every church there ought to be a regular system of giving designed to relieve poor and suffering members. I have heard it objected, "The state already exacts a percentage of taxes for the relief of the poor." This, however, is the payment of a tax and is not an act of charity. It is the payment of a debt. No law of men can excuse us from obeying the law of Christ. It is also important to note that God directs us to provide for the COMFORT of the needy and not the barest of dire necessities. God will not bless us if we direct the church’s poor to the welfare office. NEITHER CAN ANY PAST NEGLIGENCE JUSTIFY A CONTINUED NEGLIGENCE. Therefore the Apostle Paul exhorts all who give, i.e. "distribute," that they do it with simplicity and they who show mercy should do it cheerfully. (Rom. 12:8} Jesus said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.’ (Matt. 25:40) Let the ancient blessing of God return upon His Church when in those early days of perilous persecution, the Church was the amazement of the world. Let it again be said, "See how they love one another!" Note: The tapes from which this series is derived are available for $10. 4 Tapes -- the first, The Origin of the Office, the second, The Nature of the Office, the third, The Requirements for the Office, and the fourth, The Duties of the Office. THE MARRIAGE RING by John Angell James THE MARRIAGE RING by John Angell James --Wholesome counsel for all contemplating marriage. A "must" for the conscientious counselor. $3 "Thank You for the 25 copies of The Marriage Ring.... We will be reading them in March as our "Book of the Month." (February 9, 1988) "Enclosed is payment for 15 more copies of The Marriage Ring. We read this title through the month of March and it was excellent." (April 2, 1988) -Pastor George McDearmon, Ballston Lake, New York- _________________________________________ LETTERS "Much thanks for your literature work. I am a Dutch missionary in Spain. I have learned much from you. Greetings in the Lord." --Maarten Aleman, Barcelona, Spain "...The February issue mentioned the availability of charts on the kings of Israel.... I would be able to use 25 copies for my students." --Pastor Daniel Parks, Castries, St. Lucia, West Indies. ---------------------------------------------------- Read THE PILGRIM PATHWAY. Send your request to Charles Shofstahl P.O. Box 171, Petersburg, Ohio 44454. It too is supported by free-will offerings. Pastor Shofstahl also publishes THE PILGRIM EXAMINER. This latter is designed to keep Christians abreast to current events, and is available for a $10 subscription fee. |