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Text: "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for He hath prepared for them city." --(Hebrews 11:13-16) (See: verses 1-16) From the text, it is clear -- First, that there is a Distinction made here between those who die "in Faith" and those who do not --"These all died in faith." Out of the mass of humanity, there are some, but not many, who come to die "in faith." Second, this Distinction is shown by the way they have lived --they died "in faith." They died as they lived: they persevered in faith unto the end of their earthly habitation. Third, the Faith in which they died was a faith that God would perform His promises for they had not received them at the time of their death. Fourth, Though they had not yet "received" these promises, yet God caused them to see them "afar off." Fifth, on account of His having given them to see the fulfillment of these promises "afar off", God caused them to be "persuaded " of them. Sixth, the Proof we have they were "persuaded" of them is owing to the fact they showed it by the way they lived --they "Embraced these promises. Seventh, they did not Quietly embrace them as a kind of "secret believer", but rather they "confessed them" with their lips by declaring themselves to be "Strangers" on the earth. They found themselves to be out of step with the people and things of the world about them; and the world about them treated them as "Strangers." Eighth, they further confessed themselves to be "Pilgrims" on the earth. Ninth, by such a confession, they declared themselves to be seeking another country. They were not strangers within a "foreign land", but had a destination. They considered their lives to be but a pilgrimage, and so it was their chief concern to put distance behind them and the land "from whence they came out." Tenth, though they had plenty opportunity to have returned, they nevertheless "died in faith"-- still clinging to the Promises of God. Eleventh, such today who desire the same country are to reckon themselves to be "Strangers" and "Pilgrims" on the earth. Twelfth, the country they seek is a "better" country. Thirteenth, the reason it is declared to be a "better" country is owing to the fact it is an "Heavenly" country. Fourteenth, on account of the faith they exhibited, itself the gift of God to them, God is not ashamed to be called their "God." Fifteenth, the proof God is not ashamed to be called their "God" who die in faith is seen by the fact "He hath prepared for them a city." This "City" has formerly been identified as a city 1.) "Yet to come"; 2.) One that "hath foundations" --and is therefore enduring; 3.) "Whose Builder and Maker is God." Lastly, it is implied by the text that while God is not ashamed to be called their "God" who die in faith, He is nevertheless ashamed of others who call Him their "God" but who do not live as "Strangers and Pilgrim" on the earth, but who are very much at home dwelling among Christ-deniers and God-haters. Such people, instead of living a "tent life", set down their foundations for they are not on a journey to the Heavenly Jerusalem. May God cause each of us to reckon ourselves to be "Strangers and Pilgrims on the earth." "DOGS" AMONG THE SOUTHERN BAPTISTS Text: " ...without are dogs..." --(Revelation 22:15) William Hull is a former dean at Southern Seminary at Louisville. When he was inaugurated there, he told his hearers that today’s world needs a different message than the one found in the New Testament. He stated, "Our message today is not represented as being the same as the New Testament message." Speaking to the Association of Baptist Professors of Religion about the Good News For Modern Man, also known as Today’s English Version, he stated it employed "a much more daring translation theory than that adapted by the Revised Standard Version." Of course the Southern Baptists do not yet realize all of this ... Shout it not from the housetops, but the Today’s English Version is clearly incompatible with traditional notions of Verbal Inspiration..." At the end of his speech he praised such Christ-deniers as Bultman, Pike, and others. Dr. Hull is now a pastor in Louisiana and is scheduled to bring the Convention Sermon in 1982. We wonder why Southern Baptists continue to tolerate such blatant infidelity. A survey of graduates of Southern Seminary revealed 28% of Ph.D. graduates do not believe Jesus walked on the water, while another 28% believe it probably did not happen. Among those polled as to their belief in the Virgin Birth, 18% do not believe it and another 18% think it is probably not true. Of those asked concerning the Deity of Christ, 21% have doubts He is Divine, while 5% believe Jesus was only a man. (I wonder if they believe in "Believer’s Baptism.") When such unbelievers do not qualify for membership in a Baptist Church (or in any other Church for that matter), how can they qualify to "pastor" a Baptist church? Are these not surely "blind leaders of the blind?" They ought most definitely to be on the outside of the Church for "without are dogs..." -adapted from the Voice of Victory, the publication of Victory Baptist Church, Hartford, Alabama. Gene Baxley, pastor- _______________________________________________________________ 30, 1952 --New York. The National Council of Churches presents its copyrighted and authorized Revised Standard Version of the Bible. In addition to removing the prophecy of the Virgin Birth from Isaiah 7:14, and of taking the Deity of Christ out of a score of passages, it presents the Neo-Orthodox position of Inspiration of the Scriptures. In its Preface this view of Inspiration fails to accept the Bible as literally, verbally and plenarily inspired. It maintains the meaning of the Scriptures may be found somehow "hidden under words." On March 14, 1961, the New English Bible will appear and will stir up a storm of heated debate in Great Britain. The Trinitarian Bible Society of London will appraise the book saying, "The Translators,’ Preface to the Authorized Version of 1611 reverently acknowledges the Divine Inspiration and Authority of the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God, a gift from Heaven. One seeks in vain for any such testimony in, the new version. The Preface and the long statement issued by the sponsors at the time of publication are silent on the subject..." It is called "a version so utterly alien to the faith of our fathers, and unacceptable to those who still cherish some respect for the old paths." ___________________ "God forgives Repentant souls for Jesus’ sake." |