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Text: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Col. 2:8). Not but a few years ago, much talk surfaced in the free world concerning the re-education programs undertaken in Communist countries. People who either would not, or who could not, conform to Communist ideology were sentence to long hours of re-education or were sent to –re-education camps. Suppose that in the time-enduring battle against truth and righteousness, the forces of evil planned the overthrow of a once proud, God-blessed people. How might they go about it? In the film Becket, Charlton Heston makes an astounding admission: he says, " A good occupation force must not crush, it must corrupt." This worldly-wise policy is known in Scripture as the doctrine of Balaam, for when the backslidden prophet could not curse the people of God, he taught the king of Moab to corrupt the Israelites. This is known in Scripture as the doctrine of Balaam. How would the enemies of God wreak their treason against America? They would work to establish a new morality upon American society that would actually be immorality. To do this, they would need only a two-pronged attack: first, to capture the educational system, and second, to capture the entertainment industry. Education In order to ensure godly principles among their people, the Puritans in New England first established a college—Harvard College (1636). They sought to influence the present generation. After that, they turned their attention to the nursery. It is therefore ironic as it is devilish that the world of the ungodly has also worked first to corrupt the colleges of America, and now are busying themselves to corrupt the children of America. Consider the fact that if the thoughts expressed here are not idle ramblings, how could America be re-educated? How might this be undertaken? I suggest, it could be done first, by requiring compulsory education, i.e. make education a requirement for all children. Second, require accreditation of all schools. Third, require that all teachers receive certification. This could be done fourth, by requiring all teachers enroll in continuing education programs. Compulsory Education In what other country is education compulsory? In other countries, children who have no desire to be in school, along with those who lack the ability for book "larnin" are taught a trade. Schooling is not for everyone. The lack of schooling does not mean that a person is stupid; neither does it make a person a second-rate individual. Every man should be respected for his honest toil. Work is honorable whether it is accomplished by physical exertion, or by mental exertion. Where would society be without mechanics, and garbage collectors? Still, what would society be where everyone did such work, and there were no students to study their history, their law, or the Holy Scriptures? Everyone is necessary, and all are worthy of respect who labor honestly. It was the boast of 19th century America that 99 percent of Americans were able to read and to write. (Dupont De Nemours in National Education in the United States, Delaware University, Delaware Press; 1922, pp. 3-5). A similar study made in 1910 found that only 2.5 percent of Americans were illiterate. With compulsory education, America can now claim only 74 percent of Americans are literate. (Illiterate America, by Jonathan Kozol, Garden City, New York, Armor Press). There must therefore be a purpose for compulsory education other than the scholarship: there is- it is to teach a new morality to the children of America. With the epidemic of teenage murder, drug use, rape, etc. unleashed upon American society, deny it at your own risk. In the Peach State, school children have scored 49th in the nation in the Verbal portion of SAT scores; i.e. only one state scored more poorly. In Math, Georgia’s children ranked 50th in the nation --but Georgians need not be concerned because their state officials have announced yet another sex education program! Accreditation, and Certification Does school accreditation and teacher certification really mean a better education? Or does it rather mean an education that is government approved and government mandated? Accreditation in education like church incorporation in law, is only a new concept. Most people are not aware that Harvard is not accredited. Continuing Education No teacher who is at all conscientious will cease learning his or her subject matter. But continuing education is not concerned about subject matter: it is intended instead to transform teachers into "change agents" –to conform them to the agenda of those who would subvert the nation. Therefore, teachers must be subjected to re-education programs. "Quality Based Education" and "Outcome Based Education" amount to student "support" groups in which students are taught a new morality. They are not taught academics. In all academic courses, it is necessary to teach subject matter, but this is not the purpose of modern American education. Reading Programs In recent years, there has been an attempt made to initiate reading programs in which whole schools agree to read so many hundreds of books in return for the school teacher to swallow a goldfish, or for the principal to spend the night on the school roof. Before we blindly shout and jump for joy that "children are at least reading" consider first what it is they are reading. Are they reading books that are morally wholesome and that are historically accurate? Or are they reading books that are duly approved, and that come "highly recommended" but that promote moral perversity? Are they reading books that are edifying and ennobling, or are they reading books that are damaging to the soul? Remember, the purpose of present-day education is to teach a new morality. Entertainment The second prong in the attempt to Re-educate America is the Entertainment Industry. With the fervor of an evangelist, television teaches the new morality while Radio continues to pump rock music 24 hours a day. America’s fascination with rock music has so dulled the senses that drug addicted, sex-crazed, moral degenerates who produce the music are emulated as heroes and heroines, fit examples for the children of America. Everything has surrendered to the music of rock. Nearly everything uses it to advertise. It has become the music of America, but it is degenerate. God says, "Be still, and know that I am God;" but where can we escape the sound of rock? It follows us into the grocery store, into the restaurant, and for most people, even into the church. The result is, there is no quiet in which we can meditate. Hence, this is a generation that knows not God. What It Is That Is Being Taught The New Morality is designed for a global community of international citizens for the New World Order. Therefore, in the mid-1800’s, a copy of John Angell James’ book it teaches that distinctions must be removed that separate the genders, the "races", and the religions of others. These traitors are teaching that all religions are equal --that one is as good as another; that immorality such as sodomy, paedophilia, etc. is acceptable behavior. The Bible warns, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Col. 2:8). "Beware" because great harm will come if we allow ourselves to be "spoiled." "Beware lest any man spoil you..." "Any man" --no one in particular, simply "any man." Or, it can mean a man from whom you would not expect the touch of destruction. "Any man," i.e. any at all. "Spoil," i.e. cause you to stink, and to rot; to lose your salutary influence. What good is that which is spoiled? When it loses its savor, it loses its usefulness. Note how people are spoiled, and thereby ruined: it is "through philosophy and vain deceit;" it is "after the traditions of men," it is on account of "the rudiments of the world," it is all those things that are "not after Christ." The way of Christ is the way of life; it is the way of blessing. Neither entertainment nor education can be divorced from the teachings of Christ; and the moment either is no longer "after Christ," it is not only harmful but also capable of spoiling, i.e. of ruining us. The on-going battle of truth and righteousness CANNOT be won through legislation; it can only be maintained by a recurring, God-sent revival. _____________________________ --History of the United States by Rev. Charles Goodrich, Congregational minister. Copyright 1822. Order from Mrs. June Griffin, 522 Crestview, Dayton, TN 37321. Cost $12.50. You may be a true Christian, but if you think you were taught history when you went to a state school, you reason like a fool. OF RUNNING DOWN OTHERS The psalmist said, "I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me" (Psalm 39:1). At issue is the irreparable harm, i.e. the unrepairable damage, that can be done by Christians undermining the testimony of another Christian. Unbelievers eagerly seize a Christian’s wounded testimony as an excuse to dismiss any good that he might have done. Ungodly men harden themselves in their sins when they hear the people of God belittle other believers. What damage have we inflicted by refusing to hold our tongues! Humanly speaking, Christians can effectively shut up all influence for good another might have. Yet, God Himself calls other believers "saints, i.e. holy one," and says their death is precious, even when we do not believe they have attained our level of maturity. "Who art thou that judgeth another man’s servant? ...Why dost thou set at nought thy brother? ...Let us not therefore judge one another anymore; but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way" (Rom. 14:4,10,13). As of this writing, Anna Judson Fellows, a 17-year-old junior at Curtis Baptist School in Augusta, Ga. Is in Moscow. Twenty-five persons in all from Curtis Baptist Church (and School), Grace Baptist Fellowship, First Presbyterian Church, and Westminster Presbyterian Church are there for the purpose of assisting churches and generally seeking to bear vital testimony to the truth of God. Our Anna is carrying (2) copies of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, (2) copies of Egermeier’s Bible Story Book, 40 copies of Edwards’ sermon "Sinners In The Hands of AN Angry God," and 5 Bibles. All these are in the Russian language. She also has 2-3 copies of our books God Hath Spoken and The God Who Is. In the mid-1800’s, a copy of John Angell James’ book The Anxious Inquirer reached a small town on the American frontier. It is said that 17 people gave credible evidence of salvation after reading this single volume. Oh, what the Lord could do, if He will. The land of Russia has been closed for 70 years. It will close again any day now, and when it does, it may be for another 70 years, or perhaps forever. May the lord be pleased to multiply our humble offerings as He did the loaves and the fishes so long ago. Please pray for Anna, and for all on this venture that much good fruit will redound to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ. Text: "I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil" (Rom. 16:19b). From the text it is clear that God wants His people to be wise, i.e. skilled and practiced, concerning that which is good; but simple, i.e. unwise, concerning evil. To put it another way, God wants us to be knowledgeable concerning good, but ignorant concerning evil. Yet in recent years parents have been subjected to the poisonous doctrine that says they should not shelter their children, but should allow them to experience what the real world is like. The soul-defiling doctrine forms the basis for school curricula, and has been accepted by many Christians. School boards around the country are requiring children to read filthy books because this is "reality." It is the rationale behind sex education that since children are going to be promiscuous any way, schoolteachers can teach them how to sin safely. But evil is contagious, and the more it is taught or interviewed by Phil, Sally, Montel, Arsenio, etc. the more it is promoted. Scripture says, "It is a shame to speak of those things that are done of them in secret" (Eph. 5:12). "Evil communications corrupt good manners." (I Cor. 15:33). The movie industry uses the Reality argument to justify its lawlessness. But why does such reality only portray the lowest depths of human depravity? Why is it that such "realism" never portrays a godly family? This is realism. If the "real world" is not being portrayed—not really, how is this realism? Nevertheless, this soul-corrupting doctrine has twisted the thinking of many Christians into believing we should expose our children to vices in order that they may know to reject them! The same argument is used by churches who turn to Rock music to reach teen-agers...except they never teach them to turn from the world. How different is godly instruction! The Bible teaches us that God wants His people to be experienced concerning good, but inexperienced concerning evil. He wants us to be good, and therefore, He wants us to be ignorant of all nastiness. He wants us to be wise concerning that which is good, but simple concerning that which is evil. This ignorance is bliss.
"May God Smile On You." –J.S. Bach |