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Text: "My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother." (Prov. 1:8) Luther declared that when parents do not teach their children the ways of the Lord, there is such a perversion of nature as when fire does not burn, or water wet. A parent who is not a parent to his children is apparent. Even the animals teach us that parents have the duty to provide food, shelter and protection for their children; but since man is better than the animals, God holds people responsible to teach their children more than the animals do. While animals protect their young when they are young and unable to care for themselves, people have the added duty to care for their parents when they become weak or infirm. There are many such distinctives that distinguish between animals and man. Solomon declared the spirit of the beast "goeth downward" and the spirit of man "goeth upward" (Eccles. 3:21). God gave man dominion over the animals (Gen. 9:2,3). Since the animals of earth were made for time, the actions they do concern time; but man was made in the image of God and therefore the actions men do affect eternity. For this reason people are to teach their children to a greater degree than do the animals. Manners For instance, people are to teach their children proper manners. They are not to allow their children to grow up rude, stubborn, and unruly. Where there is only one parent, this duty falls entirely upon the single parent. Even grandparents cannot correct the vices that take root in a child through parental neglect. Single parenthood is no excuse for having impudent and disrespectful children. Work Parents are to teach their children how to earn a living. Parents who do not teach their children how to earn a living teach them to steal. The Holy Ghost says that if any will not work, neither should he eat. (II These. 3:10) This Biblical principle was applied by Captain John Smith to the inhabitants of Jamestown. The Apostle declared that Christians are to labor with their hands "the thing that is good," and then he gives the reason: "That he may have to give to him that needeth." (Eph 4:28) "The thing that is good," means "honest work." Honest work makes people useful to their generation. Parents are to teach their children honest and therefore useful work. John Norton preached, "Idleness in youth is scarcely healed without a scar in age." "Honest Work," I.e. "The thing that is good," is useful to society. No other work is lawful, because it is not "good." Therefore, such things as nightclubs and lotteries are unlawful because they are not useful to society, and therefore they are not good. They are contrary to the law of God. Someone may object arguing that they serve a purpose. No, they do not. Instead, they multiply transgressors among men. Parents have the duty to parent. Although children are little people, they are not adults, and the parents who have treated them as adults, allowing their children to make their own choices without among them guidance -such parents will have plenty of sorrows for their neglect. Parents who have left their children to rear themselves have by their permissiveness effectually cursed their children for this generation. Rude, stubborn and unruly children make for rude, stubborn and unruly saints even when God’s grace intervenes. Marriage Parents have the duty to see to it that their children are well married. It is not enough that parents see their children marry. They cannot wipe their brow and assume their responsibilities are met. Their duty is to see their children are well married. Benjamin Wadsworth preached, "Virtue and piety are rather to be sought for in a husband or wife, than beauty or riches." Children must be taught and trained, or we will see them play the fool. Often the greatest hindrance to children is the blinded affection of their parents, but the most serious infraction of parents is the general neglect of the souls of their children. Heaven Parents have the duty, before all others, to teach their children how they may land safely on the shore of Heaven. For this, children must be taught the value of Christ as Lord and Saviour. They must be taught the way to Christ, and how, if God calls them, they may have Christ. The knowledge of other things, though ever so important, is important only with regard to this life. A man can be accepted into Heaven without the knowledge of reading, writing and arithmetic, but the knowledge of Christ is indispensable. Without this knowledge, our children are miserable for all eternity. If you have any compassion for your children, labor night and day that they might know Christ. "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." (Jn. 17:3) THE GODLY DOCTRINE OF DIVISION Let the reader join us in examining three Scripture texts, after which we shall make application. Christ’s Mission of Division Jesus asked His disciples, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, ‘Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother-in-law against the daughter –in-law, and the daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law." (Luke 12:51-53) Since Jesus came to bring division on earth, the proper preaching of Christ will result in division. Multitudes of people will not receive it but will oppose it, and will be enraged by it. Sinners are at peace in the world in the sense that they are of the world and the world knows them and acknowledges them. They approve of each other. They are all heading the same way. Therefore, when the true gospel is preached, there comes a division. This division separates families as it brings in discord. Unbelievers become provoked, as they hate them whose godly lives condemn their own. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters divide over the gospel; but this is the purpose of the gospel. This is the reason that in the book of Acts wherever the gospel was preached, persecution resulted. Everywhere the gospel of Christ was spoken against. This is the reason Jesus said His disciples were sent forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Jesus said, "I come not to send peace, but a sword." (Matt. 10:34) An Apostolic Injunction "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 3) The writer here declares "it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Although the flesh does not relish contending for that which is right, it is essential that we do so, for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints is committed to our trust; and if the virgin of faith Is not contended for, she will be compromised. Again, it is important that we note that the apostle says it is "needful" to contend for the faith. Godly Treatment for Trouble-Makers "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." (Rom. 16:17,18) There are some in the church who offend other Christians and out of pride, or ambition, or out of love for novelty, will separate members of the household of faith. Through their censure and spirit of alienation they cause divisions contrary to the teaching of Scripture; and whenever truth is deserted, peace and harmony is lost. The Holy Ghost says, "Mark them," i.e. stigmatize them. Since they provoke wars and fightings within the church, "avoid them." For if they are allowed to remain in fellowship, they will infect others. We are not to be afraid to censure them because they serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but themselves. While such seducers often demonstrate tremendous kindness and courtesy, they pervert the right ways of the Lord. Application Every honest man knows the difference between "contending for the faith," and being "contentious;" between sowing discord among brethren (Prov. 6:19b), being factious, a schismatic, a trouble-maker; and "contending for the faith." But the moment a man decides to please people, he loses the ability to distinguish between the two. It is not long before such a man will offer but little resistance to the wolf, and to the thief, while opposing everyone who would "earnestly contend for the faith." To the degree that a pastor determines to please men, to that degree he ceases to please God. (Gal. 1:10) The gospel brings division. It is designed to do so. The Prince of Peace, the meek and mild Lamb of God came to set fathers against their sons, and sons against their fathers; mothers against their daughters, and daughters against their mothers; mothers-in-law against their daughters-in-law, and daughters-in-law against the mothers-in-law. "Think not that I am come to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Matt. 10:34) This is the reason "There shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left." (Lk. 17:34-36) "For many are called, but few chosen." (Matt. 22:14) This is the reason that in a family there may be a saintly wife, or a virtuous son, while other members of the family have not the slightest love for the Lord. Fanny Crosby understood this when she penned the prayer for sinners, While on others Thou art calling Do not pass me by. The God Who IS still has not arrived from the printer. Perhaps next week
TERTULLIAN’S Exhortation To Christian Psychologists, Christian Socialists, and Theistic Evolutionists "Part company with the pagan, o heretic! So long as you are a Christian, you are a different man from a heathen. So give him back his own views on things. After all, he does not accept yours. Why lean upon a blind guide, if you have eyes of your own? Why be clothed by one who is naked, if you have put on Christ? Why use the shield of another, when the apostle gives you armor of your own?" (quoted in Pilgrim Pathway, Nov./Dec. 1992, Charles Shofstahl, editor) Text: "...The iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full." (Gen. 15:16b) Where was God when, in Judges chapter 19, the men of Belial were abusing the concubine all night long? He was waiting. Men and nations like a cup have a tolerance level of iniquity beyond which they cannot pass. This "cup" of iniquity fills more slowly for some than for others, so the men of Sodom were "sinners before the Lord exceedingly." (Gen. 13:13) Until men fill their measure of iniquity, they live under the merciful hand of God, although they are already condemned. The wicked may prosper so long as the measure of sins is not yet full. During this time, God gives them time to repent. If they turn not with a repenting heart, they will treasure up wrath against the day of wrath, the day of the righteous Judgment of God. (Rom. 2:5) Barring the intervention of God, wicked men will continue in their wickedness. When the cup of iniquity is filled --when justice cannot tolerate one more act of iniquity, the wrath of God is poured out, and His fury is unleashed. The Judgment of God is not hasty, but the Almighty will not wait forever to punish everyone who persists in his obstinacy. So long as a man is able to feel shame, the mercy of God is not yet withdrawn, and the day of grace has not yet come to a close. The judgment of men and of nations is carefully meted out. The Amorites were not driven out of the land until the wickedness required they be expelled. When the wrath of God was poured out, it was poured out upon all, not even infants were spared. The great mercy and kindness of God is seen by His long-suffering. So, He waited in the days of Noah; and with the inhabitants of Sodom; and with the men of Benjamin; and with Pharaoh; and with the Amorites; and He as waited long with the United States. He suffers much and long with the vessels of wrath that are "fitted to destruction." (Rom. 9:22) The long-suffering of God was known in the Old Testament as "the forbearance of God."-(Rom. 3:25) He delayed inflicting upon them the punishment they deserved. Instead, He became their surety, or earnest. He engaged Himself to assume their nature, to pay their debts, and to make satisfaction for them. He accepted animal sacrifices from their hand although there was no inherent value in them to atone for sins. He waited. He waited until He should come and make His soul an offering for sin. He justified Old Testament saints; pardoned on the merits of His eternal Son, saved by faith in the sacrifice of Christ that was yet to be made. We are very grateful to Dr. William Owens,
Pastor of the Crawford Avenue Baptist Church, Augusta, Ga. for
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